All Is As It Should Be

For The Fans

By 8:00, the boys had finally returned to their dorms. After Happy Camp ended, they went out to see the town, have dinner, and just enjoy themselves. By this time, everyone just wanted to relax a bit before bed.

“Ugh, I’m exhausted.” Chanyeol said, flopping onto the couch. Baekhyun fell right on top of him.

“Me too. Wanna watch a movie?”

“Yeah! Anyone else want to watch?” Chanyeol asked, perking up immediately.

“I’ll watch.” Lay said, sitting down.

“Me too.” Chen chirped, as he leaped on Lay’s lap.

“Is it a scary movie?” Suho asked.

“Nah, I’m too tired to be scared today.” Chanyeol said.

“Then I’ll watch.” Suho seated himself next to Lay and Chen who smirked at his response. “What about you, Tao?”

“I think I’ll just go shower for now.” He said and then looked over at Kris. “Kris, will you shower with me?” Kris sighed, but inwardly hid the slight bit of happiness he felt in his chest.

“Sure.” He said.

“Okay, be careful, son.” Suho said as he tiptoed and pulled Tao’s neck towards him and planted a kiss on his forehead. Tao beamed.

“Have fun, Krease.” Chanyeol said with a smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows. Kris rolled his eyes.

“Xiumin hyung, Luhan hyung, movie?” Baekhyun asked as he looks through their stack of movies.

“I’ll pass for now.” Xiumin replied as he walked to his and Luhan’s room. “I really need to go clean my room.”

“Wait for me, Baozi.” Luhan said while prancing after Xiumin.

“Okay, what about you, Kai?” Baekhyun asked.

“I think we’ll go change first, then come back.” He said, wrapping his arms around D.O.’s neck.

“Kay then, so is that everyone?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yep!” Chen shouted louder than necessary.

“Okay, then let’s start.” Chanyeol started the movie and Baekhyun turned off the lights before returning to their seats; Chanyeol lying on the sofa and Baekhyun lying on Chanyeol, his head resting on the taller boy’s chest. Before the movie began, Lay looked down to see someone sitting on the floor in front of Suho, staring blankly at the screen.

“Ohai, Sehun.” he said, leaning down.

"Oh, hey."

"Say, were you mad earlier, about the pepero game?" Lay asked.

"N-No...I wasn't mad..." Sehun said, averting his eyes.

"Oh, okay. You just left and I though you were upset." Lay said.

"I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." Sehun saiid, crossing his arms.

"So it was good, then?" Lay asked, grinning.

"Er...well...I guess it was...alright." Sehun hoped he didn't notice his slightly flushing face. He looked up when he heard his elder giggling.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You're just cute." Lay laughed.


Kris was one of Tao’s main shower buddies. Basically if Suho, Sehun, and Baekhyun were all unavailable, chances are that Kris would be the one to shower with Tao. At first he was annoyed at Tao’s unreasonable childishness, but after a while he became used to it. It was actually quite enjoyable and he may have even become a bit upset if Tao had chosen to shower with someone else. Kris gathered his clothes and entered the bathroom. Tao was already shirtless and waiting for him.

“Krease!” Tao cheered as if he hadn’t seen Kris in hours.

“No.” he replied, flatly.

“Why not? Chanyeol hyung calls you that.” Tao pouted with a smile.

“Chanyeol is annoying.” Kris explained.

“Why are you so grumpy all the time?” Tao asked.

“I’m not.” Kris answered, his voice as emotionless as ever.

“Yes you are. You’re always grouchy and upset. Like today at the show.” Tao pointed out.

“What are you talking about?” Kris was certain Tao had been so consumed with eating and being fed that he hadn’t noticed.

“When the other hyungs, and Sehunnie came over, you got all mad and quiet. You didn’t talk to me anymore until the end.” Tao explained.

“I…” Kris began before realizing he didn’t know how to respond, “…didn’t want to bother you guys.”

“What do you mean?” Tao asked, clearly confused yet sporting a small smile.

“You seemed so…happy with them.” He tried to hide sadness in his voice.

“I was. And I wished you would have joined us too.” Tao pulled Kris into a back hug. “I would have been even happier if you had been there.” Kris chuckled.

“I was still there. I was only a few steps away from you.” Kris reminded him.

“That was too far.” Tao mumbled into Kris’s back; a larger smile tugging at his lips. Kris soon began to smile as well.

“Okay, I’m sorry.” He turned around and patted Tao’s shoulder. “It just seemed like you were happier when they were feeding you than when I did.” Tao chuckled.

“That was for the fans...mostly.” He said plainly. “But, do you know what made me the happiest?” he asked ginning.


“When you kissed me.” Kris pulled his shirt over his head to conceal the redness of his face.

“Oh that…that was…that was just for the fans too.” Kris tried to sound convincing.

“Really?” Tao asked with a sly smile.

“Really!” Kris said, playfully shoving Tao. “Now let’s hurry up and shower so we can see the movie.”


Xiumin and Luhan had already changed their clothes and were now straightening up their room. Luhan would have preferred to goof around for a while before cleaning up, but that just wasn’t possible when rooming with the king of detail and cleanliness.

“After we finish, how about a midnight snack?” Luhan asked as he moved some of his shoes. “There’s still some of that cheesecake Lay and D.O. made the other day leftover in the fridge.”

“It’s not midnight.” Xiumin chuckled. Luhan lightly smacked him in the back of the head.

“Ugh, you’re so precise. It’s night and it’s a snack. So do you want the cake or what?” he asked.

