Always So Beautiful

Always So Beautiful

Namjoon didn't know what to expect when he heard a loud sneeze and a clatter from the back room of the flower shop he'd only been in for about ten minutes, but it surely wasn't a brunette scratching at red eyes and wiping at a red nose as he came out of the back.


"Can I help you?" He asked, voice nasally as he approached Namjoon. He sniffled slightly and looked a little dizzy. 


"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Namjoon asked, worried for the stranger. 


"I'm fine, sir. This is completely normal." 


"Are you sure?" Namjoon's eyes widened. 


"Yeah yeah, I'm fi- fi- fi-" He stopped stuttering long enough to sneeze. "I'm fine." He finally finished, smiling at Namjoon. "I'm Seokjin, welcome to my shop." 


"Are you sure you're fine?" Namjoon asked again. 


"I'm fine! I just, I ran out of allergy pills last night." 


"You're allergic to flowers but you own a flower shop." Namjoon realized. "Are you stupid?" 


"I'm not allergic to flowers. I'm allergic to pollen." Seokjin corrected him. "And I just really love flowers. Aren't they beautiful?" 


"Yeah." Namjoon agreed, turning back to the pink roses he was looking at. "These are my mom's favorites. Its her birthday." He smiled, reaching to gently touch the petals. 


"How cute." Seokjin chuckled, coughing because of his stuffed nose. 


"Do you need anything? Tissues? Eye drops? Allergy pills?" 


"I'm fine, really." Seokjin assured him, sneezing three times before smiling dizzily at Namjoon. 


"You need to sleep, kid. Don't you have employees who can work?"


"Just one, but he has classes right now. He'll be in soon. I'll be fine." Seokjin eyed Namjoon up and down. "And I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."


"How old are you?" Namjoon asked. 


"26. You?" 


"25." Namjoon sighed in defeat. "You still need to get to bed and take care of yourself." 


"I'm 26, I can handle myse-se-" Seokjin sneezed so hard he stumbled backwards, almost falling. 


"What did I say?" Namjoon asked, catching and steadying the elder. 


"I can't just close up shop, I have loyal customers." 


"You said your employee will be here soon?" 


"He's not ready to run the shop by himself." 


"Then close up." 


"I can't. Don't you understand? If I close up, I'm giving into myself and I can't prove them right. I can't do that to myself. I'm just an idiot who's allergic to pollen and opened a flower shop." 


"Come on. Go home. Close up." 


"Alright." Seokjin relented, pulling Namjoon into a hug. "Thanks, kid." He patted Namjoon's back. 


"Can you ring me up, first? It really is my mom's birthday." Namjoon felt bad for asking, but he really needed the flowers. 


"Yeah, of course." Seokjin let go of Namjoon to walk behind the counter. Looking at the price, he was pretty sure the flowers weren't actually that expensive, but he didn't say anything as he paid Seokjin. 


"Get some sleep." Namjoon said, still standing and holding the flowers as Seokjin locked up the shop. 


"I will. Thank you." Seokjin smiled at Namjoon as he walked toward his car. Namjoon smiled and placed the flowers in his passenger seat as he drove to his mother's house.




"Hi, welcome to Rosa de Fleur!" A chirpy young boy greeted Namjoon when he walked into the flower shop.


"It's fleur, Jeongguk!" A voice corrected from the back, coming out to the front  "You have to accent the- oh, hi." Seokjin blushed as he met Namjoon's eyes. 


"Hi. Feeling better?" 


"Much." Seokjin chuckled. "I got more pills." 


"Good." Namjoon smiled. "So, my friend's birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not actually sure what flowers she'll like." 


"Well, what's her personality?" Seokjin asked, walking around the counter. 


"Well, she's really quiet, but sweet. She's introverted, but not in a bad way, you know?" 


"Yeah, I know." Seokjin smiled. "These would be nice, maybe?" He handed Namjoon a bouquet of fluffy light pink flowers.


"They smell nice." Namjoon chuckled.


"They're pink peonies." 

"I think they'll fit her nicely. Thank you." Namjoon smiled sweetly at Seokjin. After he paid for the flowers and left, Jeongguk turned to Seokjin. 


"Who was that?" He asked. 


"He came in the day I ran out of pills. He the one who convinced me to close up shop." Seokjin smiled. 


"You like him." 


"Do not." Seokjin slapped Jeongguk's arm as another customer walked in. 


"He likes you." Jeongguk added once the lady left.


"No he doesn't." Seokjin immediately shot down the idea. He'd only known the man a few days, and he didn't even know his name! "I don't even know his name." He said before retreating back to the back room. 


"What's in a name!?" Jeongguk called back with a laugh. 


"My !" Seokjin countered. 


"Hyung!" Jeongguk whined, making Seokjin laugh loudly. 




"Namjoon." Namjoon told Jeongguk, the person writing the card for him. 


"That's your name?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. 


"Yes. Are you sure he's busy?" 


"I'm sure, Namjoon. Look, I'm already done." Jeongguk lifted the card and placed it in the bouquet. 


"Thanks, Jeongguk." Namjoon gave him a tight lipped smile as he paid. "Here, I'm sorry. I have to go. Keep the change." He said before bolting out the door. 


"Who was that?" Seokjin frowned, walking into the front. 


