Beginning and Final

I Miss You

“Jaeyee, hurry up. We are going to be late baby. It’s your first day of school.”

“Wait five minutes more mommy. I want to look good on my first day.”

“Okay then. But no more fried chickens for you. I’ll be waiting in the car.”

Less than five minutes, Jaeyee went into the car, sitting beside her mother. Jaera was surprised to see her daughter went into the car in a short time. She laughed at her daughter.

“Guess, my baby girl really want to eat fried chickens today. But I don’t feel like eating fried—“

“Mommy!!! I want to eat fried chicken! F-R-I-E-D  C-H-I-C-K-E-N!” She crossed her arms while pouting.

“Arasseo, we will go to eat fried chicken after school finished. Okay?”

“Okay! That’s why I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah. You only love me when I buy you fried chickens.” Jaera pouted at her daughter and Jaeyee gave her an eyesmile.

Both of them arrived at Jaeyee’s school. She turned eight in that year so she was going to a primary school.

“Mommy, do I look okay?”

“Yes you do. You actually didn’t need the jewelleries at school though.” Jaera heart was pounding and her eyes were almost teary. ‘You look so much like your daddy.’

“Mommy, why are you crying?”

“I’m not crying dear. I’m just happy that you are going to primary school.” Jaeyee laughed and bid her goodbye to her mother.

“Goodbye mommy!”

“Goodbye Jaejae.”

So, Jaera went straight to her university without stopping at the bakery to buy her breakfast  because she was almost late for class. She was in her third year of Engineering and she studied hard to get top grades. Once she arrived, her best friend, Nami, greet her.

“Hey Jae! Why are you rushing? Class won’t start until 10 and it’s 8 now. Chill man.” Nana dropped her arm across Jaera’s shoulder.

“Are you kidding me? Gosh! I didn’t eat my breakfast because I thought that I was going to be late for class.”

“You and your cream puffs can never be separated.” She blowed her hair that was sticking on her forehead.

“At least the cream puffs can make me happy not like you.” Jaera stuck her tongue to her.

“Sorry woman, I’m not in the mood to argue with you. So, how’s my little baby today?”

“She went to school wearing makeups and jewelleries. She said that she wanted to look good in her first day of school.”

“Aww, she’s growing up.” Jaera nodded. “It’s been years and I miss him so much. I wish he could watch our daughter grow healthily in front of him.”

“It’s okay Jaera. God have His plans and they are so unexpected. We didn’t know and will never know what’s going to happen in the future right?”

“Right. I’m hungry. Let’s go to the canteen to buy cream puffs.” She dragged Nami to the canteen and her stomach was growling.

“Ommo, my friend here is going to be fatter than elephants and whales.” Jaera heard that and ignored it because she couldn’t think anything else besides her cream puffs. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the canteen, there were no sign of cream puffs on the counter.

“Excuse me, where are the cream puffs?”

“Oh hello Miss Jaera, I’m so sorry. The cream puffs were sold out today.” The cashier boy said.

“Why? I’m so hungry right now. Can you asked the baker to make some more for me? Please~”

“I’m sorry again. I guess there are no more cream puffs because we are totally out of batter. You can buy something else instead. Want some sponge cakes? They are delicious and you should try it.” He smiled guiltily at her.

“It’s okay. I’ll just go to buy some at the bakery outside.” She was disappointed because she was late and all of the cream puffs were gone. Nami coaxed her and said that she will go with her to buy cream puffs.

“You go first, I’ll be there later.” Jaera told her.


She smiled, “Nature’s calling.”

After going to the toilet, Jaera rushed towards the car park but suddenly, she bumped onto someone.

“Opss. Sorry Kai. I didn’t mean to bump onto you.” She crouched and took his books but she was stopped by him. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. I didn’t look in front when I was walking.” He smiled and took his book that fell on the floor. She looked at her watch and it was already 8.30.

“I’ll better get going now. See you later Kai.” She waved her goodbye and he smiled, waving back at her.

“Dude, what took you so long? Did you make the toilet?” Nami was famous with her sarcasms but since Jaera has been knowing her for nine years, she was already immune with Nami’s sarcasm jokes.

“Yes, I was building the toilet just now so can we go now?”

“Woah! Calm down woman. Alright then, let’s go.” And both of them went to the bakery for cream puffs. After they arrived at the bakery, Jaera told Nami that she met Kai while going to the car park.

“Aww, what’s his reaction?”

“He smiled. He’s so handsome and I bet he already has a girlfriend.” She pretended to be pouting.

“Stop pouting before I go and take a pair of scissors and cut your mouth.” Jaera closed with both of her hands.

“I really can’t believe that you have an eight years old daughter. You still act like a child. Really.”

“It’s my charm so deal with it.”

“Oh my god, stop it Jaera.” Nami rolled her eyes at her. “ Let’s go or both of us will be late for your favourite teacher’s class.”

“Isn’t Prof Park your favourite? She’s not my favourite though.”

“Don’t lie to me. Just admit it.” Nami smirked at her. “Stop smirking and if I say yes, will you stop it?” She nodded and Jaera told a yes to her. “See? It’s not that hard right?” But the petite girl just ignore her and walked out from the bakery while eating her precious cream puff.

“Kim Jaera, I need to see you after class. I’ll text you later.”

“Nae, I’ll be waiting for your text.” Prof Park smiled and went to her next class. Jaera hurried to her car and went to fetch her daughter.

“Mommy!” Jaeyee was already waiting for her in front of the school gate. Apparently, there was also a little boy standing beside her. She waved him a goodbye and went into the car.

“Who is it? Is he your boyfriend?” Jaera asked her curiously.

“A-aniyo, he’s not my boyfriend. Mommy, I don’t need a boyfriend since I have you.” Jaeyee gave her mother a peck on her cheek. “My daughter is growing up. I wonder how will she act if she has a boyfriend? “ Her daughter blushed and hit her playfully on the arm. Both of them were having a good mother and daughter time all the way to their house. While Jaera was walking to the entrance of the house, she received a text.

Hello Jae. It’s me. I hope we can meet tonight for dinner. Don’t forget to bring Jaeyee with you. I miss playing with her.

Jaera smiled and replied the text saying that she will meet Prof Park and will not forget to bring her daughter too. Then, she also received a call from  Kai.

“Yes Kai?”

“H-hello Jaera-shi. I want to ask you a favour.”

“Okay. Just ask. I’m not going to eat you or whatsoever. Stop stuttering Kai.” She giggled.

Kai also laughed. “I need you to teach me about today’s topic. I really don’t understand what Prof Park taught us earlier.”

“Okay then. I’ll teach you but not tonight because I have to go for a family dinner. How about tomorrow afternoon? I’m sure I’ll be free at that time since I don’t have plans to do with my daughter.”

“Oh, are you bringing your daughter too? Hehe, I can’t wait to meet her. The last time I saw her, she was so little and so cute that I want to kidnap her. Okay then, tomorrow at two, Lotte World.”

“Kai, you said that you want me to teach you about today’s topic. So why Lotte World?”

“Because you’re bringing your daughter and I don’t want to get her bored. Besides, I can study wherever I want too. So, she can just play in front of you while you’re teaching me.”

“Wow, you are sure a genius. Alright, see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Jaera. Send my regards to Jaeyee.”

“Okay, I will, bye.” Both of them hung up. Jaeyee was really tired that she fell asleep after washing herself. Jaera just sat down on the couch and watch the television. Then, her phone rang again.


“Jaera-shi, can I come to your house?”

“Yes you can, but didn’t we agree on meeting tomorrow?”

“We will meet tomorrow but I’m bored right now so I decide to go to your house and study there?”

“Yah, since when my house became a library?”

“Haha, but I really want to go there. Besides, I want to play with Jaeyee. I’m really bored and I don’t know where to go.”

“Where are your friends?”

“They went to Gyeonggi-do for picnic. I’m not really fond of going to picnic.”

‘Yes you are.” She thought. “Oh, sure. Just come but Jaeyee is asleep right now. Don’t forget to bring some snacks especially—“

“Cream puffs?”

“Yes, creampuffs.”

“Okay then. See you later. Bye.”

One hour later, Kai arrived at her house with two paper bags. He had brought some snacks for Jaeyee and creampuffs for Jaera. He also bought couple of dress for Jaeyee. Jaera asked him why he had bought the dress and he said that he likes little girl wearing dresses and Jaeyee looks cuter with dresses. The little girl was awake after having her beauty sleep and when she saw Kai, she ran and jumped on him.

“Kai oppa! I miss you!” The latter laughed and ruffled her hair.

“I miss you too. That’s why I came here. Give me a kiss.” He pointed his left cheek and the girl gave him a peck of kiss. Jaera looked at the both of them with teary eyes but she managed to get rid of it before they noticed her. After playing with Jaeyee, Kai decide to start his lessons with Jaera.

“Why is this so hard? I can’t even differentiate the difference!” At that time, Kai was having a mental breakdown. Jaera on the other hand, was laughing at him. She then took the question and did it in only a few minutes. Kai was dumbfounded and his mouth was slightly agape.

“What? It was an easy question. You just need to do this.” She showed him the methods to complete the calculations. Jaeyee stared at their paper with a pair of owl’s eyes. Both Jaera and Kai started to laugh at her. “Close your mouth Jaejae. A fly might fly into your mouth if you keep it open like that baby.” Kai pushed up her chin softly using his index finger. The little girl smiled at them and ran to the hall to play with her dolls.

