
Little Black Dress

When that text came, for a second she lost her mind and wanted to run to meet him immediately. But reality hitted her, how to say it to Irene or her managers that she wants to go out… alone… should she just give reasons like before? Going out to Han river, for bicycling and excersice? But its too old reason when she was just a trainee. Its different, she is a debuted idol, her songs charting well, winning in music show and her face almost everyday appears on TV. That’s not a simple~


Mino: “Don’t think too long, I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight”


Another text pop out from her home screen, Its 1 hour before 7, is he out of mind? Its her free day today, been rolling on the bed the whole day, only left her bed just for lunch. And he told her to be ready for an hour for their tea ‘date’? After she thought about their date, she knocks her head for thinking such.


“Its just drinking tea… together.. don’t overly thinking, Its gonna be alright” she talks to herself, but what to say to members


She gets dress quickly, pair of blue jeans with white top shirt as usual tuck into her pants, do not forget to grab her mask and a pink tennis hat. She cant dress overly just to meet a ‘friend’ and don’t show any suspicious so her members and managers wont ask her too much. She is such a bad liar, but not too bad if it comes to something she really want to do, beside its just tea time with friend, right? she keeps that in her mind.


After say goodbye to her members that she wants to go out for some fresh air that she usually do in her free time, she grab he pas of chuck and left dorm. Glad her managers didn’t around at that time, maybe its because their freetime today. She walks couple blocks away from her dorm to a convenient store they promised to meet. When she arrives, there is already black SUV parked in front of the store. She texts him first since she’s not sure if it really him.


Put her phone back to her pocket, she comes into the store to buy some softdrink, she doesn’t know what he likes but just choose cola, yogurt and mineral water.


“so we change the plan now?” a familiar voice and someone existence appears, He’s so tall hovering beside her.


She never expected that he’s so tall and so big, with pair of Jordan, black jeans, black hoodie and never forget to put the hoodie on, he’s attentive she thought, since he needs to be careful as well. Seulgi feels relieved after such thought comes to her mind.


“whats our original plan anyway?” she replies with smile tug on her lips.


“Tea time, right? Or you want other ‘time’? drinking time maybe?” he teases her back with cheesy grin, he’s so cute she thought.


“No…” she hits his arm, he flinchs because of it little too hard.


“I cant have drink time for someone stanger.”


“ughh, after all text exchange we had, you think Im a stranger? You hurt me girl…”


“so, are you expecting what kind of relationship between us, huh?” she said it with mocking tone while turn back and heading to the counter


That statement come out naturally, not because she meant it but she actually curious with the answer. The question is for her as well actually~


Mino feels jab on his chest when he heard that. Dragging his body following seulgi to the counter, he still manage to reply her.


“But, not like we are stranger, right?” he still demanding.


“alright alright huge boy, no need to hovering me like this” she shoves him away, because right now he’s right in front of her, prevent her for paying the grocery she bought.


Still sulking, mino back away so she can give the money cashier.


The cashier hand her a plastic bag full of snack and soft drink, she doesn’t realize she bought more than she previously plan to.


They head to mino’s car, mino head straight to driver sit, seulgi thought he at least will open the car door for her, but he didnt. They can not draw more attention, enough bickering in front of the counter minutes ago.


They are set to departure. Beside him, seulgi who was with ponytail, she made her hair to bun style, her neck exposed. Unconsciously mino staring to it, for a min he forgot to start driving and just admiring her neck from beside. Seulgi who is busy digging her grocery bag start realizing why he have not started driving yet.


“Song Minho, you make me scared…”


Mino is staring, eyes  fix on her, digging through her, it gives shiver to seulgi.


She hits his arm, because he cant stop staring.


“ouch, that’s hurt seul!”


“stop looking at me like that… you really scare me…”


“alright alright, Im sorry, but please stop being so alluring, you’re so tempting, you know?”


