Twisted Love Triangle

Baekhyun woke up to loud clanking beside his house. Who the hell is making such loud annoying sounds outside of my house?!? He groaned as he lazily plopped out of bed. He sauntered over to the window and rigorously slid open his curtains. He scoffed seeing moving trucks in the house beside his. I wonder who moved here. Baekhyun's house is pretty decent, it wouldnt be technically small but big enough for his family and Kyungsoo to stay in. Its usually only Baekhyun in his house though.

Both his parents work in buisness and usually end up staying at different places. Baekhyuns brother, Baekbeom is working in China with his wife at a small but sucessful company. So Kyungsoo comes over a lot and gives him someone to talk to. Although he is usually alone, he doesnt mind.

Jongin is getting pretty close with the two, he always follows them around and joins into their conversations. But Baekhyun and Jongin arent really close. They talk in small conversations, but not long enough to actually know the person. He made a mental note to invite him over to get to know him better.

Surprisingly Jongin is just like a normal student. Most people would think he spends his whole day in rich kid places with a bunch of women, but he actually prefers to stay home and play some video games. Also, despite his popular status he hangs out with the two of them and actually looks like hes enjoying himself. Baekhyun wouldn't mind getting closer with Jongin.

Once Baekhyun was ready he set off to school. Baekhyun always walks to school since he lives pretty close to building. He enjoys his morning walks, they give him nourishing fresh air. He likes the way he can hear the leaves rustling in the wind, and the birds chirping in the trees. The feeling of natural air around him lets him relieve all the morning stress and others. Baekhyun looked at his surroundings, even with all the scenery around him the sound of cars passing by always ruins the mood. He huffed in annoyance, the cars are really irritating and he had to wake up to disruptive trucks beside him.

The first thing he did when he got to school was drop down to his seat, obviously not in a good mood. Kyungsoo was the first one to notice it, since he has seen this side of Baekhyun many times.

"What got on your nerves this time Baek?"

"U've noticed," he replied laying his head down on his arms.

"Yeah of course I have, so seriously what's bothering you?"

"Well, I think I got a new neighbor," Kyungsoo snickered a bit at his attitude.

"What's so bad about getting a neighbor?"

"I dont think a neighbor is that bad its just...they had to move in so early in the morning, and I couldnt get my proper sleep Soo," Baekhyun pouted.

"Baek stop being a baby, lets great them later, okay?" Baekhyun nodded still pouting at the loss of his beauty sleep. 

Classes went per usual, the two finally planned an official hangout including Jongin to know him better. Baekhyun cant lie he is pretty curious about the younger. Kyungsoo eyes also sparked in curiousity as they were planning, they both want to know if Jongin was really a good friend they can trust. The final bell rang and students gushed out the door. The two said their good byes to Jongin and made their way to Baekhyuns house.

After they got to his house Kyungsoo looked at the neighboring house. It had nicer aesthetics than Baekhyuns but overall the same size. It looked newer and had an expensive looking car parked outside the garage, it made him wonder even more who lives there.

"Baek, you wanna bake them something? You know to make them feel welcome?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah sounds good," he said in a flat tone.

They decided on going for a small strawberry cheese cake. It was Baekhyuns idea cause he thought of the cheese cake Chanyeol was eating the other day. 

Both boys worked hard to make the cheese cake. Kyungsoo has a passion for cooking while Baekhyun is into baking. Baekhyun likes making cakes on his spare time and saves them for later to satisfy his cravings. The finished product turned out really beautiful. It was topped with strawberry sauce and fresh cut strawberrys. In addition it was decorated with small chocolate pieces and little crushed nuts around it. They smiled happily at their creation and started taking pictures, because who bakes something and doesnt take a picture afterwards? They put the cake into a cute white box and after fixing themselves up made their way over to the neighbors house.

Baekhyun decided to wear his contacts, both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo have bad eye sight, Kyungsoo just wears his contacts more than Baekhyun does. Baekhyun is a lazy person, so taking time to just wear contacts in the morning is a waste of time for him.

Kyungsoo wore a gray sweater, sleeves rolled up to his elbows black jeans, and his hair down unto a fringe. While Baekhyun wore a white sweater with gray skinny jeans and waxed his hair up. They both look way different then they do at school. During school the two always look like someone who no one would pay any attention to, truly big loners. But when they go out they actually try to look nice and end up looking hot. 

They started walking to the to the neighbors house chatting on the way there about what they think the person looks like. If its a she or a he, tall or short, they're both excitedly curious. Once they reached the door Baekhyun knocked since Kyungsoo was holding the cake. 

The person who appeared at the door was not anyone who they would expect.





It was Park Chanyeol.





Chanyeol looked confused at the two smaller guys in front of him. One was holding a box with his mouth agape and the other doing the same except with nothing in his hands. No one was talking, just staring at each other. Chanyeols eyes diverted from the one in black to they one in white. 

Chanyeol was the first one to speak, "Ah, hi do you need anything?"

Thats when Kyungsoo and Baekhyun snapped back into reality. Baekhyuns heart is pounding like he just ran a marathon, and he is pretty sure his face is beet red by now. Kyungsoo saw his bestfriends tomato face and started speaking for him.

"Ah yeah, my friend here is your neighbor and we just wanted to give you a warm welcome to the neighborhood," Chanyeol nodded and smiled gratefully at the statement, "by the way my name is Do Kyungsoo and this guy is Byun Baekhyun, we all go to the same school"

Chanyeol looked surprised, he was sure he never saw people like them before, but wait, there was that one guy he bumped into...

