Snowdrops Whisper


It's cold, doesn't mean you can't warm it up.

It's freezing, doesn't mean you can't melt it.

It's dark, doesn't mean you can light it up.

It's empty, doesn't mean you can't fill it up.

It's colorless, doesn't mean you can't paint on it.

It's piercing, doesn't mean you can't touch it.

It's hurt, doesn't mean you can't heal it.

It's useless, doesn't mean you can't fight for it.

It's broken, doesn't mean you can't fix it.

It's hopeless, doesn't mean you can't hold on to things.

Running around in circle won't give you the answer, you've been searching for.

Sitting around won't give you, the hand you've been yearning for.

The real question isn't 'can you?', 'but will you?'.


A/N Hello there, this is the first time for me to write something well expect from school things, you know like essay, paper and stuff. Actually I always prefer reading than writing, let alone post it for people to see, it's kinda frustrating, writing something for long time when in the end it doesn't go as the way we've planned and we have to start over again, but hey that's the point is. It's doesn't matter how long it takes, how hard it takes, the most important thing isn't about the outcome whether it is failure or not, but it's about the process, how we can overcome it and so on (please excuse me if i'm wrong). Well yeah, lately I've been having this kind of thought, blame it on that seminar, hehe no actually I'm thankful for it, now I see things in a new light, not just jump into conclusion just by looking at one side but also by considering all kind of variable.

Now now, let's go back to the story that have been forgotten by now, I'm so sorry if I'm taking up your time, but nah kkk...

The ideas for the story including title, theme, storyline and so on are purely by me, well there are few things that inspired me on it, and I would tell you about it, I would like to give 'em credit. So if there any similarity with the others story or if you feel offended by it, please do tell me. The story may contains bad words such as swearing and so on (i did warned you) so please be prepared, but I promise you it won't be that bad. I would like to apologize beforehand.

Right, I almost forgot, English isn't my first language so please forgive me if there are any misspelling, grammar error and so on, it would be great if you could point it or correct it, it'll help a lot. As the story goes by, it may get boring or not to your liking (i did warn you, okay) so the decision is in your hand.

This story, the theme mainly are inspired by GOT7 newest song, which is Confession Song (고백송) and not to forget U R by SNSD Taeyeon, which is really beautiful,and a few other songs. I recommend you guys to listen to it~

Okay stop beating around the bush, and enjoy the story!.


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