Crazy parents

Ticket to anywhere

"Mom!!!!" I yelled as soon I got my car. Though I hate to leave Seolhyun's side and now I felt a bit ually frustrated because of the almost thing happened to us. My fear from Mr. Jung is great enough to forget everything I am feeling.

"Oh? Why so early Amber?" My dad was the one who welcomed me. Wait. How am I going to tell them?

"Dad are you free tonight? You and mom actually." I said with such urgency. Well remembering how fierce Mr. Jung was, it's enough for me to piss in my pants.

"Yeah why? Ohh. Are we going somewhere?" My dad asked wiggling his eyebrows. Yes dad we are. My final judgment day.

"Yes. We're having a dinner." I said as calmly as possible. Please just say yes. Don't ask too much questions.

"Honey!!! Amber wants to have dinner with us." Peww I thought he'll ask more.

"With whom?" My mom asked. With whom? With a mafia boss. Damn. Amber think. Think.

"With a friend. Yeah with a friend. She asked me if we could have dinner with them."

"Eh? You have a friend Amber?" My mom walked towards us with an eyebrow arched.

"Y-yeah. Of course, i do. Come on mom. Dad said you two are free. And it'll be short." I said still convincing the two of them. Am I that socially reclusive? I do have friends in college right?

"Okay. Oh and before I forget how was the day with Seolhyun?" My mom try to dig up. Well it was fantastic not until the gorgeous devil appeared.

"Well. It was amazing." I said remembering how hot Seolhyun is and the thing. You know the thing!!

"Hehe I told you. You'll love your future wife. Wait until you see her sisters. If Baby Kim is burning hot. Hyuna and Ellin is 100x better." My mom said and I just looked at her indifferently.

"Eh mom? Why are you saying that?"

"Oh nothing. Just saying, cause I think you wont get enough of your future wife when you get married. I mean they were all in one package whoever you pick from those girls. Amber I want a dozen of grandchildren okay?"

"Mom!!!! In case you forgot. I am girl. Hear that?! I'm a freaking girl and a girl cant get another girl pregnant!!"

"Omona. You're a girl?" My mom gasped in horror and my father just laugh his off. I glared at him but still he wont stop.

"Yah!!! Mom!!!! How come you forget that?" I whined and she chuckled patting my back.

"It's hard not to. Hahaha you're too handsome. Well there are ways. Besides, the Kims are doctors so they'll know what to do. Don't worry just dont overworked yourself. I'm sure you got plenty of y time with those girls in the future." My dad said.

"Dad we didn't even know each other that much yet. At least for me. They said aunti and uncle Kim kept them updated bout me. While you two, you surprised me!!! You should've updated me too." I pouted.

"Well. Then it'd be not fun. Come on. You're captivated by the youngest right? It's our treat for you. By the way while you were in states we kept on meeting them. The girls are what you are looking for a wife. To be honest, I was rooting for baby Kim. She seemed so...innocent. If you know what I mean." My dad elbowed me. What the?! Of course. He even told me Seolhyun is a .

"Wait wait. I thought we agreed with Hyuna?!" My mom said.

"Well. Baby Kim is my pick." I asked and my dad did his crazy dance while my mom frowning.

"But you haven't met Hyuna. Sweetie, she's hot and I know she'll take good care of you. She works out too. Better stamina. She'll last long in bed." My mom said convincingly. What's wrong with my parents? All they think about my marriage life is !!!

"Mom!!! Do you even need to say that?!! It doesnt matter who'll I pick." I said yes. It doesn't matter cause I might marry a crazy woman.

"Waeyo?" The said in unison

"It just doesn't. Come on mom, dad, imma rest first. Dinner tonight, be ready. I said and left to my room. I wonder how will I know the devil's address and not long after I received a text from her.

*beep beep*

From: Evil Jung

Baby dinner's at 7. Be ready at 6:30. Someone will pick you up. See you.

P.S say hi from papa and momma liu for me mwah

Aishh. I should've known better. Lord help me get through this crazy .

Meanwhile at Kim's residence

"Oh. Date is over?" Mrs. Kim asked Seolhyun who is a little bit frustrated.

"Yes. Unfortunately she got things to do."

"Aigoo. Don't worry baby. I'm sure Amber just being responsible and all. Don't you like that? She'll be responsible enough. Such a good quality for a spouse right?" Mrs. Kim smiled at her sulking daughter. She knew that all her daughters like Amber. Not only because they highly approved of her but the tomboy seemed to captivate her girls' heart.

"But mom. You know that semester is coming. Meaning I'll be busy as hell again. What if unnies will make their move? I might lose her."

"Lose who?" A man said and smiled at his daughter lovingly.

"Dad!!!" The woman hugged the old man tightly.

"Aigoo. How's my baby?" The man asked.

"It was almost perfect but Amber got an important call. We didn't spend the whole day together." Seolhyun said remembering the 'emergency call' who disrupted their almost y time.

"Hey hey baby. What's up with the face? Don't worry. We'll set up her again with you. Have you two done it already?" Mrs. Kim asked sheepishly. The blush on Seolhyun wasn't helping either. The two older Kim knew the answer. Just that they misinterpreted it. Nothing happened but something almost happened.

"Mom!!!" Seolhyun just whined. Scolding her sly parents. How come they were so cool about marrying a girl? And even doing it with a girl?

"Okay, okay. Go upstairs and rest baby. I'll be preparing dinner for you."

On the way up she saw her oldest sister.

"Touch down already?" The woman raised an eyebrow. She wont lose to her youngest sister not now not never.

"Well what if yes?" The youngest answered with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter. Well she's see the difference when she get down with me anyways. I am the best after all." Hyuna said confidently said.

"Best? Since when? The last time I checked she is grunting in pleasure with me. So don't keep your hopes up sis. This time I got this." Seolhyun retorted back.

"Grunt? Well hear this baby sis. She might grunted with you but she'll scream with me. Who will settle for an inexperienced like you anyways?"

"I got Amber unnie. She's mine and I'll make sure of that." Though still unsure Seolhyun said calmly. She knew she stand a chance. Judging how Amber is ing on her.

"Well goodluck then. Just watch me." Hyuna whispered in Seolhyun's ear. Seolhyun doesnt like her confidence for a bit. That's why she chose a different profession from her sisters. She had enough keeping up withh expectations and all the comparisons. She is better if not the best from the three of them. She's not just an option and she deserves to be the first pick and she'll make sure of it.


Heyyyyy a little help guys please. Co-author pleaseeeee. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I really want to finish this quick. Real quick. Please please please.

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 12: Author nim please update
randrew1215 #2
Chapter 12: Author are you still going to update this?
mende1 #3
Chapter 12: how about an update?
user-E #4
Chapter 12: whats next?
GEoRuth #5
Chapter 12: Dead!!! When is the next one? Ahahahaha!
Zerozz #6
Chapter 12: That soo funny.. :)
Update more author-nim XD
GEoRuth #7
Chapter 12: hahahaha. Yeah you are so dead.
Chapter 12: ohhh....she be dead alright :) interesting story, hope you can continue :)

Chapter 12: Lol awesome update author XD