
Kokoro No Sentaku


“Hikaru the drums are a bit sloppy.” Tomohisa uttered into the microphone as the band BEST  was recording for the new single they were going to release. Unfortunately Tomohisa was such in a bad mood that nothing seemed to go on right. With a last resort Tomohisa sighed then spoke back into the mic. “I’m sorry guys, take five for a while we’ll continue this later.” The members of BEST stopped playing then looked at each other all looking confused. They knew that Tomohisa is a bossy and smug producer but he rarely had bad days and was always at his best. Somehow, him not being able to concentrate was a surprise for them. Once all of the members were outside, Tomohisa slumped tiredly on the chair in-front of the mixer, rubbing his temple. He was suddenly getting a headache and he didn’t know the reason. He’s always been an efficient worker but somehow his systems are all messed up today. His inside were all churning and his face was growing hot from god-knows- what! He removed his jacket, feeling all hot once again then lied down on the sofa and closed his eyes. He grabbed his iPhone along with the headsets then started listening to music maybe that will calm him down. Oddly enough the song that came next was one by Tegomasu in which it was Maki who composed it. He smiled at the thought, her face suddenly forming in-front of him. Sure the two of them always bickered but Tomohisa had this deep fascination with Maki. He knew that Maki wasn’t like other girls. She had this quiet aura around her ever since she was a kid but she was spunky as hell, not to mention both book-smart and street-smart.  Suddenly the music from his ears was cut off, he frowned and realized that his earphones were gone and when he looked up, he came face to face with a handsome face with the same chiselled features as his.

“Are you slacking on the job Tomo-kun?”

Tomohisa sat up from the couch. “Onii-chan! What are you doing here?”

Yamaa Takuya smiled crookedly while crossing his fingers then dropped the earphones he was holding unto Tomohisa’s hand. “Is it wrong for an older brother to visit his younger brother?” He then sat down beside Tomohisa who scooted further down the couch to give his brother some space.

“You, a big shot CEO would visit his younger for just a chat?” Tomohisa said incredulously.

Takuya sighed at that but a smile was still evident on his face. “Yes you’re right, it’s about Otou-san.”

Oh great. Tomohisa knew that tone of voice. “What does he want?”

Takuya stared at his brother for a while, his eyes deep and concentrated. “What he always wants Tomo…”

Tomohisa stood up from the couch, looking problematic. Takuya continued talking anyways. “He wants to meet with us at obaa-chan’s.”


Recording with BEST lasted until 6 in the evening as said from Tomohisa’s expensive wristwatch. Without another word he hurried away from the studios grabbed his things from his office then entered his car and drove off. Shinjuku was just beginning to get really upbeat as the sun settled down behind the tall buildings. Tomohisa’s car swerved gently at a corner street where he parked already seeing his brother’s own car.

The café bell dinged as Tomohisa entered, taking his coat off. At the end of the café was Takuya and his father Yamaa Takahiro. He made his way over. “Konbanwa otou-chan.” Tomohisa followed staring directly at his father who gave a simple smile which somehow caused him to stiffen. He knew whenever his father smiled like that he was up to something. “So what are we talking about here?” It’s better to get it over with right away.

Takahiro went straight to the point. “It’s time for you to widen your surroundings Tomo… I want you to become COO of Yamaa Industries.”

To say Tomohisa was taken aback was an understatement. He stared back at his father then to Takuya who had an uneasy expression on his face. “I thought we’d already discussed this.”

“That discussion was never finished Tomo.” Takahiro said grimly. He leaned forward on the table to stare his youngest son straight in the eyes “I’ve given you freedom with all this about being a music producer but you’re already 26 Tomohisa, it’s about time you enter the real world.”

Tomohisa couldn’t believe this. “You think that what I’m doing isn’t a serious job?”

“You’re a Yamaa son, of course everyone expects you to work for our company.” Takahiro explained. “You have a brilliant mind and yet you’re wasting it on what, composing songs? Rearranging music? It’s a waste Tomohisa.”

“You have Takuya-nii as CEO, why must you push on me?”

“This would be good for the company, why can’t you understand that?” Takahiro sighed dejectedly.