"Someone left you flowers, hyung!" Jeongguk exclaimed, handing Seokjin the bouquet. Seokjin raised an eye curiously but smelled the flowers, smiling. He picked up the card and read the name written across it, in Jeongguk's handwriting. 


"What is this, Guk." Seokjin looked at him. 


"He wanted me to write it! Just read it!" The younger whined. Seokjin sighed and opened it, reading the note. 


I wasn't sure what you liked, so I just threw stuff together. I hope it's okay.. 


~ Namjoon 


Seokjin smiled and over the card. 


"It's the guy who likes you." Jeongguk whispered in his ear before retreating to the back room. Seokjin smiled at the bouquet and smelled it again, smiling. 


It was at the back of his mind all day, the bouquet of flowers sitting in the backroom with the note from Namjoon still situated between the stems. 


"Namjoon." He mumbled to himself, looking down at the note in his hands once he was home. He sighed and bit his lip. 




"Hey, hyung." Jeongguk greeted when Namjoon walked into the flower shop. 


"Hey, Jeongguk." Namjoon chuckled, walking over to the counter. 


"You have a gift." Jeongguk grinned, lifting a bouquet of rainbow-colored roses with a note slituated right on top. He picked it up and opened it, smiling at the neat handwriting. 


You seemed like the type. I'm a bit of a flower guru. 


~ Jin 


"Cute." He chuckles, folding the card again and putting it back in the flowers. 


"Jin-hyung has a little bit of an ego, but he's usually right, so I let him call himself a flower guru." 


"I don't have money to buy a whole bouquet right now, but here." Namjoon picked up a single rise and handed it to Jeongguk. 


"It's okay, Jin-hyung will love it anyway." Jeongguk smiled, handing Namjoon a pen and a card. 




"Jin-hyung!" Jeongguk exclaimed when the elder walked into the store from buying seeds. 


"Yes, Jeongguk?" Seokjin asked, setting the bag down and going to the front to see Jeongguk holding out a single red rose. "Oh, Jeongguk, you're a little young-" 


"It's not from me, hyung!" Jeongguk sighed, holding out a card with his other hand. Seokjin chuckled and took them both, carefully setting the rose down before opening the card. 


I was in a rush, but I'm never too busy to remind you how beautiful you are. 

Even that first day with your red eyes and runny nose, you were beautiful.

I love the flowers, they're amazing, just like you. 


~ Namjoon 


Seokjin blushed at the card and looked at the rose, picking it up. 




Namjoon made the mistake of going to the shop on Valentine's day, but he was happy to notice another boy working the register while Seokjin and Jeongguk helped the - many - customers. 


"Hyung!" Jeongguk waved, walking over to help him. "Just go tell Tae who you are and he'll help you." Jeongguk patted Namjoon's shoulder before moving on. Namjoon managed to get through the customers to the boy at the cash register - Tae, as Jeongguk called him. 


"Hey, Jeongguk told me to tell you-"


"You must be Namjoon." Relization dawned on Tae and he went into the back and brought out two single flowers tied together with a bow. 


I'm glad you think I looked good that day, but I'm nowhere near as beautiful as you are.

I'll never be too busy for you either, so after the shop closes would you like to join me for dinner tonight? 

And for the record, daisies are my favorite flower.

~ Jin 


Namjoon nearly choked as he read the note. 


"Excuse me." A voice rang from behind and he quickly apologized, moving out of the way. Catching his eye, Seokjin finished helping his customer and joined Namjoon by the counter. 


"They're tulips." Seokjin smiled, gently touching the petals. Namjoon stared at him wide eyes. "What?" He asked. Namjoon didn't say anything, just leaned down and pressed his lips against Seokjin's. There was whooping Namjoon knew was from Jeongguk and he couldn't help but grin against Seokjin's lips as he pulled back. "Is that a yes?" Seokjin chuckled. 


"Yes." Namjoon nodded, holding up the flowers. "I have tulips." He said. 


"Yes." Seokjin frowned. 


"Tulips to kiss you with?" Namjoon gently hit the flowers against Seokjin's lips before leaning back down and kissing Seokjin. 


"That was so cheesy." Seokjin pulled back, blushing. 


"Well, it's Valetines say, and you gave me Tulips." 


"I guess I brought that on myself, then?" 


"You definitely did." Namjoon laughed. 


"Alright, get out of here. I have customers." Seokjin shoved Namjoon away and the younger had enough time to glance at Jeongguk pressing a kiss to Tae's cheek. "Yah! PDA's only allowed if it's me!" Seokjin scolded, making Namjoon laugh again. 


"I'll see you tonight, hyung." Namjoon grinned, pecking Seokjin's lips one last time. 


And if Namjoon's mom asked him later why he had so many flowers in his house, well, maybe he met a cute guy at the flower shop. 

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Princess_Lola24 #1
Chapter 1: Aw that was cute! The tulip pun was fantastic. Hahahahh
churroseventeen #2

oh my god one of the cheesiest pickup line ever damn

this is too cute awww great job authornim! ^^
_v_love #4
Chapter 1: Aww, what a cute masterpiece, well and cleary written, thank you ❤
Chapter 1: sweet as the flowers hehe
AndreeaRea #6
the story is so sweet, i love flowers too, and Jin and Namjoonie are my favourite biases (>////<) well done (^.^)
amysuju15 #7
Chapter 1: so sweet...
wishing to that moment too...