“Nooooooooooooo.” Xiumin whined, throwing away some random trash. “You already fed me more food than I planned on eating today.”

“C’mon. It’s just one more little piece of cake.” Luhan reasoned.

“You did this, you know? You were so intent on feeding me so much during the show. If you’d just let me only eat mine, I could have maybe had a bit of cake.” Xiumin explained.

“Heh, but it was fun, though, wasn’t it?” Luhan chuckled nervously.

“I don’t care. I’m not trying to start gaining weight again.”

“Why are you so obsessed about your weight? You look fine!” Luhan reassured, a hint of irritation in his raised voice.

“You know I used to have that weight problem.” He said.

“It wasn’t a problem. It’s not like you were obese or anything.” Luhan crossed his arms.

“Yeah, but I was still the heaviest member of the group.” Xiumin sat on the edge of their sink. “Besides I’m cute now.” He said smiling, showing almost all of his teeth and wiggling his fingers under his chin.

“You were cute before, too.” Luhan says, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

“Well, I’m cuter now.” Xiumin responded, his own cheeks beginning to turn red.

“You’re perfect the way you are. Stop worrying so much about gaining weight.” Xiumin smiled and thought Luhan’s preposition over.


“I promise I won’t worry as much.” He said, wagging a finger as if he was explaining something deeply.

“That’s my Baozi.” Luhan said, patting Xiumin’s shoulder. Xiumin responded with a baozi face as he hopped off the sink to finish cleaning.

“By the way,” Xiumin started, as he turned his head to look Luhan in the face. “Was all of that really just for the fans?” Luhan turned his reddening face away from Xiumin.

“Maybe not all of it.” The two laughed together quietly.

“C’mon, let’s hurry so we can have that cake.” Luhan sparkled as he ran across the room to quickly organize his dresser, grabbing Xiumin’s wrist and tugging him with him. It was then that something flashed in Xiumin’s mind.

“So…about this whole sparkling thing…”


D.O. had already changed his clothes and was now waiting for Kai to finish his extensive decision on what to wear to watch a movie in the living room at 8:00 at night.

“What do you think?” Kai asked holding up two shirts; one red and one black. “This one or this one?”

“You’ll look fine in either one of them. So just pick one.” D.O. said with wide eyes. “We’re just going to sit on a sofa, not go to a theater.”

“I need to pick the best one!” Kai said. “Tao’s trying to act like he dresses better than me in casual clothes!”

“Geez, you can cook a foreign meal perfectly in 30 minutes, but it takes you hours to decide what to wear?” D.O. mumbled.

“Will you stop it?!” Kai exclaimed. “You’ve been doing that all day!”

“What?” D.O. asked in shock. “What are you talking about?”

“Stop saying I made the food. You know you did most of the work and I just followed along.” Kai explained.

“We both worked on it so we both deserve credit.” D.O. said, not fully understanding.

“No, I don’t.” Kai stressed.

“Why? Why does that bother you so much?” D.O. stood up and put his hands on Kai’s shoulders.

“Because it’s like you’re rubbing it in that I couldn’t do anything on my own.” Kai explained. “Usually I feel like there’s something I could do, but today I felt so useless and lost. All of your praise just seems sarcastic.”

“Kai-ah, not everyone is great at everything, you know? No one thinks bad of you if you aren’t the best cook on your own.” D.O. reassured. “Just look at how Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyungs did.”

Kai chuckled a bit. “But even they could still cook without looking like they were stuck.”

“Acting like they know what they’re doing is something they excel at”. D.O. laughed. “Shouldn’t you of all people know about talents and things like this?

“I do, it’s just…I felt like today I was more of a hindrance or a nuisance to you.” Kai said, somewhat quietly.

“Kai, stop being silly!” D.O. said. “Nothing would ever make me feel that you were a hindrance to me. I think you’re great. That’s why I chose you as my partner.”

“Really?” Kai grinned, flushing slightly.                                                                                             

“Definitely.” D.O. patted him on the back. “Now hurry up and let’s go see that movie.”

“Okay. And thanks, hyung.” Kai smiled.

“No problem.”


Kai and D.O. returned to find the rest of their group members already seated and watching the movie.

“Did we miss anything?” Kai asked.

“Not much, it just started.” Chen replied, chewing some candy.

Kai and D.O. sat on the second couch next to Tao and Kris, the former sitting on the latter’s lap, an arm wrapped Kris’ shoulder. Xiumin sat at the very end of the sofa, cradled by Luhan with one arm while he fed him cheesecake with the other. Next to them were Chanyeol and Baekhyun who were still snuggled in the same position they were in before. Chen is lay across from both Lay and Suho, his head in Suho’s lap, who his hair like a cat every so often. Sehun moved from the floor to the very other end of the sofa, squished between Lay and the arm of the sofa with his legs stretched across Lay and Suho’s legs.  

While most of the day may have begun with the group divided, everyone agreed, in their own unspoken way, that it was truly better when they ended it together.


Finished this finally~ Hope you enjoyed it~ I don't consider it the best as it got a little hectic what with being co-written by two people and everything, but I hope it was alright~ :3

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 4: Loved it. I laughed so hard.
kpoplover_160 #2
Chapter 4: Adorkable I swear why are all the groups killing me with skin ship and fan service lately
Chapter 4: Kya~ this is so cute! Loving every chapter!
candyschmidt #4
Chapter 2: Aww, this is just so cute!
Can't wait for the next chapter :D
woainibaby #5
Chapter 1: lol yeah this is so exo-in-happy-camp alright :D