
Um, Help (Please)

Youngjae really hates being a college student.

Everyone knows that college students are one of the poorest species on this planet. They have to sacrifice years of concert tickets and clothes in order in get a decent education.

(Fun Fact: He has been wearing the same three outfits for seven months.)

It also doesn't help that he goes to the University of Seoul. That just puts him right below homeless people on the monthly income totem poll.

He can't complain, though. Getting royalty checks each month from big companies who have artist he's written for helps more than anything (being a music student finally had it perks, even if it meant ghostwriting); but every single dime goes into his rent, food, and tuition. Rent being the most important, since you need a place to go home to and rest.

Except, he pays rent to apparently sleep in a hallway.

As the door shuts behind him, he turns to see the blur of his jacket, phone, and wallet being thrown at him.

"Y-yah! Yugyeom!" He says franticly through the crack of the door as it shuts. Then he hears a muffled voice from the other side.

"We'll be all night Youngjae, so... go to the library and chill there till tommorrow, yeah?"

Yugyeom is an , he decides, squeezing his eyes together as he rests his forehead on the metal door. his roommate's happy relationship.

"Why couldn't I have a socially awkward roommate?" He rushes out in a hiss.

Looking down at his watch, he sees that it's past two in the morning. A sigh leaves his mouth as he bends down to pick up his wallet and lets out an even deeper sigh when he realizes he doesn't even have enough money to buy a cup of ramen; let alone get a taxi to get to the only twenty-four hour library, across town.

"I hate my life. I hate my life."



Jaebum doesn't usually wake up a quarter past two craving strawberry milk and a hotdog.

First of all, he's vegan; he hasn't eaten a hotdog in nearly five years (he would buy vegan hot dogs but they taste like vomit so he vowed to never eat one again).

Secondly, milk?

Did my brain completely forget what a vegan is, he thinks to himself as he slips on his shoes.

He was still going to the convenience store. He could at least get something that won't break his morals yet satisfy his cravings.

Plus, a good nighttime walk is also a great way to feel refreshed (and terrified, but his therapist told him to face his fears, so he might as well take 'walking alone at night' off the list ASAP).

He opens his apartment door and jumps as soon as he sees a dark mass slumped up against the door of his across-the-hall neighbor.

"I really didn't want to check 'finding a dead person' off my list tonight." He whispers meekly before approaching the body.

He goes to prod at the other's shoulder, when they raise their head in surprise. Jaebum is about to scream when a hand is pressed against his mouth. His eyes stare widely at the man in front him.

"The old lady in 204 already hates me. Please don't make it worse." They whisper. Jaebum nods dumbly as the hand slowly lowers itself.

"I'm Youngjae." They says quietly. He points his thumb towards the door he was previously rested on. "I live in 184."

Jaebum doesn't respond. He looks at the door then back at Youngjae before confusion masks his face.

"Then why aren't you in 184?" He asks. The other looks down with red ears.

"Eh, my roommate just proposed to his girlfriend so, yeah... special night, you know..." He mumbles as the red travels slowly to his cheeks.  

Their faces turn matching shades as Jaebum hears the explanation. Then he remembers what he was doing up at two. He clears his throat while straightening his back.

"Um, I was going to the convenience store but—"

"At two in the morning?" Youngjae interrupts.

Jaebum laughs, nodding his head. "That's not even the crazy part."



"So, seven years a vegan, but strawberry milk and a hotdog? That... doesn't make sense." Youngjae mumbles.

Jaebum just nods furiously, pulling the large grape from his mouth.

"I know right! I mean, I don't even drink milk alternatives."

The two continue walking down the empty sidewalk, approaching their apartment building. They make their way towards the elevator through the vacant lobby.

"And Ms. Jung, in 204, did you really kill her tarantula?" Youngjae winces at the question.

"Yeah..." He pauses.

"But it was an accident! You think I should buy her a new one?" Jaebum laughs loudly before covering his mouth as the elevator doors open to reveal their floor.

"No," He shakes his head in amusement. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

Youngjae smiles, nodding in agreement. He breifly wondered why they hadn't talked sooner. This was the best conversation he's had since asking Yugyeom if he could borrow a towel. 

"Well... see you later?"

Youngjae looks up to realize they were in front of their respective apartments. He looks at the blue door bitterly, knowing it wouldn't be open in hours.

He looks back at the other and smiles. "I'll be here."

Jaebum chuckles before turning to walk into his apartment when he stops. He spins to look at Youngjae rested in the position he had found him in.

"My couch is comfortable." Jaebum says, opening his door, getting the others attention as a simper reaches his face. Youngjae walks past the taller man in the door way with a huff.

"I'll be the judge of that."

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Omg I love the foreword lmao. The story is awesome too, authornim. Fighting!
Chapter 1: Hi!!!... it's a really funny story!! I've felt really identify with your description about college students. I have money only to buy something to eat during the day, and sometimes I don't have money at all due to college papers which I have to print for every single one of my classes ;-----;...(going back to the story now) I really like it. Suddenly I have found AUs with too much fiction on it, and I was craving to read something "real" (by real I mean, the description of the main characters sounds silmilar as the real people).

Lately, I've been reading a lot of stories where YoungJae's description sometimes sounds a bit too girly, but...anyway!

Hoping you are more than fine, I leave xd...we will read us soon...I supposed.