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Im Jaebum and Park Jinyoung grew up together in the same neighbourhood in Busan. They went to the same high school, joined the same band and fell in love. They went to the same music school in Seoul, graduated and made a name for themselves. Or at least Jaebum did. Jaebum became one of the most well-known youngest composers in Korea and is now known as JB though he started with the screen name Defsoul. He made songs for the most popular artists. And Jinyoung, he stayed by JB’s side and became one of JB’s indispensable lyricist.

It has almost been a decade that they are together. They are now 22. They live in the same apartment. Separate rooms though. They made a promise to marry each other and build a family when they reach 27 or when JB decides he is ready to settle.

JB is artistically-gifted, hardworking and so in love with Jinyoung. All his songs says it all. Jinyoung is like the air that he breathes, the ground that keeps him from falling; figuratively speaking, the person he can’t live without. In some stressful days when he gets really angry and experiences panic attacks, only Jinyoung can get him to calm himself. In days when he is so out of the weather for working his out, Jinyoung takes care of him. And just like any other day, Jinyoung gives him strength and keeps him going.

Jinyoung is passionate, poetic and loves Jaebum with all his heart. His lyrics says it all. JB gives him purpose and direction, like the Polaris star in the dark night sky. He exists for JB and, he will be by his side whenever he needs him. However, in his mind, JB always deserves better. JB deserves someone better than him. Someone who can perhaps help him gain even more fame and fortune or, perhaps someone who can properly give him a family. Someone JB’s parents always wanted for him, with the likes of superstar singer-actress Bae Suzy who is by the way a good friend of theirs. He can do everything and anything for the other’s behalf, even if it means letting him go.





JB’s company begins work at around 9am. It was 9:45am when Jinyoung already finished a new set of lyrics for the new boy group Seventeen when…

“Jinyoung, please tell me I am not wrong to file a case against Ravi and his company. They basically plagiarised one of our songs, thinking we wouldn’t notice since it was a less popular song of Suzy’s.” JB charges into Jinyoung’s office with rage and defeat in his voice.

Jinyoung drops his pen and notepad, pulls his boyfriend to sit on the couch and says, “By the tone of your voice, looks like you’ve already figured we’ll lose the case?”

“He just gets on my nerves. He even sends me a pair of lawyers and some fake evidence. Also, he threatens to counter every song I send out in the market. He says if Twice comes out with a new song, he’ll hand over a song to Red Velvet for free just to get back at me.” He looks at Jinyoung likes he’s going to cry. JB hates losing the most.

Jinyoung gives him a warm hug, drawing random circles on his back. “We can always get Leo on our side. I can talk to him. Make Ravi’s team lose one of their best composers.”

“That’s tempting.” JB chuckles a little. He pulls away from the hug to look at Jinyoung properly, “But I don’t want that, I know we’ll easily get Leo, but it’s because he’s charmed by you. I know he means no harm, since he is a nice guy, but still I won’t risk it.”

Jinyoung smiles at this. “So you are admitting that you’re jealous?” he teases.

“I have the right to be jealous. You are so gorgeous if you haven’t noticed yet.” JB finally cheers up.

Jinyoung unexpectedly lets out a deep sigh of relief. “You don’t know how scared I was you’d get another panic attack just now.”

JB smiles wider, “That’s why I came in here to see your face. I thought I was gonna have one too, but thank God—-

Jinyoung cuts JB off with a 3-second kiss. “I love you hyung, stop making me worry.”

JB smirks before he kisses him back more passionately. “You know that I love you more.”




Lunch in JB’s office was unexpected with JB’s mother coming over. Not surprisingly, she brought her favorite daughter-in-law-to-be, Suzy.

“I’m so sorry, Jinyoung. She told me she wanted me to go shop for lanterns with her in Chinatown, but she tricked me into stopping by here first. I really am sorry.” Suzy immediately goes to Jinyoung’s side.

Jinyoung smiles sincerely, “No harm done. Want some white chicken and egg rolls?”

“Thanks, Jinyoung.” Suzy takes a bite of what Jinyoung offered in his lunch box.

“These dishes look expensive, where'd you ordered them, son?” JB’s mom exclaimed.

“Jinyoung made them.” JB says proudly.

“Oh. Well, have you tried Suzy’s seaweed soup? They are the best.”

“I’m sure I did, mom. When you force Suzy to send me her dish every year on my birthday, I will surely remember the taste.” JB says sarcastically.

“If you’ll excuse us, mom. We are still having our lunch. I would have asked you to join us, but I wouldn’t, since the last time you knew you were eating my Jinyoung’s dish, you kept on complaining nonsense.”

“Jaebum hyung, don’t say that.” Jinyoung holds JB’s hand. “I’m sorry, auntie. You know how your son’s temper is. Maybe I should leave you guys—”

“Jinyoung, you are staying here.” JB holds onto Jinyoung’s hand firmly. “Mom, please leave. I’ll visit you some other time.”

“Hyung!” Jinyoung never wants JB to lose his family over him.

Out of shock, JB’s mom becomes speechless. It’s one of the few times his son has embarrassed him in front of people. The first time was when JB brought home Jinyoung to their house full of guests, introducing him as his boyfriend. The second time was when JB deliberately kissed Jinyoung in front of his father just to prove a point that he’s unwilling to be set-up for dates. And now…

“Auntie, we should go.” Suzy urges JB’s mom.

“I know you are a good boy, Jinyoung, but you can’t be with my son. You can’t give him a family which he deserves. You know he’s not going to marry you.”

“Mom, please stop! We are only 22! I’ll marry him tonight if that will shut you up!”

“You wouldn’t!” JB’s mom is now outraged.




Jinyoung rests his head on JB’s chest as they sit on one of the couches on JB’s office. “You were only kidding, right? Marrying me tonight? Besides, you still have a plane to catch.”

JB’s grip on Jinyoung’s waste tighten. “We are basically married already, Jinyoung. I hope you understand that by now. Besides, I want to make a grand proposal, ‘cause it’s the least I can do. I won’t let my mom or my dad ruin that.”

“I’ll miss you, hyung.” Jinyoung snuggles closer.

“I miss you already. And ah— I’ve asked Jackson to keep you company while I’m not around.”

“Hyung, I’m an adult. Stop asking your baby brother to care for me when he’s got a life. Jackson’s a busy lad. Look at how he’s getting a lot offers from all cable networks. He’s probably going to be the next nation’s MC.”

“Besides I can’t get on his bad side with me bugging him despite his busy schedule; he’s the only one in your family that actually likes me.” Jinyoung laughs at his own joke.

JB sits up and holds Jinyoung’s shoulders, “I know you are having a hard time, you don’t have to hide it.”

Jinyoung gives him a huge grin, “I’m fine, I am. And yes, I’ll call Jackson when I’m bored.”

JB pulls Jinyoung into his arms, “Trust me, I’m fine with just you and me. We don’t need to have kids. Also, we can always adopt if you want.”

“Okay.” Jinyoung knows that JB always wanted a child but he will never express this directly because of their situation.

“Well, who knows maybe one of us can carry a child. It’s not entirely impossible. Statistics say 15% or now close to 20% of the male population can now reproduce.” JB quirks up.

“You, getting pregnant for our family?” Jinyoung’s raises an eyebrow.

“Babe, I will do anything to make you happy.”

Jinyoung knows JB is only trying to lighten up the situation so he goes along and nods vigorously. He then sends his beloved off the airport happily.




Jinyoung visits the hospital often without JB knowing, he badly wants to know the possibility of him having a child. And today was not a good day. The doctor told him, he has very low chances of producing a baby.

Little did he know a chipmunk followed him around the whole time he was in the hospital.

“Jinyoung, my bestfriend! What’s with the gloomy face? Wait! Don’t tell me you are sick?! Does my big brother know?!”

