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Bangtan was a brotherhood. Bangtan was always together. The name Bangtan meant so much to them. They were always one. They vowed to never leave each other, to always support each other. But that all changed... when Jin died. Each member grieved, trying to cope with the pain, but would they ever make it out of the tunnel of darkness that engulfed them?


Inspired by Run, I Need U and the Prologue



There are really no words to describe "Run". They look amazing and their voices were freaking perfect. Perfection. *content sigh* Anyways, enjoy reading!

By Admins V and L






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Chapter 2: Well, OW.

(Noo... why isn't there more?!? I must find out what happens!)
Chapter 1: Yup, this is... this is exactly the pain that I was looking for when I looked for tragic BTS stories.

Why do I do this to myself.
Chapter 2: Oh my god!!! This is just beautiful! I promised myself I wouldn't cry but my eyes betrayed me!! Love the story! Please keep it going! (: