Love's Lesson


Taekwoon didn't think he'd do much dating after Junghwa left him. But that was before he met Sanghyuk.


Taekwoon's been raising his son on his own ever since his wife left him and was never interested in finding another partner. But when Hakyeon needs help in his studies, Taekwoon finds his son's tutor much to his taste.

For 2015 VIXX Secret Santa


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BlaseBlanco #1
Chapter 1: This was so sweet! I think I like Luck now.
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 1: Oh god this was soo adorable.
Chapter 1: ahhh thank you so so much!!!! I kept looking at the vixx tag but somehow it never showed up so I never found it before today!! It's so cute sjdjsdfbkjsd thank you so much I'm so happy this is a great gift! I loved it you're really good at writing this is great
Merry Christmas!
Chapter 1: It was a real pleasure, as a fan of Luck, to read such an amazing story, with believable build up
Lioness-SHINee33 #5
This is an amazing story! Loved how you portrayed the characters ^_^