The penthouse was somewhat quiet that evening, Mirai had already headed back home, Maki was reading one of her favourite books, sitting on one of the couches in the living room when the elevator bell dinged and in came Tomohisa. The man had a dark expression on his face which brought out the aura of him being really pissed. He didn’t even acknowledge Maki when he passed by, disappearing through the kitchen.

Now what’s his problem? Maki gently put her book down then removed her glasses before following Tomohisa though to the kitchen. The scene she saw before her was her childhood friend pouring himself a glass of scotch then downing it in one gulp.

“Tomo are you alright?” Maki asked as she cautiously approached him. He looked so troubled right now. Tomohisa wiped the stray liquid from his mouth with the back of his hand then looked over to Maki.

“You know so much people envy us…”

“What?” Maki wasn’t quite catching on.

Tomohisa smiled humorlessly, pouring himself another shot but not drinking it. “We’re rich Maki… we live in a penthouse, I drive a BMW… what else?” He scoffed. “People think, ‘oh, there goes that guy who don’t even need to work to live’ maybe they’re right…” He looked at her again. “Maybe we don’t need to work to live, but they don’t f”cking know how much pressure is put on us.”

Maki moved a little closer until she was standing right beside him. “What are you talking about?”

Tomohisa shook his head and downed the scotch yet again. “You know if you marry me, otou-san might be prouder…” He slammed the glass down before exiting to the direction of his room. Maki quickly caught up with him, her face contorted into confusion. “What’s this all about? Your father pressuring you to marry me?”

“Not that…” He replied while they walked down the corridor. He stopped just by the couches. “He thinks my job is not serious. Tss, probably why Takuya-nii is his favourite.”

“That’s not true…” Maki said softly, trying to get him to look at her. “Your dad just wants you to build up to your strengths.”

“Oh quit it Maki.” Tomohisa said sounding annoyed. “We have the same strengths… you’re lucky your father doesn’t force you into something you don’t want to do.”

Maki found herself speechless because he was right. Her father never pressured her about Horikita corporation, especially since her onii-chan Takashi was handling the company. But she didn’t put up without a fight. “Then don’t let him!” she said eagerly earning a furrowed eyebrow yet still surprised look from Tomohisa. “You’re an adult now, it’s not like he’ll cut you off if you don’t do what he says!” Her eyes were earnest as she looked at him and he could only stare in return. “That’s your real dilemma Tomohisa…” she started while looking down on the floor. “You’re too worried about what your father thinks… but what about what you think? What about your choice? And not just your mind’s choice, but also the choice of your heart…” Somehow she felt tear welling up in her eyes but she was able to prevent them from falling. Not here… not in-front of Tomohisa. She walked away, thoughts running through her head. It wasn’t just Tomohisa’s dilemma… it was also hers.


A/N: short chapter minna-san! :) Takuya is "Kimura Takuya" and Takashi is "Tsukamoto Takashi" 

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Chapter 21: Really good story.
ilovewand #2
Chapter 21: Gosh i just found this story, shame on me :$$$
But its a really really good story, u're writing it beautifully :"""")))
Aliska #3
Chapter 21: Just finished your fanfic :)
I loved it!!
Really a great job!!
Thank you so much for sharing :)
namwustar #4
hai haiiii new reader here *waves hands*
found your fic when i searched for maki's tag here
And i am so freaking in love with this fic.... I love all the characters, the pairings, everything is just perfect.
The plot of this story is just so simple yet so awesome.... My my my.....
Cannot say a words anymore, keep up the good work :)
Woaah it's completed ! I read that story awhile ago... I think I'm going to read all over again since it's completed ! And I'll comment as I read it x) I love your stories' plot they are awesome. And you do update fast.. Not like me :( I'm a Yamaki fanatic so yeah, gotta love it ! :D <3
@Naeyan - aww dont be sad! :D you mustve been bery busy. thank you for reading until the end! yes finally they get together! please drop by and read my new story Written In The Stars :) thank you!
I'm sad! The story is already finish since so long I didn't know :( I was so busy.

It is very great! Finally Pi could confess and Maki faced her feeling! It was very sweet!
I really love it!^^
shinhw4_girl - thank you! Yes sadly it has already ended. I do have a new story though! Please read Written In The Stars :)
shinhw4_girl #9
uwaahhh it's end already... such a lovely story ^^

i'll wait for your next story :)
@romanticswan4ever - thank you! I hope you also enjoyed the ending and the epilogue! :)