Chapter 16

My Heart Beats After Thousands of Years
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Months continued to pass and I must say, I was beginning to enjoy the company of the princess more day by day. I discovered new sides of her I never knew and old sides of her that I did know but were better explained as time went on. We would visit the marketplace regularly in commoners' clothing to shy away from unwanted attention, but that seemed futile for me since everyone recognized me from my brawl with the three soldiers who had been nuisances to everyone until I showed up and kicked their soundly. The story of my honorable fight had spread like wild fire across to everyone else and even to other cities. Speaking of those three soldiers I fought, I tracked down their army commander Yixing personally a few days after the incident and had a nice word with him. Donned in my military uniform, I visited the other unit commanders of the Yixing army in secret and gave them a nice little speech. To say that the immediate shock from Gojin and the rest of the commanders once they knew who I really was, terror stricken is an understatement.

They became what they always were; pathetic, stuttering pawns whose bark was worse than their bite. They graveled for mercy and forgiveness because they had heard of what I had done on the battlefield, and anyone, commander of units or commander of armies will tell you that I do not take crap from anyone. And on the battlefield I mean business. Bottom line.

There is a reason why I am so feared on the battlefield and why I have everyone's respect; ally or foe. I could easily take down battalions single handedly if I wanted to.

In my earlier days as a foot soldier in the army, the unit that I was part of was separated from the main army and we were slowly being barricaded in by the enemy soldiers from all sides. Seeing as I could not be killed and explaining how one measly foot soldier survived an onslaught of enemy battalions 100 to 1 was going to be a pain in the to explain. I took up the mantle of a unit leader and directed the scattered, separated soldiers in my unit accordingly to fight our way out, all the while making sure that I took on the majority of the enemies, creating an illusion for my allies to think that they were fighting equally the amount of enemy soldier. But in reality, I took on the whole of enemy advancements. Hey, might as well use that 'can't be killed' attitude to my advantage. The others could easily be killed with a flick of a wrist and one would not be breathing again. Their drive to live somehow fueled me to fight for them. That drive triggered the memories of my brother's last words and it struck a chord in me. Besides, that inner demon in me was starting to slip out and what better way to utilized that damned side of me than to use it against enemy soldiers.

When the small unit that I was a part of made it out and regrouped with the main forces, the commander of the army was surprised to see our unit still alive. He had thought we were wiped out completely. When he asked how the hell we all made it out with the amount of soldiers left after bracing against enemy ones that far outnumber us, everyone pointed to me. That was how my career began as an unstoppable force in the army and my rapid jump up the rank of commands. The rest is history.


 I could easily be a General with my skills and prowess but I chose to stick with Captain. It was less strenuous and less hassle to worry about when it came to keeping my identity as a demonic monster hidden. The fewer the people had to see of me or come in contact with me the better because I could do my thing without having so much attention focused on me. If I were to take up the mantle of a commanding General there would be people left and right in need of me. The variables in different scenarios that

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Chapter 39: Beautiful story here author-nim. I truly do wish you can update this work of yours.
Nabidabang #2
Chapter 39: I just finish read the story, its was absolutely great written .
I hope you will continue this story authornim altho i knw not every story have happy ending . But it kind of cliffhanger tho. Yiyun still have her campaign and i notice that the ending is not the continuation of the beginning.
You knw what i mean? You start it with them together in bed and she call the princess by "Krystal Jung" not soojung.
So, i thought the beginning of the story is when they meet again in future which is modern time .
Sorry if my guess is wrong, its just wht i thought xD
Anyways, thanks for the great story. :)
2072 streak #3
Chapter 37: Please let us know when you'll update this story. It's so wonderful
Zerozz #4
Chapter 39: Update more author
Chapter 39: Please let us know what happen next. I have waiting too long for your update
taeny20 #6
Chapter 39: please comeback author and update this story .
rmanalo #7
Chapter 39: author come back plss
ramulover #8
Chapter 39: Thanks for keeping us updated! I wish you all the best, things will get better hopefully.
Will be waiting patiently for whenever the next update drops!
This story made my heart wrench for kryber :(. I feel like I want soojung to miss and regret not saying goodbyes to yiyun once she finds out about her decision or like when she gets incredibly wounded. OMG I wish I could write like you :( I really really like your story. I would be anticipating your next update!!!! XD Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: Great set-up! Intrigued for sure!