Jinyoung was so startled he dropped the papers he was holding. “Yah, Jackson! How did you know I was here?!”

“As your best friend, also future brother-in-law, I’m on guard duties. Wait, what’s this?” Jackson picks up the medical records before Jinyoung can stop him.

“Jackson, please hand them over.”

“Wait, Jinyoung, what does this mean? Negative? You were testing for the gene XY? Why? You want to have a baby?”

“Yes. And please don’t tell hyung. This isn’t serious. I’m just try—-

“This isn’t your first time. This is your sixth month continuously taking meds to get you fertile. It says it all in this file. Wait, are you and my hyung even doing it? This is usually—-

“Give it back!” Jinyoung steals the papers back. “This is none of your business.”

Jackson sighs, “You know very well that my brother loves you just the way you are. Besides, you guys are s, how can you even get pregnant.”

“I just wanted to increase the chances before anything happens. Jackson, please leave this alone.”

“Alright, alright.” Jackson has always been sympathetic towards his best friend. He knows how much Jinyoung worries about giving his brother a family ever since he saw him with their nephews and nieces last Christmas. “How about we go clubbing to get your mind of things?”




The club they went to is for VIPs who can afford to get wasted during daylight.

Jackson was persistent in making Jinyoung dance with him. They were having a pretty good time when Jackson’s manager asked him to leave for a cooking program he hosts.

“I’m really sorry Jinyoung, the producers called and, they have to start the schedule early ‘cause we invited G-Dragon and, he’s only free today.”

“It’s okay. Maybe I’ll stay here for a while, drink a little before going back to the office.”

The truth is that Jinyoung wanted to sulk all day, imagining how JB would be leaving him when he finally realizes he’s already tired of him. That’s Jinyoung, always being hard on himself.




Jinyoung sat quietly by the bar, ordering some beer, when someone sat beside him.

“I’m Mark Tuan, you are?”

“Underground rapper Mark Tuan, Jackson’s friend from Taiwan. I know he’d find someone to keep me company. Brothers really think the same.” Jinyoung extends his hand.

Mark shakes it. He smiles adoringly, “I believe he m

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Chapter 2: Whooop dint see Jack-Zy coming lol
Chapter 1: Jaaaaaeeeeebbbbb! You truly are in love!
Please do accept Jinyoung's baby like your own
I do hope you two will have a baby of your own as well :3

I wonder if Mark will try and be a father to his child with JY..hmmmm

Awww and Gyeom and his hilarious lie to Jackson! Haha
Chapter 1: Kind mad you would use ravi as someone who would plagiarize something when vixx is always being plagiarized ): but oh well, let me read the rest...
Chapter 2: Lol the proposal was great haha. I thought of something that would break them up but yeah I love the act!
Not that I wanted another problem but i wondered, mark confessed of what he has done but he didnt even see jinyoung or just his baby. Anyway, JJP is just the best couple
wheres-my-cookie #5
Chapter 2: I honestly thought Ravi was going to say something awful and then break up their relationship... but it turned out Jaebum was just going to propose xD I'm glad they have their happy ending! :) Thank you for writing this! ^-^
Chapter 3: Beautiful story,i hope i can have a boyfriend like jaebum.. I hate mark to destroy what they have..
yeoljamxing0727 #7
Chapter 3: I love this story! Everything went so well. That acting by JB and Ravi tho. LoL Thank you authornim! :)))
tootoothree #8
Chapter 2: I love how this fic had drama and everything ended nicely. For a oneshot, its pretty great! You manage to condense a 14 episode drama into a one-shot fic LOL xD And I especially like the aspect of Jackson as Jaebum's brother and his right-hand man for everything.
Pum216 #9
Chapter 1: I love how you describe side characters as well as our main couple. Such a proposal scene at the end I like it a lot. Please write more <3
fl0wermask #10
This is so cuteeee! I really like it and jjp is life!
Good job authornim! Keep up the good work~ ♡♡♡

I'm reading it for the second time olredi lol