
Of Cheaters, and Thermometers

Sungyeol shot a final look at the mirror and ran a hand on his hair once more, smirking at himself with satisfaction. How could anyone choose a midget over this god in front of him?

An image flashed at the back of his head.

And his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

That guy is a blind after all, so him. him and him and him. He looked at his face that is painted with a sour expression and he can’t help but sigh. Way to ruin his supposed to be fun night out.


He heard a purring sound and he groaned. Sungyeol is so done with him and yet he can still pester him as if he is still next to him. He rubbed his face due to frustration and trudges to the bedroom to slaughter a phone.


After calming his nerves a bit, he then grabbed his keys and headed to that bar. That certain bar.


He would forget him. He would have lots of fun. He doesn’t need that bastard. That cheating bastard could screw any man or woman for all he care! He stepped harshly on the break of his car and slammed his hand on the steering wheel. Damn, He is utterly annoyed and pissed. One thought of his ex totally makes his blood boil.


His eyebrows almost met at the way he is frowning as he walks towards the entrance of the bar. But it all went to trash when the smell of being wild hit him. There is no more tard to prohibit him this and that. No more no-fun guy who would stop him. And the arrogant smile found its way back to his lips.


Party music welcomed him and he could only feel the thrill. The thrill of being Sungyeol, the y, free and single guy of the night. He walked inside the bar, loving the feeling of eyes on him.

He, himself throw dirty glances left and right. Motivating any guy or girl to go to him and kneel to take them. He might consider that.


He headed straight to one of the stools and sat there to get a drink ‘to set the mood’ as he says so.


He leaned and eyed the bartender, enjoying how the other’s eyes are as if striping him. It is not his fault that he wants to look like his best self tonight and ended up being something  . . . . Drop dead gorgeous?


The blonde bartender slid a drink at him and he could only smirk and raise his eyebrow at him.

“That one is on me beautiful.” Greaseball, Sungyeol thought to himself.

Sungyeol picked the glass and played with the reddish content of it.

“You might get fired after giving free drinks to every pretty faces you’ve seen you know.”


The blonde bartender laughed and his lips. “Not everyone is as pretty as you though.”


Sungyeol laughed and let his lips play at the glass. Teasing the bartender even more. “Those words aren’t enough to take me to bed Nam.”


“Then what should I say Yeol?”


Sungyeol shrugged and sipped on his drink. The strong pang of alcohol hit his throat. That greasy bartender is surely planning on getting him drunk.


The blonde is still staring at him, as if gauging his expression and looking as if he is ready to jump and take him there and there. Sungyeol feels the thrill in it.


Another person sat on the stool and the bartender groaned lowly to serve him.


Sungyeol watched with amusement. That guy never changes. He smiled a bit because of that. Watching how Nam serves the other. He is cool like that, it always fascinate him how Nam’s hands work in these drinks. And he kinda wondered if it’ll really be a nice experience to be on the bed with him.



All thoughts was diminished, he suddenly felt a cold pang on his neck and that made him yelp.


His eyes met dark and deep predatory eyes and at that moment EVERYTHING went to hell. He could stare at those eyes for infinity and he wont go complaining about it.


“Did it hurt?” The raven haired guy with those predatory eyes started.


And that made Sungyeol awake from his trance. His façade had falter because he totally looked dumb the moment he laid eyes on the guy. And that awakened the sleeping sassiness in him. He is pissed at how this guy wiped the cool image he had.


“When I fell from heaven?” Sungyeol scoffed.

The later gave a breathy laugh.

“Nope. But I think I kinda scraped my knee after needing to climb from hell to here.” He rolled his eyes at him.

The guy smirks, seemingly challenged at the sassy prey in front of him.


Sungyeol looked at the bartender who is now flirting with another guy. Nam looked at him and winked at him. Nam Woohyun. Really?


“You two . . . .seemed to be having a lot of FUN.” The guy sat beside Sungyeol and he is rolling his eyes despite the other not seeing it.

“Yes. We WERE.” He sipped on his drink

The raven-haired guy laughed again, but his amusement didn’t really reached his eyes. “Sorry for ruining your FUN then. I just cant help but approach someone so beautiful.”


Sungyeol dared to look at him. And he almost. ALMOST. Lost it again.


But no, he smirked. “Funny. My Ex told me the same exact thing.”


The guy smiled challenged. “So you are single?”


Sungyeol shrugged with a smug smile on his face.


And that smile was bitterly replaced by a bitter face. Suddenly turning sour and tipping the liquor in his glass.


“Nam.” He slid the glass and the bartender did his job.


Sungyeol tipped his second, then third ones, ignoring the guy. His mood had changed sour again and there is no helping it. He could see the image of his cheating ex boyfriend. It pisses him off to no bounds.



“So, want me to change your current status then?” The raven-haired tried once more. And Sungyeol turned to him with a sweet, sweet smile. “NO.” and his face is showing annoyance once again.


