Hot Chocolate

BTS One-Shots

Taehyung X Jungkook (FLUFF)


I sat at the table, playing idly with the half empty cup of water in front of me. I was meant to be meeting up with Yoongi hyung to discuss a new track but he had canceled at the last minute claiming to have forgotten an important appointment. It was a load of bull, I could tell by his voice he had only just woken up and was too lazy to stick to our meeting. 

I could have just left, gone home and watched a film or ordered a pizza, but the rain that was pouring outside of the cafe wasn't exactly welcoming. My house was a 20 minute walk from here and the ice cold bullets shooting from the sky showed no mercy on anyone who dared to face them. 

As if to prove my point, a young guy pushed open the door noisily, letting out a sigh of relief when he stepped inside from the cold. He was soaked, water dripping from the strands of hair that stuck out from under his hat and falling onto his thin coat.

Shaking the water from his clothes on to a few unlucky people seated close to him, he shrugged off his coat and used the back of his hand to brush the water of his face. The bad weather hadn't dampened his seemingly high mood and he looked around the cafe with a smile, eyes catching mine, our gaze lasting a second too long. 

I looked down out of the embarrassment of having been caught staring; when I dared to look up, he was already over at the counter ordering his drink. Letting out a relieved sigh, I pushed my drink away deciding now would probably be a good time to leave. Id have to battle the rain but I didn't want to sit here any longer on my own. 

Just as I was about to get up, someone dropped down into the seat opposite me. I looked up in shock to meet the eyes of the stranger for the second time. He was smiling a rectangle smile at me from behind his cup. 

"Sorry I'm late." He breathed, wrapping his thin fingers tightly around the warm cardboard that held his drink. "It's raining cats and dogs out there." 

"E-excuse me?" I stuttered, not quite sure why this was happening. 

"Where are my manners? I'm Kim Taehyung" he said reaching out a hand to grasp mine firmly in a quick shake. "You must be Woo-jin." 

"Actually I-" 

"I'm really glad your still here, I thought for sure you would have left by now. I wouldn't have been so late if I hadn't stopped to feed those birds but they were soaked and hungry and I couldn't help myself."

I wasn't sure what to do. There was one thing I was sure of - this guy was here to meet someone and that person was definitely not me. I turned to look at the other people chattering away, oblivious to us. There were no other people sitting alone so I could only think that he was seriously mistaken in thinking I was the person he was supposed to be meeting. 

"-but truthfully, I was really nervous about this. My friends kind of forced me into it. Blind dates are not really my thing..." He blushed slightly as his confession but it was his words that took me by surprise. 

"B-blind date?" This couldn't be possible. How did I manage to become part of a blind date between two people I had never met in my life?

"Whenever I go on one of these I always worry that I won't have anything to say." I laughed despite myself. This guy definitely seemed like he would never be lost for words. 

"Your smile is cute." He cooed, his own strange smile pulling at his lips. I spluttered at his compliment, heat rushing to my cheeks. Being called cute by a strange, handsome guy who thought I was an entirely different person was not how I thought this night would progress. 

"Anyway, tell me something about yourself?" 


"You wanted to meet here so I'm guessing you like coffee. I bet I can guess your favourite."

"There's someth-"

"Americano, two sugars?" 

"No, but-"

"Vanilla iced latte?" 

"I really need to-" 

"Caramel macchiato?" 

"HEY!" My sudden out burst caused a momentary silence in the cafe, everybody turning in there seats to stare at me. I muttered a quick apology before slowly turning to the guy in front of me. 

His eyes were wide in surprise and his mouth hung open slightly. I didn't know if it was from shock or if that was just his normal behaviour. 

"I don't like Americanos or vanilla lattes or caramel macchiatos, I don't even like coffee. There's something important that I have to tell you so please just give me two seconds to speak. I think you'd really like to know what I have to say."

He was quiet for a few seconds as he took in my words, and then his eyes met mine, a steely sort of determination shining within them. He stood up from his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. He must have finally figured out I wasn't his date. 

"It's hot chocolate, isn't it?"


"Your favourite drink. Something sweet for somebody sweet!" He grinned, clearly proud of himself. I let out a frustrated groan, as pushed out of my chair. 

"You're crazy! For the past twenty minutes I've been trying to tell you that you got the wrong person. I'm not your date, I have no idea who you are, and my name isn't Woo-jin!" 

He stared at me and this time it definitely was in shock. 

"You mean you're not..."


"And this isn't..."

"Not in the slightest."

He stare for a couple more seconds, hand coming up to brush the stray strands of dark brown hair from his eyes. 

And then he laughed. 

He burst into a fit of giggles, falling breathlessly into his chair. I sat down quickly, well aware of the strange looks we were receiving from the staff and the customers. 

When he finally pulled himself together, he looked up at me, brushing tears from his cheeks. 

"You should have said something earlier!" He laughed, and I rolled my eyes. 

"I tried to about fifty thousands times! You really know how to talk." I huffed, leaning back in my chair. He reached forward to ruffle my hair and I was shocked at the gesture, unsure of how to react. 

"So, what's your name, stranger?"

"J-Jeon Jungkook.." I stuttered, cursing myself for the mess I had become at such a small action.  

"Well, J-Jeon Jungkook," he smiled, softening the teasing " how about I buy you a drink." 

I nodded my head hesitantly, not sure where this was leading to. He didn't seemed the least bit upset that I wasn't his date. In fact he seemed to be enjoying the turn of events. 

"Great! What will it be? Hot chocolate?"

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