“I think it’s time for you to go home. It’s already nine. Your parents must be worried about you.”

“Yeah maybe I should go home first. They might be thinking that I sneak off with my friends which I’m not.” He kept all of his books and pens in his bag and bid his goodbye to Jaeyee.

“Oppa, come again tomorrow!” He chuckled and nodded at her. He also looked back and waved his hand at Jaera. She waved back and smiled at him.

“Come on baby, it’s time for you to sleep.”

“But mommy, it’s still early and I don’t have school tomorrow.”

“Bed or you will not see Kai oppa tomorrow.” The poor girl dragged her feet to the room with a pout on her face. Her mother just giggled and switched off the light. “Goodnight angel.” She kissed Jaeyee’s head. “Goodnight mommy.” The girl hugged her back and both of them entered their world of dreams.

At the same time, Kai was still studying when suddenly he had a strong headache.

“Arghhh!” His shouting can be heard until his parents room. His mother was the first one to wake up after hearing Kai’s voice. She shook her husband and both of them headed to his room. His father tried to open the door but it was locked. Kai’s shouting voice was heard again and it made both of them worried.

“Jongin! Open the door please!” His father demanded him to open the door but unfortunately, he was in a strong pain so he couldn’t move anywhere. After a few minutes, his father kicked the door until it was opened. They saw Kai crouching on the floor while grabbing his hair tightly. He was crying and his mother went to hug him.

“Come on, we’ll bring you to the hospital. Can you stand up?” He tried to stand up but his legs weren’t strong enough. His father went to the master bedroom to take his cell phone and called the doctor.

“What did the doctor said?” His mother asked her husband while holding onto him. Kai was still sobbing in her arms. “Why did he became like this? It was quite a long time since he have headache.”

“I think it is because of stress. He has been studying hard for the upcoming examination. I never see our son studying so hard like this.” His father answered her.

“Aigoo, don’t push yourself too much Jongin-ya.”

Half an hour passed and finally the doctor arrived. Jongin was laid on the bed by his father and he was resting. The doctor apologised for his late arrival. He quickly took his apparatus and started to check on Kai. The results was indeed a result that they wanted to hear after a very long time. Kai was already sleeping soundly and tears of happiness were coming from both of his parents.

“Should we tell her?”

“Just let him tell her by himself.”

The next day came and Kai woke up after scenting delicious food coming from the kitchen. He washed up and went downstairs to his parents.

“Morning Jonginnie.”

“Eomma, stop calling me that! I’m not a kid anymore.”

“But yesterday, you asked me to call you that because you like it.”

“That was yesterday.” He pouted. “Let’s eat! Did you cook any fried chicken? I want fried chicken!”

“Sorry baby, there’s no fried chicken today. Besides, you can eat later when you go out.”

“Ah! I’ll better get ready first.” Kai took a few nuggets then ran back to his room to choose clothes for later. He wore a a white t-shirt with grey hoodie with grey sweatpants and a pair of white sneakers. After getting ready, he went downstairs and asked for his car key.

“Eomma, where’s my car’s key?”

“In the key box baby, where else?” His mother grinned.

Before he took off, he called Jaera to inform her that he was on his way to fetch her and Jaeyee. Jaera firstly didn’t want him to fetch her but since he insisted, she had no choice but to let him. Jaera was busy dressing up her little girlfriend and Jaeyee wore one of the dress that Kai had gave her yesterday. A car horn was heard outside and both of the girls went out and Jaera made sure to secure the house first.

“So, are you ready?”

“I think you should ask that to Jaeyee. She’s so excited about this but to answer your question, it is a yes, I am ready  to tutor you. Muahaha.”

“Mommy, why are you laughing like that? It sounded funny.”

“So, are you ready Jaeyee?”

“I’m ready oppa!” Kai smiled at her using the backmirror and she did her aegyo to him.

“Alright, let’s go.”

The three of them arrived safely at the Lotte World and Kai went to buy the entrance passes. Jaera was sitting at the bench with Jaeyee on her lap. She was watching Kai from there. ‘I miss you.’

Kai walked towards them and handed the bands to Jaera. She put it at Jaeyee’s hand and hers. The first ride that they went to was the bumper car. Jaeyee almost cried when Kai hit their car while Jaera just laugh beside her. After that, they went for the flying elephant ride. Jaeyee was so excited and she raised both of her hands up in the air happily throughout the ride. They went to lots of fun rides after that and it was the best day for Jaeyee because she never had a lot of fun before this. She also feels happy because Kai was like a father that she never have.

After finished playing all the rides, they decided to go and have dinner together . At that time, Jaeyee was already tired and her eyes began to close slowly.

“Jaeyee-ah, don’t sleep yet. Let’s eat first.” Kai gave her a spoonful of spaghetti carbonara. He patted her head while she was munching the food. “Stop being so cute.” And Jaeyee looked at him with big eyes.

