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ā€œPlease I donā€™t want to die.ā€

That was the same words I had heard for the past 3 years.

But no matter how much they cried and begged, I couldnā€™t do anything. By hook or by crook, I must perform my task. I must not disobey my Creator. I hoisted my scythe and without thinking twice I cut him down from his head to his toe to extract the soul from its body. Living human would never be able to see how the soul was removed from its owner neither could they heard the screaming of pain coming from the deceased.

Later, I heard the cried from the families when the machine beeped and showed a straight line on the screen. Despite the commotion was going on, I got ready to seal the soul while the soul that was attached at the end of my scythe blade was struggling to be freed which they will never could.

Nobody could escape death. Human should realize that and spend their times doing good deeds.

Didnā€™t they know howĀ painfulĀ andĀ fearsomeĀ was Death? Didnā€™t they realize that if they were doing badly throughout their life they will be shut down into Hell? Hell was scarier than Death.

Hi, I am 1607E. People on Earth called me the Grim Reaper, Soul Reaper or Angel of Death. I collected souls. Humans feared at the mention of my name which they shouldnā€™t because they were supposed to be more scared over God, my Creator. They came from my Creator and to my Creator they will return back for the Afterlife.


Sorry. Did I creep you out?

Hahaha I am so sorry! I didnā€™t mean to. I'm not a scary person. I'm a bubbly Shinigami!

Oh? You didnā€™t know what was Shinigami? Didnā€™t you guys watch the anime, Bleach?

*sound of crickets*

Like seriously?

Well duh.

Explanation: In the anime, they called the Grim Reaper as Shinigami.

I like that name. It sounded so cute. Besides, being living among humans in disguise to collect souls, I got to know lot about human world. Especially about those things they called Manga and Anime in some part of the Earth called Japan. It was so interesting.

We didnā€™t have that at Holy Sky City. All we had was a manual about what was human, how they lived and so on and a book about our jobs. It was boring. Despite of its boringness, I however managed to memorize the whole content of that thick book. I could recite all of the contents. Well if you wanted me to.

I found lot of entertainment in Earth. Too bad I couldnā€™t bring all of the stuff back to the Holy Sky City. Our guild leader would be furious about it.

Hence, I wanted to correct something about you human ā€˜imaginationā€™ of Shinigami. We didnā€™t wear cloak that covered us from head to toe. No we didnā€™t wear that. Instead, we, the Shinigami wore a beautiful silk dress in very very dark coloured. Well, we were supposed to look scary right? Oh when we walked, there will be glitters trailed after us. The men wore something similar to British-like. What was it called again? Ah yeah you human called it a tailcoat.Ā 

Next, we didnā€™t wield a scythe all the times. A big and hideous looking of scythe. That was what you human thought right? Nahh, we didnā€™t do that. The scythe was very heavy andĀ meĀ obviously wouldnā€™t be able to wield it all the time. I could break my arm and because of that our scythe was modified so it could transform into any accessories desired.

Oh and we had WINGS! Our wings were big and it could hide another person when we embraced them. I liked this chime thing named Bell on earth. I first discovered it on a catā€™s collar and when the cat walked, it chimed like music. Interested on it, I tied 2 small bells with a ribbon at the end of my wing, between the feathers. So every times I flew, the beautiful sound of it chimed.

Besides, I wanted the bells to be the last sound human heard before I extracted their souls since the sound was so soothing. Hmm... Iā€™m not sure if the deceased found that soothing though.

Last but not least, we werenā€™t ugly! I was so disappointed when I Goggled how you human described us. Shinigami knew how to use the Internet okay? Why did you imagine us looking all skinny, dark and dried skin with black cloak? If not looking all y with bra and --ā€˜

Gosh our faces were so pretty and handsome. How could you describe us so hideously?

Hereā€™s an example, you human especially the teenagers were crazy about K-pop right? Choi Siwon from Super Junior? Well at Holy Sky City we had someone who looked like him but he was 10 t

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