It's late

It's late

It doesn't happen often, but tonight is one of those nights. 

Seokjin sits at the dinner table, alone, tired eyes staring only at the clock that hung from their recently painted wall as time ticked by. With every tick, Seokjin's mind twitched. With every second gone by, Seokjin worries more. Three nights and counting, without a word. The clock reads 5:24 am, but Seokjin's vision is blurry and he's not sure if it's 5:24 or 8:24. His phone lays on the table in front of him, next to it sits a cup of coffee and an empty plate. Seokjin hated eating this late at night, but when Yoongi hadn't returned home for the third night in a row, with one text a day and no calls, it was the only thing that calmed him down. 

The smell of caffeine finds its way to Seokjin's nose and for a moment he turns his attention away from the clock to sip from the beverage. Seokjin had grown accustomed to Yoongi's absence over the past year, but it had always left him with a lonely heart every night when he'd turn off the lights and cuddle up with Yoongi's pillow held tightly into his arms. Seokjin would wear Yoongi's clothes so often that he didn't even know which clothes were his and which ones were Yoongi's anymore, but Seokjin didn't mind. He loved sitting down on the couch, watching his favorite drama with a cup of hot chocolate while wearing one of Yoongi's sweaters.

His lips tugged into a small smile as he looked down to investigate his current clothes and let out a brief chuckle, realizing that even now he was wearing one of Yoongi's sweaters. Seokjin remembers when Yoongi first noticed Seokjin wearing his clothes, and how strange he had found it back then. Now, even Yoongi would end up wearing Seokjin's clothes whenever he felt like it (or when he'd run out of his own clothes thanks to Seokjin). He remembers how hard he had laughed the first time he saw Yoongi in one of his shirts and how it had embarrassed the blonde, but Seokjin had reassured him that he looked great. 

Seokjin remembers their first date, he remembers how Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok had set up the whole thing, and how both Yoongi and Seokjin fell for their plan. He remembers how they ended up sharing a kiss rather than admitting their feelings and how Yoongi had cursed at the youngsters for locking them up on purpose. He remembers their first kiss, their first legitimate date, their first time sharing a bed at night, their first time having . He remembers their first fight. He remembers how Yoongi ran out of the house as Seokjin wept. He remembers their first "breakup", which lasted for a total of three days before they were found kissing in Yoongi's studio after Seokjin had apologized. He remembers the first time that Yoongi hadn't returned home, and Seokjin decided to call him twenty (according to Yoongi) times to see if he was okay.

The brunette sighs softly, eyes falling shut every now and then as he stirs the spoon around in the already cooled down beverage. He wonders how Yoongi is doing and debates on calling him, but he decides not to. He sighs again, remembering how Yoongi had called him out on randomly calling him because he'd either be too busy with writing and composing, or sleeping. Seokjin knows that Yoongi is busy, and he knows he shouldn't bother him, but Seokjin worries. Seokjin's mind plays scenarios that kept him awake night after night as he waited for Yoongi to return. "Honey, you shouldn't worry, I won't die." He'd tell Seokjin time after time, but Seokjin still worried. 

Seokjin was already known to be a bit of a mom, not just because he cooks, cleans and calls the boys out on their , but also because he worried too much. Seokjin was like a worried mother who'd always tell her kids to call them daily. Seokjin couldn't really deny their words, though, because he knew how much he worried about them all the time. Part of him felt slightly embarrassed about that fact, but he knew that, even though the youngsters would complain about Seokjin's nagging, he was appreciated and they secretly liked the fact that someone was always out there to worry about them. Jungkook had even admitted this to Seokjin before, earning a smile from Seokjin in the process.

With one last sigh, Seokjin sets his cup down and decides to scroll through Yoongi's previous messages. Yoongi never texted much, but when he did, he'd make sure to let Seokjin know how much he loved him and how he was safe and well. He'd always ask Seokjin to rest and eat well, even when he wasn't home, and how he wanted Seokjin to have some fun instead of sitting at home on his own. Yoongi's messages were rare, but long. Seokjin figured that Yoongi would take the only free time he had to text Seokjin, which made him feel slightly bad. Seokjin's lips tugged into a small smile as he read through Yoongi's messages, eyes getting heavier every second until he finally gave in. 


Yoongi enters the apartment at 7:40 am and lets out a rather loud sigh, kicking off his shoes and hanging his coat. He steps into the living room, raising an eyebrow at the lights that hadn't been turned off. Seokjin always made sure to turn off every light in the apartment before going to bed, so something was definitely off. "Seokjin?" Yoongi called out quietly, investigating their apartment to find his boyfriend sitting at the dining table, legs pulled up to his chest, head hanging low and phone resting in his hand. Yoongi smiles as he goes to clean up the cup of cold coffee and tucks Seokjin's phone into his own pocket. "You're such an idiot, you know?" Yoongi chuckles quietly as he picks the lightweight up from his seat and carefully carries him to the bedroom.

"I told you to rest, you know?" He continues to mumble to a sleeping Seokjin, laying him down on the bed and stripping him out of his clothes before throwing off his own. He lays their phones on the nightstand and crawls into their bed, pulling up the blankets and sighing softly as he tugs Seokjin closer and holds him. He his fingers carefully over Seokjin's flawless face and Seokjin mumbles quietly, eyes still closed, but slowly coming back to reality. "Shh," Yoongi coos as he moves a hand through Seokjin's soft hair. "Just sleep, love." He whispers, drawing soft circles on Seokjin's back until he is quiet once again.

Yoongi listens to the rhythm of Seokjin's breathing for a good minute or twenty, trying his best to match his own breathing with Seokjin's. Everything about Seokjin was just so perfect, Yoongi thinks, and he feels slightly guilty. "I love you so much." Yoongi mutters, pulling Seokjin as close as possible. "I have a few days off soon. I'll be all yours then." He smiles as he plants multiple kisses on top of Seokjin's head before finally closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 

"And you'll be all mine."

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Chapter 1: Hello Dear..

Can I translate your prefect one shot to the Arab language??...

And Thank you for this cute and prefect one shot...
Chapter 1: Wow... first time reading a Suga x Jin ff but dayummm it's so cute ^^
Chapter 1: So adorable! So sweet!
Chapter 1: So sweeeeettt~ ^0^ I like JinxEveryone, but YoonJin is definitely on my top 3. :D Thank you for this! {}
AssassinWitzard #5
Don't worry if you're a Yoonjin trash! I'm one too!
KiwiPrincess #6
Chapter 1: Oh this is so cute.. >.<
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute