love you...

Tag! You're it.(love you like i'm gonna lose you)


I barely cared how childishly I was acting and no one would deprive me of my right to scream my pain as they tortured my bleeding nose.Some treatment! I might as well sign up for a plastic surgery on the spot, before I turn out looking like a whole different person.

"God, when did you get this whiney?! Stop embarassing yourself!"Hoya scrunched his perfect nose at me.

"I think you're fearing how they look at you.Which is so much worse, because you should give me moral support instead of playing dad." I glared.

"Well,  if you haven't been smoochin' around like a beast in heat, maybe this whole field trip could've been avoided."

"What?! You blame me?"I jumped off the bed,slightly stumbling on my feet.

"Hold your horses, Casanova.The numbing drug they gave you is pretty strong.You'll be gliding for a while, I'm afraid."the nurse in care held me in place with the help of a suddenly worried Hoya."That's it, sit....and let us finish with this.You'll be out of here faster, ok?"

"Why are you adressing me like a toddler?" I huffed in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, aren't you one?"she plainly laughed in my face alongside Hoya."Here, have a lollipop for being such a good boy."

"Oh, my God! Are you seriously mocking me now?I'll have you reported!" I pointed angryly at her only to be silenced by the painful pull on my pierced arm.Apparently they had hooked me to an IV bag when I still haven't woken up from my fainting prior to being admitted to the hospital."Ouch, it fuc..."

"Language, Gyuzizi."Dongwoo patted my head like a I was a freaking dog."You don't want to upset the nice nurse who took such great care of you, do you,now?"

"I hate both of you right now! And the drug has nothing to do with it!"I said seeing how Hoya was about to nag.

It was all over his mocking face!

"Where the heck have you been , anyways?"I looked aty Dongwoo who wouldn't stop smiling."I need to get out of this place ASAP.It was bad enough to spend time in jail, now i have to enjoy hospitalisation, as well? What's next, firefighter's?"

"Wow, is he always this..."

"...dramatic?Yeah."Hoya answered the nurse."The self-centered side of him reaches out when feeling insecure."

"Uhm...hello! I'm right beside you.And quite secure about the fact that if it wouldn't have been for that hell spawn bursting through the door,I....wait, Where is she?!"I finally realised I haven't seen her face sinece I woke up."Flee the crime scene already?"

"Actually, she's been asking about your condition for a while now.But didn't dare to come in uninvited."Dongwoo admitted.

"What the hell is she , a vampire?Get her in here.I want retribution!" I yelled at the close door,in hopes she'll hear me.

In fact, I wasn't that big of a bastard, i just wanted to confirm she didn't do it on purpose.

"Gyu, you're being unreasonable, now.She is very sorry,but you have to admit,it was your own fault for acting rashly."Hoya tried talking me out of my anger fit."What harm could she have done seeing you without the pants on?"

"I'm not mad about that! She almost burned me with that hot coffee!"

"Oh, that's what irked you?"I heard a faint voice from behind Dongwoo."man, you really are a sore being."

"Oh, that's just thankful I'm not reporting you."

"You're a big fan of this, aren't you?"the nurse pulled on the band on my arm, removing the needle."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're a cute kid.But...oh, Haru.How have you been?"she suddenly changed topic seeing the culprit slowly aproaching my bed."Are you here for your..."

"No, quite the oposite."the 'Haru' girl cut in."Hello, nurse Yang."she bowed.

"Hey.So , I take it you came with this cutiepie, here?"the nurse smiled candidly.

"Yeahm...kinda had an accidental clash.Is he ok?"

"Good as new.You can model that nose , once we remove the bandages, honey!"she winked at me.

"Pff, you're worse than all of them combined!"I complained.

"Comes with the territory.But I like you.Now, you can leave in a bit.And come back in two days to have it checked."she pointed at my nose."You can bring her along, too.She's been skipping on her..."

"Unni, come on.I'm not that close with him.Stop pinning people to..."HAru grabbed her hand, avoiding eye contact.

"Skipping what?"I asked."Don't tell me you're taking nursing classes!That would be horrendous!"

"That'll be the day."she snored."Well, you heard the lady.All's well, so I guess we can part ways on a more cheerful note.By the way, I've been meaning to return this to you."she handed me a plastic card.

I felt a sudden urge to strangle her! It was my driver's license card!!! She had it all the time!?

"Oh, this is better than a sitcom."Hoya laughed, cautiously dragging her away from me."Play nice, Gyu, otherwise we'll leave you here."

"Did you not hear and see what she just..."

"Let's leave it for another time.We're all tired as it is,so no point in risking saying something unapropiate.


"Can I have a word with you before you go?"the nurse asked Haru,interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Sure.I'm done here, anyway.Sorry for your misfortune."she excused herself,dashing out the ward before I could scream my frustration.

​The nerve! She was partly to blame, couldn't she at least be apologetic about it?!

"Gyu, shush it!"Dongwoo calmed me.

"You have no idea what..."

"No, actually you're the one in the dark.I don't know what's going on with her, but  she was reluctant to come inside the hospital's walls."

"Yeah, cause she felt guilty."

"Not likely.They seem to know her, but every one that talked to her seemed surprised to see her for some reason,whereas she almost ditched the place when spotted."

"Such a fellony type.No wonder."

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Chapter 3: Finally had time to read this!!!
It's super cute! I love Nurse Yang. She's incredibly real, even if she's just a minor character (so much sass!!)
Chapter 2: Oh the drama. He's so fricking prideful though!! It drives me crazy!
Chapter 1: I love the way you begin this. Chasing rainbows... I can't wait to read more!