“Ahh help me! There’s someone here who want to kill me with her eyes. Help me!”

“Waaaaa!!” Both of them laughed and continued eating.

All of them had a great dinner and they were getting ready to get back home.

“Mommy, can I go and ride the carousel?” Jaeyee tugged her mother’s shirt.

“It’s late and your bedtime already passed baby.”

“But mommy, I really want to ride that. Please, let me ride it.” She also made some aegyos to her mother.

“Just let her ride it. We’ll wait for her. Besides, it just take only a few minutes. A few minutes won’t hurt right?” Jaera looked at her daughter and sighed. “Alright, let’s go.”

While Jaera was waiting for Jaeyee to finish riding the ride, Kai excuses himself to go to the toilet. Actually, he went to his car to take something. ‘I hope she’ll accept me back.’ He hoped. He walked slowly towards Jaera to make sure that she didn’t notice him. When he arrived behind her, he faked a cough.

“Kim Jaera, will you accept me back in your life? I know I have already missed a lot of precious time since Jaeyee was born into this world. I know that you have been through a lot of hard times for these seven years and I’m sorry for not being able to be with you. I really want to be accepted back in your life and Jaeyee’s too. I also really thankful that you gave the name that I really want our future daughter to have even though you were not quite fond with the name when we discussed it. I never really expect for you to not finding a new partner because I know it is hard for you, a university student, to raise a child alone without your husband’s company. I have a lot more to say but I don’t want to waste any time. So, Kim Jaera, will you accept this Kim Jongin , as your husband back?” He knelt down in front of her.

Jaera was already speechless at that time because she didn’t expect her husband would get his memory back after many years. Even the doctors said that the chance of him getting his memory back was almost zero. It was really a miracle and she was so happy. Kai had a memory lost after involving in a car accident eight years ago after going to a meeting. It was raining heavily when suddenly a truck driver lost his control and hit Kai’s car which resulted his car to fall into a cliff. He being alive was another miracle because the cliff was quite steep. He was in a coma for almost a year and when he woke up, he saw a girl who was sleeping beside him while holding his hand.

“Excuse me, do I know you?”

From that time, Jaera knew that he lost his memory. She already had gave birth to their first child at that time.  Kai’s parents were feeling guilty towards her and they asked her to give him some times but she said that maybe he won’t remember her forever according to the doctor’s description. She gave them her wedding ring and asked them to give it to him. She decided to be alone with her daughter and live happily with her mother. Sometimes, she would take Jaeyee to her parents in law but only when Kai was not at home. After Jaeyee reached four, she decided to further her studies and without her knowing, Kai was also going to further his studies at the same university. She knew that when she saw him was being introduced as a transfer student. Even though he have his own company, but he decided to further his studies to improve his managing skills.

Kai got to know Jaeyee when she was sent to his parent’s house but he didn’t know that she was actually his daughter. He played with her and sometimes brought her to malls and parks. He was really fond of her and she was happy to get an oppa like him. Jaera approved their friendship although it has sometimes broke her heart watching them playing together as friends, not as father and daughter.

Jaera have been secretly hoping that this moment would come and Jaeyee will have her daddy back. Her eyes were already full of crystal tears when Kai took out a ring that used to be hers. Now, all that she has to say is a—

“Yes, I’ll accept you.”

Kai smiled and stood up so he could hug her. Both of them cried and Kai didn’t want to let go of her.

“I really miss you and it hurts so much, oppa.” She sobbed.

“I miss you more Jagi. It’s okay I’m here now.” He calmed her down using his soothing voice and rubbed her back.

“Mommy? Why are you crying?”

“Baby,” She wiped her tears. “This is your daddy.”

“Oh? Daddy? Isn’t he Kai oppa?”

“No baby, he is your daddy.”

“I have a daddy? Mommy, why you didn’t tell me?” She pouted.

“When you grow up, I’ll tell you. If I tell you now, you won’t understand it.”


Kai lifted his daughter up and hugged her. Jaeyee was so happy that she let out some giggles. Jaera ruffled her hair.

“Mommy! Stop doing that!” Jaeyee scolded her cutely.

“Eomma is a good secret keeper. She’s been hiding the truth for a long time without telling me.”

“It is because I told her to do so.”

“It must have been hard for you. I’m sorry.” He apologised. They were walking while linking their hand together with Jaeyee in the middle.

“It’s okay oppa. You’re here now and I really thankful for that. Prof Park indeed is a really good secret keeper.” She laughed. All of them went home together happily and both of their parents were so happy about it.




‘True love will always stay together even if there are many obstacles come between them. The key for true love is patience and without patience, true love will never exist.’ –Kim Jaera.

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Chapter 1: awww was very nice story!!!!!