The guy smiled his dimpled smile. “Are you on your period or something?”


“No, but say that again and you’ll be the one who is bleeding.”


Sungyeol massaged his temples


The guy slid his hand on his leg and that caught Sungyeol’s attention.

Sungyeol sighed. Frustrated.

“Look. I’m busy now. Can I ignore you later?”


“The same way you are ignoring the fact that you’re being a douche bag now?



Sungyeol scoffed at him. There is silence.


The guy wants Sungyeol’s attention once more.


And the guy’s hand rested dangerously on his thigh.


“Can I kiss you now, then?” The guy leaned towards Sungyeol and ghosted his words on Sungyeol’s lips


“Kiss? Kiss my !” Sungyeol grabbed his hand and threw it away from him.


“Would be willing to. But no. Not until you shave it.” The guy is smirking at him and he want to punch him there and then.


“That’s funny. You’re giving my middle finger a .”

“Your ex told me it’s the only you can get.”


That’s it.


This is not a good night anymore. He just wants to go home and maybe buy a voodoo doll or something and torture the guy.


He stood, already walking towards the exit and a hand pulled him, made Sungyeol face to face with the raven-haired guy.


“Why are you so angry?”


“Tell me the reason why I shouldn’t be angry.” Sungyeol’s face painted anger above anything else. Distress and tiredness.


The song changed to the slow music and the guy forcefully tugged him into a cuddly dancing position. Sungyeol struggled ofcourse. But the other is just stronger. And he is so tired now.


“Is it about the thing?” the guy started

Sungyeol scoffed.

“You know I wont be offended by such. My is fab.” Sungyeol rolled his eyes for the nth time.


“Yes it is.”



Some more quiet moment with just pure dancing.



And Sungyeol relaxed. He misses such times. When he could feel warm like this. When he could feel steady heartbeats. When he could feel like he is perfect cause of the man holding him like that. He misses all of it. The lazy breathing that tickles his neck. His natural intoxicating scent. He isn’t happy without his ex. Not at all happy.


“Then what made you angry?” The raven’s voice sounded so weird on Sungyeol’s ears. It made his heart ache even more. Sungyeol concluded that he misses his ex’s voice too.


Sungyeol sighed once more to steady himself.


“The ing ugly ex.” Sungyeol replied bitterly with a mocking laugh.


Silence. Sungyeol’s eyes sting. It hurts.


“Want me to replace him?”


“NO. I don’t want to do things that make me vomit.”


“Don’t worry. I wont release it inside you, so you won’t be pregnant and vomit.”


Sungyeol scoffed and rolled his eyes






“I like you.” The guy murmured.


Sungyeol is shocked. Maybe the alcohol is doing wonders and makes him hear things. This is all too painful. So he pretended he didn’t hear.


“I like you.” The guy tried again. Louder this time. With more resolve in his words. And that just caused Sungyeol so much pain.


The guy smiled and detached himself from Sungyeol.

“I like you.”

“Who doesn’t?”


The guy scoffed. Then looked at Sungyeol straight in the eyes once more.


His eyes only emit sincerity and Sungyeol wants to throw up.


“I like you Sungyeol. I really do.” The guy repeated.


It pained Sungyeol. So he laughs bitterly and murmured a “bull”


The guy hugged Sungyeol again. “I miss you Yeol.” His hug tightening.


“Bull.” Sungyeol could feel pain. His knees are getting weak. His eyes stings. He struggled to get the guy off. But he is weak, too weak.


“I miss you. And I want you back please.”

“Bull.” Sungyeol took a deep breath and rasped out.




Myungsoo’s voice is shaky. His breathing isn’t stable. And his heart beat is going crazy.


“It’s all a mistake Yeol. Why wont you-“

He pushed Myungsoo, hard enough so that he would let go of him.

His anger had gotten the best of him. Mistake his ! How dare him bring this up!


“Mistake? Hell no Myungsoo. I don’t make mistakes! I date them!”


Sungyeol pointed a finger at Myungsoo’s chest “You Myungsoo. You. YOU ARE!  You’re the  ing mistake!”


And all eyes are on them.


Myungsoo stared at him wide-eyed. It pained him. Myungsoo looking so lost and hurt and he just want to take back all those words. Hug him until he breaks. But Sungyeol is hurting too. Everything, every part of him is in pain.


“ it!” Sungyeol cursed and left the scene.


The sight of Sungyeol leaving made Myungsoo realize that he is being such an idiot once more.


He ran outside.  Chased after him.


He ran and spotted Sungyeol going to his so familiar car. So pulled him again.


“Sungyeol! Listen. IT IS AN ACCIDENT OKAY?!”


Sungyeol pulled his hand and groaned, his hands ran harshly on his own face, showing how much annoyance he is suppressing. God, this is really not a good idea! He breathed out loudly.


