In which Jinki is a potion master and Taemin is a skeptic


"Hyung- what's this interestingly colored juice?"

"You said you weren't feeling that well? I made you a healing potion."


Taemin eyed the bottled magenta colored liquid, raising an eyebrow at the older. "Healing potion?" He twirled the small bottle in his fingers, giving him a questioning look.

"Jesus, Taemin, trust me and chug the damn potion." Jinki rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle from his hands, popping it open and pushes the bottle back to the younger.

"No- its just that it looks like a normal sparkling water- plus those things you made me drink usually taste like and it doesn't really do muc-"


Pairing: Onew/Taemin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: TBA probs like

Warning: Swearing. I have a ty mouth.word vommit at its best.

Summary: Taemin should really learn how to differentiate between magenta and pink, and Jinki should start labeling his potions.


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AsianLunatic #1
Assa! This looks interesting!