Chapter 2

It Must Be Something Wrong

Yoongi was waiting outside the school gate with Hoseok when Jeonghan, Suho, Baekhyun, Tao, Kai and Rin pulled up. Yoongi was wearing a black turtle neck shirt with long sleeve while Hoseok was wearing a white jumpsuit, and the loose fit made him look like a marshmallow man. Hoseok waved at them with both hands while Yoongi is staring at them, smiling.

“He’ll make a great mascot,” Kai said from the passenger seat. His words make all of them burst into laugh.

Outside the car, Yoongi walks to Jeonghan’s car and walks to the driver place. “Yo hyung! Ssup?” asked Yoongi, grab Jeonghan’s hand for a handshake. Jeonghan grinned at the younger.

“Yo kid. I’m fabulous as always,” Jeonghan winked cheekily at Yoongi before both of them looks at each other and laugh.

Rin open the door car and get out, followed by Kai and Baekhyun. Tao is already out, waiting for the others while fixing his hair. Rin push Yoongi away softly, peck Jeonghan’s cheek before waving him goodbye.

A van suddenly appears out of nowhere, blocking the front gate. 4 figure, walks out from the van cockily. And then there is this guy. Tall and good looking with his elf-like ears, grinning to everyone. 

“Paipai oppaa~! See you at home,” Rin clings her arm with Yoongi who is now standing beside Hoseok, entering the school with Kai, Suho, Baekhyun and Tao, ignoring those who they just see. They head to the cafeteria since their classes ain’t starting yet. Rin is carrying a tray of food for her, walking to his brothers and lover. She then bumped on someone and lost her balance, letting the tray fall on the floor with her food. She gasp, looking down at her food.

“Oh my good my babies. Why my babies? Noooooooo, my love,” Rin whines to herself before realizing that she owe an apology to the guy she bumped to earlier. She bow and said sorry.

 “Are you blind or perhaps your eyes are useless miss?” a tall figure with a face asking Rin while staring at her while there’s this owl-like guy who keep staring at her.

Kai then stand up from his place and grab his twin’s arm and drag her away from them. “How cocky,” said Kai.

Suho who is watching from distance were distracted when a junior telling him that the principal wanted to meet him immediately. As Kai and Rin taking their sits, Suho stand up and grabs his back.

“I’m going to the office. See you guys later aight?” he then makes his own way to the office.

Suho saw a familiar figure when he gets into the office. His eyes widen as he realized who they are. It’s the cocky siblings that they m

met at the cafeteria before. He looks at his principal who is flashing a warm smile to him.

“Ah Joonmyeon, I hope I don’t disturb you with anything. As you can see here, we have a new family in our school and all of the dorms are full. I hope that you won’t mind if I put them in your siblings’ house,” his principal said, giving Suho a full attention.

“Er.. I don’t think that my siblings would mind Mister Lee. We would be glad to welcome them in our house,” Suho smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.


As their school session ends, the Kims are waiting at the gate with the Hans. The atmosphere is too awkward and the silence is too loud! They are staring at each other without having any guts to talk to each other.

A white Ssangyong Stavic stopped infront of both families. “Hye kids,” Xiumin grinned to his siblings. “Get in,” he continued.

The Kims get in. Suho sits on the passenger seat infront, fasten his seat-belt before staring at Xiumin.

“Hyung, we’ll be having a new housemate. We’re going to follow them to their hotel and lead them to our house,” Suho said.

“Alright then,” Xiumin answered. He followed Hans to their hotel and bring them home. Baekhyun lead the Hans and open the door for them, revealing Luhan who is currently eating a bucket of fried chicken while watching Running man in the living room. He gasps as he saw the crowd.

“What are they doing here?” asked Luhan after he finally recognized the figure whom fight with Tao over a plushie.

“We’re entering our new houseeeee,” said a camel-alike guy.

Luhan blinks his eyes, staring at his siblings. The crowd come in and luggage are now all over the living room.

“So we have 5 rooms here but we have only 3 rooms that are prepared with bed and closet. I think we can buy it later. Is it okay for all of you?” asked Xiumin.

“Yeah it’s fine for us. So I’ll introduce my family here. I’m Miryu but you may call me Ryu. I’m the oldest here. This is Wufan a.k.a Kris, Yixing or we call him as Lay, Jongdae but we call him Chen, Chanyeol is the one who is smiling over there and last but not least, Kyungsoo,” Ryu calmly introduce all of them to the Kims.

“Chicken?” Luhan offered his chicken to Kris who is standing near him.

“No thanks. Chicken is not my style and I don’t eat fried food,” said Kris. Tao who is standing nearby, raising his eyebrow and staring weirdly at Kris.

“Alright then. I’m Xiumin and this is Luhan, my twin, Joonmyeon or Suho, Baekhyun, and my youngest twins, Kai and Rin. I think Chanyeol, Ryu and Kris will be in the first room upstairs on the left. Chen, Lay and Kyungsoo will stay in the second room, while Sehun can stay with me and Luhan in our room,” Xiumin said, looking at the Hans and waiting for their reaction.

“Alright. All set. Thank you Xiumin. Ah me and Kris are working at Ceci as a model before and the company asked us to go to their company tomorrow. Would you mind to send us?” Kris asked.

“It’s not a big deal. I’ll send you both,” Xiumin smiled at them.


It was 7 in the morning. The Kims are all up. Rin, Suho and Luhan are making breakfast while the others are doing their stuffs. Baekhyun walks to Chanyeol, Ryu and Kris’ room. He saw the door is slightly opened. He walk closer before a tall figure leaning over the door, putting his hand on the door. Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol who is shirtless. Towels were wrapped around his waist and his neck.

“What are you trying to do?” he asked while wiping his wet hair.

“Err.. I-I just wanna take m-my stuff that I k-keep h-here before,” Baekhyun startle, trying his best to not to look at Chanyeol’s bare body.

“Really? What kind of stuff?” Chanyeol grinned widely, giving Baekhyun all of his attention.

‘Such a busybody,’ Baekhyun mumbled.

“Sorry? I can’t hear you,” Chanyeol raise his eyebrow.

“Err nothing. Can I get in?” Baekhyun look into Chanyeol’s eyes.

“Okay then. Come on in,” Chanyeol stepped back, wiping his hair continuously.

Baekhyun gets in. The room was in mess. Luggage is everywhere. Baekhyun walks carefully but he accidently hits Kris’ leg and almost fall onto Kris before Chanyeol grab his hand and pull him into his hug.

“Watch out little smurf,” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun let go of Chanyeol’s grip and take a small box before running away, hiding his redden cheeks.

“Why did he run?” Chanyeol asked himself.

In the kitchen, there are mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, oatmeal and pie slices on the table. Baekhyun then joined them and make some toast. He puts them on the table and gets into his room, which is downstairs. As he walks into his rooms, he heard a chaos coming from upstairs.

Back at the upstairs, Chanyeol and Lay are working hard on waking up their sleepyhead siblings. Both of them are busy setting 5 alarm clocks to an exact time which with a gap of 1 minutes and place them along the way in the two rooms. They put them in different places far away from each other. As the first clock goes off, the rest of them follow and soon the entire rooms are now a ringing palace. Ryu, Kris, Chen and Kyungsoo are awake with a jolt of their lifetime

Chanyeol and Lay smile happily as their plans works. Now it’s time to wake their maknae up. Both of them walk to his room with ropes on their hands. They tiptoe, tying Sehun’s feet to the bed post. Lay starts shaking the bed violently while Chanyeol dramatically gives out panicky shouts, “Get up! Oh my God! Fireeeeeeeeeee”

Sehun is terrified and shock to the core to find himself unable to move while still groggy and with all the screams Chanyeol is shouting, like all hell has broken loose!

When Sehun’s consciousness seeps back in, Chanyeol and Lay are rolling on the floor laughing while Sehun who they have so mercilessly brisk out of sleep has no freaking idea why.

Lay untie Sehun and summon him to wash himself. After all of them done showering, they go downstairs for breakfast. Tao is walking out from Baekhyun’s room when the Hans are heading to the dining table. Tao bumped on Kris.

“Can you get out of my way?” Kris asked Tao, pushing him away.

“You’re the one who is not using your eyes when walking,” Tao answered, glaring at Kris.

Baekhyun who is standing behind Tao is covering his face from Chanyeol. He is still embarrassed at the thought when Chanyeol call him ‘little smurf’.

Chanyeol in the other side is waving at Baekhyun while smiling cheekily. Ryu at the back is staring at both Baekhyun and Chanyeol. ‘What the hell is wrong with this two?’ Ryu asked himself.

Baekhyun makes his way to the dining table and takes his seats when the rest come in.

“Where’s Jeonghan?” asked Luhan while staring at Baekhyun and Rin.

“Part-time as always oppa,” Rin answered.

‘There’s still another species like them here? God,’ Ryu mumble to himself.

They are actually fighting for the food. All of them. They grab the food as they didn’t eat for the whole year.

While Chanyeol who is sitting beside Baekhyun is now offering Baekhyun a toast. “Hey try this,”

“I’m the one who make it so I know wether I should eat it or not,” Baekhyun said, rolling his eyes.

“Ah no wonder it tastes really good,” Chanyeol grins and eats the toast happily, leaving the small guy blushing hard.


Tao was drinking water when Kris who is sitting beside him suddenly said, “I know you like me Tao.” Tao chocked on the water before staring at Kris, “What the hell Yifan?”

“Ahahahahahahaha God you look so funny! I should have took a picture of yours,” Kris laughing his out.

“Heh so funny Han Yifan. Why are you bothering me? Did you perhaps, like me?” Tao gasped and widen his eyes, looking at Kris.

What the, why would I like someone who chocked on the water?” Kris said, staring at Tao who is happily eating his chicken. Kris grabs the chicken and put them on his plate.

“What happen with mister ‘chicken is not my style’?” tease Tao.

“Oh shut up. I am just hungry and there is only chicken that left here,” Kris stare at the chicken.

“Sure Yifan sure. By the way, I saw it first so it’s mine. Back of weirdo,” Tao pull the plate and eats them up.

“NO! My chicken! I freaking hate you, you panda,” Kris fake a sobs while watching Tao eats all the chicken.

“Well thank you. I love panda too,” Tao drinks some more. “Hey, I left some chicken for you. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to bother anyone else just because of chicken.” Tao push the plate with a few pieces of chicken to Kris.

Kris eats the chicken happily before he stares at Tao, “Wait, doesn’t this mean I ate his leftover? Ahhh that freaking panda.” Kris finishes the chicken and pushes the plate away. “Thanks for the chicken. I know you like me so that is why you left some for me right?” Kris grins.

“What the hell is wrong with you Han Yifan? Out of your mind or chicken overdose?” Tao looks at Kris annoyingly.

“Panda overdose,” Kris winks before stands up and walks to his Ryu hyung who is now preparing his stuffs at the living room. 

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