“Look, Myungsoo. Cheating is not an accident. Falling off a bike is an accident. You don’t trip and fall into a and an !”


Myungsoo is shocked once more.


Myungsoo seemed all lost and he is biting his lips. He started avoiding Sungyeol’s eyes.


This is what makes Sungyeol annoyed. As if he is really admitting that YES HE HAD WITH A PRETTY GUY even if he is together with Sungyeol. And he wont even dare say he is sorry!

Anyways, screw it! It’ll just make Sungyeol feel even bad even he says sorry and beg for forgiveness!


Sungyeol is so frustrated! And Myungsoo won’t explain himself further. He is so done. This is the end. He is hurting.


He looked at Myungsoo who seemed to look like he is going to cry. The badass façade of his long gone. And he just looks like a torn and broken child.


He sighed once more and closed his eyes. Having enough. He started to head to his car but Myungsoo’s voice stopped him.


“We are not doing anything wrong Yeol.”


Sungyeol turned to look at Myungsoo and there, their eyes met.


Sungyeol smiled. “No . You haven’t done IT yet when I caught you?”


“Look Sungyeol. I could never cheat on you.” Myungsoo let out a frustrated sigh.


“Yes you can Myungsoo. You did.” Myungsoo is hurt by how distant Sungyeol’s voice is.


Myungsoo was quiet once again.


“How long have you been cheating on me? How many times? Did he feel much better than me Myungsoo?!”


“We didn’t do it Sungyeol. I swear we didn’t.” Myungsoo walked up to Sungyeol. Slow steps. Pathetic voice getting into him.


“He is there and your hand is on his. . . his . . . .  How is it not cheating Soo?”


Sungyeol is exhausted. He feels weaker, even weaker. Now that Myungsoo had held him.


“I swear we didn’t do it.”


It is painful. Loving him is painful.


“Then tell me how could I believe that after seeing it for myself.”

His voice is desperate. Too weak and Sungyeol hated this. This just shows how vulnerable Myungsoo had made him. How Sungyeol still loves him. He still loves him too ing much.


“Tell me.



Cause you are killing me with this pain.” He broke down at that. Tears streamed. The tears that he had decided that won’t ever flow because of the cheating bastard.


Myungsoo gulped. He is torn. But he could never let Sungyeol go. Myungsoo loves him. And he just realized that he is being stupid for making Sungyeol cry.


There is silence for some moment.And Myungsoo hugged Sungyepol like that. He will tell him after Sungyeol calm down.





“You still remember the thing about Sungjong’s inaccurate body temperature?”

Sungyeol just hummed, still cradled by Myungsoo’s arms.


“Well. Sungjong would kill me. But yea. THAT. The scene you saw us. Involves a Rectal thermometer and some sensitive s you already know.”


That made Sungyeol’s eyes wide with horror.

He detached himself from Myungsoo and tried to find balance. He ended up leaning on his car.


“ no.” Sungyeol knows he looks horrible. Face wet with the path his tears had gone. Eyes wide with disbelief and mouth that seemed to hang open.


“ yes.” Myungsoo scratched his head and looked at the other direction shyly.







Then laughter. Sungyeol is laughing. MAD.



Myungsoo looked at him with a pout.


Sungyeol put his arm on his eyes. Wiping the wetness.

“Why are you such a walking disaster Myungsoo?” He laughed mockingly.


“So that you’ll notice me?”


Sungyeol scoffed.


“You totally ruined the night of ‘the y free and single’ guy of the day.”


Myungsoo pecked his lips. Help him get up and hold him on the waist.

“Yes,you are so y. But nope. You are never free and single.”


Sungyeol pecked Myungsoo’s lips

“We broke up mister.”


Myungsoo pecked Sungyeol’s.

“You broke up with me. I never agreed.”


And with that, the kiss both of them was yearning for was held.





“This is the most dramatic 6 hours of my life Soo.”

“Don’t ruin the romance Yeol, I might change my mind and take revenge at you by using a thermometer.”






“Thermometer.” Sungyeol scoffed

And Sungjong’s eyes grew wide with horror.


Myungsoo started running for his life.


A/N: IM SO SORRY! I just had too much sugar intake and this is written in one go and ugh. I just want Myungyeeeoool~

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Chapter 1: My guess was right about myung being the ex!
And this was hilarious and cute :')
MyungyeolLover100 #2
Chapter 1: Glad that it was just a misunderstanding and MyungYeol are back together XD Btw, sassy Yeol is cool!
Sungyeollo #6
Chapter 1: wow can you make story like this again.. omg myungyeol are so cute!!!
And all of this drama because of thermometer.. lol
Hilarious! Good job!!
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 1: hahaahahah this is funny! Thank you^^
choddinginlove #9
Chapter 1: That was because of thermometer omg that drama lol...nice job authornim