Seulgi ignores what mino said, but the word ‘alluring’ and ‘tempting’ bugging her. Did he just compliment her? Or he just flirting with her? She thought. Meanwhile mino, he tried so hard to distract him self from a beautiful girl beside him. At first, he can manage to stay calm, but its getting hard because in fact, every single moves of seulgi attract his attention, the worse, seulgi doesn’t even realize it.


“are we going to have tea time right here, right now? I better back to my warm dorm if you think so~”


“Lets just drive, Im so bored with my studio life and need some fresh air…”


Their conversations are so smooth, despite its their first time outing. Maybe because their constant texting day and night or maybe  its just easy to know each other because their common interest. They are driving around city for hours already, but one thing that they cant share. Realise its hard for mino to look at her while driving, he initiates to parking in near park or something, which is seulgi welcome the idea gladly.


Silence fill the car for a moment, until seulgi makes sounds by digging her plastic bag from earlier. She opens a snack she bought, and hand it to mino which he gladly takes and eats it. Unconsciously, he eats the snack by him self, that make seulgi sulking.


“are you not going to share with me?” she pouts, stupid mino just realize~


“ahhh sorry…” he feed her quickly.


“I can eat by myself, Im not a little girl you know…” she takes the snack in his hand, shove it in her mount, takes another snack and shove it in his mount. Because mino is flutered by her sudden act that he supposes to be done mins ago.

“So,how’s your comeback preparation?” she thinks, she needs to do something before its getting awkward.


“well, as you can see in my IG, I have been living in studio 24/7, but glad its end now…” he gives reassuring smile to her, which make her relieved too. She knows how hard compose a song. Everytime they exchange texts in the night before sleep, mino always told her the he’s in studio. Which make seulgi curious, why he always in studio? She ever even thought that he’s lying.


“aww… Its hard, right?” she pats his arm, “You did a good job, just believe everthings will turn out great as long as you put your all efford to it..” she smiles and keep caressing his arm.


“Thank you…” he reach her hand who still lay on his arm, pat-pat… “can I hold your hand for a moment?” he look through her, waiting for her permission. Seulgi gives simply nod for the answer. “thank you…” that means to him, a lot. It somehow give him strength, its warm and comfortable.


“what about yours?” he still hold her hand, caressing it lightly. “I think you might be busy for year end ceremony…”


“Yeah… Its such a tiredsome, we need to prepare for the performance, that only 4mins long, not like your company groups, they can have at least 7 mins long…” she sigh deeply, doesn’t realize what she just said.


“ohh, you mean my company except my group. That’s true…” he sigh deeply as well. Its not like he doesn’t mind it if his group has been hiatus for more than a year and still counting, its just he doesn’t show in his expression, he could hide it well.


Seulgi who could read his expression suddenly apologize for she just said.


“Noooo, Im sorry, I didn’t meant it” she is aware what he feels, after all, seulgi is someone who always hear every slump or feeling that keep bugging him. Both of them thought that they might be understand what problem each other have and just simply need comforting speak. Its good if its just like this time, They can be present for each other, and give support by just light touch but comforting.



Excuse typo or any grammatical error. Until next time, Enjoy~^^

Note: I will not make it angst, I promise... hahaha

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kimichi93 #1
Chapter 3: woaaa. upupupupdate soon ~ cant wait for seulgi reaction abt winner comback ! *if u dont mind to write abt it authornim hihihi
Chapter 3: This is sweet, can't wait for your next update :)
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 3: Their first outing,hopefully first of many! They're just adorable,thanks for the update <3
Chapter 3: yes so cuteeeee ;;;; im legit crying... thanks for update uhuhuhuuu
Chapter 2: awwwwww so cute >.<
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 2: Seulgi fangirling sooooo cute ! Let the turtle ship sail <3
Chapter 1: *cries bcuz minseul* :')
BurningB01c3 #9
Chapter 1: YAAAAS MINSEUL !! I just love this ship,looking forward to your updates :)
luca87 #10
Song Minho & Kang Seulgi.
I love Minseul.