"Hey are you perhaps that guy I bumped into the other day?" He asked Baekhyun. Baekhyuns cheeks reddend at that and he replied, "yeah."

Chanyeol let out an amused laugh, the guy looks totally different outside and in school, its like reverse personalities. "Sorry about that," he apologized.

"Ah, um, we made a cake for you," Baekhyun said shyly, "is it just you who lives here?"

"Yeah, thanks for the cake," he said taking the box "come inside, sorry there are still some boxes left out but most of the house has been cleaned." Chanyeol grinned widely at the boys and they walked into the spacious house.

Even though its the same house as Baekhyuns he cant help but feel a great amount richness urging from this house. Like everything is valuble and will brake from one slight touch. Kyungsoo also looked at the decorations in awe. They were so elegant and give a simple but prestigious vibe to it. 

Chanyeol led the two to the living room. Going through the halls were already a big adventure. Even though he just recently moved there everything already looks in place. When they reached the main room the two gaped at the sight. There were two white couches surrounding a glass centre table, paintings and pottery all around giving a modern vibe to the white room. A red carpet was laid down on the wooden floor and a huge flat screen tv completing the room. 

You could see a full kitchen set laid out and a tempting bar with bottles of wine and beer set in the cabinets. Baekhyun wondering if he even drinks them. 

Chanyeol was wearing a black graphic shirt and black skinny jeans. Way more casual and laid back then what Baekhyun thought he would wear outside of school. He walked over to the kitchen and took out three plates for them to eat. He laid out the plates on the counter and put the slices on them. Once he walked back he had a grin on his face.

"Thanks you guys for the cake," he said handing them out "truthfully cheese cake is my favorite, especially strawberry." He smiled a large goofy grin at the two, who only responed with a light hum and a nod. The tension grew thicker and Chanyeol cleared his throat trying the clear the awkwardness. 

"So, howcome I never see you guys at school?" He looked at Baekhyun "you looks so different than when I saw you last." 

"For me, I actually see you almost everday" exclaimed Kyungsoo "you just never notice." Chanyeol looked at him confused, wondering how he has ever missed someone like this. Kyungsoo noticed his look and further explained, "Im too lazy to look good for school and the uniform makes me look all squishy."

Chanyeol noddef understanding. He looked over at Baekhyun, waiting for his answer. Baekhyun was looking down on his plate, stabbing the cake with his fork, visible frustration shown. Kyungsoo prodded his side and he snapped his head up startled at the sudden nudge. He notuced the two giving him looks and he shyly smiled. 

"Uh, what were we talking about?" Kyungsoo sighed and Chanyeol snickered a bit at the statement.

"Maybe you would have heard if you werent trying to kill the cake," laughed Chanyeol, "we were talking about how I never see you at school and how you look so different, why?"

"Uh, I-I I...." he stumbled, he shook his head in frustration trying to get his life together.

Kyungsoo saw his little delema and once again spoke for Baekhyun, "he is also too lazy to get ready in the morning. Both of us wear glasses but I choose to wear contacts more than my glasses. He also never bothers to style his hair too."

Baekhyun nods frantically a blush on his face because of embarrasment, voice still not able to come out. He is pretty sure if he starts to speak he will either stutter or just word vomit.

"Wow I cant believe I actually didnt notice you guys," Chanyeol leaned over to Kyungsoo and whispered into his ears, "your friend is okay, right?" Unfortunatly Baekhyun heard that jumped up and yelled a quick,

"Im okay! Im a totally normal human being, who so doesn't have a speaking problem! Ahahaa!" 

Chanyeol winced at the sudden out burst and Baekhyun snapped back into realilty and immedietly sat back down. No one was talking, all you could hear was faint mumbles of Baekhyun scolding himself. A few minutes have passed, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo having a casual conversation about life, they are all done their cakes.

"Well this has been nice, I hope to see u guys at school at one point," Chanyeol said thinking it was a good time.

"Ah yeah, we'll be going now, enjoy the cake, see you!" Kyungsoo replied dragging a sulking Baekhyun out the door.

Once they were outside, Baekhyun broke down.

"Kyungsoooooooo!!!!!! What am I supposed to do! He thinks Im a weiro freak who has mental problems!" He groaned, "how am I supposed to face him now, how am I to show my face to the handsome, y, tall, god who is now my neighbor! Arghhh!"

Kyungsoo could only pat his back trying to comfort the weeping boy.



A/N: Ayee, so..... its been a while..... heres a short chapter for u guys to you know.... read....


I only go back through it once or twice and I also dont have anyone to edit so Im sorry for the mistakes!


Right now Im currently trying to improve my writing as much as I can... I still need a lot to learn, Im still a new child.

Anyways please enjoy and I will try to further enhance my writing skills!



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Chapter 4: if jongin love sehun,sehun love luhan and luhan love d.o that would be really funny! :D
I LOVE THIS. but i hope hunhan wont get the same unrequited love too lol
Isn't this a love square?
_HunHanlover_ #4
Chapter 3: Plz Update plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 1: So.... Kyungsoo -Baekhyun- Chanyeol- Jongin- ??

Loovvee this Fic btw @..@!!!!
Lulyhan #6
Seems to be so good *Q*
vkookie1 #7
Chapter 1: Omg this is so good....