

White surrounds you, life has no more colors but blend, boring, bright white. Like the teeth in your mouth or the paleness of your skin, from the sheets that cover your frail body to the blank that is your mind.


Then one day you see it, is it even real? A splash of orange, so vivid it almost smells like it. If colors had a scent it would be of him. His smile sparkled like precious jewels, he wore the same flat white, but on him it looked different, it looked divine, alluring, ethereal. Is he the angel you’ve been waiting for?


There are no words between you and him, and from your mouth there wouldn’t be even if you wanted as your tongue went numb from all the pill popping, the daily dosages, the marks of loneliness. He’s just a presence you can feel, but not touch.


He comes every day and stays by your side, seats on the cold floor with bare feet and eye smiles. He watches you like a curious child seeing something for the first time, he crosses arms in front of him and places them on the edge of your bed, head tilting slightly, his full lips curving in fondness.


Is it summer already? You feel the heat emanating from the small square window above you, it hits you just below your knees and you curl your toes at the warming sensation, thinking it had been a while since anything on your body had moved. You stare at them wiggling away, it’s amusing and you could almost laugh.


Your visitor comes in, today he hums a tune under his breath, it reminds you of your mother’s lullabies and it feels just as comforting. By the time he finishes it your fingers tingle, the tips of them and then the whole palm, they fold like an envelope as you see the lids of his eyes closing in.


Each time your head haired angel comes, each time you gather strength to break free from the ties that bind you. Your limbs are fully moving now and your mind is clear, you even see more colors now, like the rosy pink on his cheeks or the dark mahogany of his irises and the almost blood red of his lips.


But once, he doesn’t come, and desperation hits you, your heart is out of sync, sweat rolls down your forehead, eyes can’t focus and your throat is too dry to scream or you would. Where is he? He can’t go, he can’t leave you behind…


Night comes and you hear footsteps. Could it be him? He never comes when is dark, you turn around and there’s not much you can see, but you can instantly tell the bright orange from the background.


“Hoseok-ah…” You hear it directly into your ears and you’re trembling, you only exhale the air you didn’t realize you’ve been holding in when he touches you, hands over yours and it’s electric, searing, it burns your skin, but is the best feeling you’ve ever experienced.


“Run away with me…” He says as he pulls you in and you’re on your feet, like before, like months - years ago, you are walking on your own two feet, the floor feels funny under you, like floating. Your eyes adjust and you see him smiling, holding you tight.


He leads the way and step by step you go, you feel the wind on your face as you pick up speed, you count one, two, three, four, five and you’re running. He laughs and it echoes through the walls, it bounces back on you and you’re laughing too, you can hear your voice and is not cracked and wounded like you thought it would be, it’s light and loud and it makes your whole body shake.


There’s a door, he slams it open and is so bright inside your eyes squint and you both lose your balance crashing on the floor. You prepare for the impact, landing on his arms that circle your shoulders, but it’s soft, so soft, like feathers… are they? His chest goes up and down as he recovers, he looks so beautiful.


“Who are you?” You ask and it’s okay if he doesn’t answer, you’re fine with that, it doesn’t matter anymore.


“Jimin…” He says, turning on his side to face you. And his name rolls out of your lips at least three times before he’s so close you can barely think. He looks at you in a way it makes all your insides bubble, he crosses a path from your temple to your jaw with delicate fingers. “Would you come with me?”


Was that even a question? You nod, locked into his mesmerizing eyes, you close the distance that lingers between you and you kiss him, next thing you know there’s a loud interrupted beep ringing in your ears, you feel your body light and your mind clearing, you feel the warmth of his lips, you close your eyes and then nothing, nothing anymore.


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