serial rainbow ^^

rainbow love

anyeoongg ^^~~ im back againn ^^~~ i know i rarely post this one ~ mianhae~~ but im back with new story ^^~ but this story not one shoot like usual ^^ its more like  3, 5 or 10 shot's or more *idk* and it will be EUNHAE,KYUHYUK, and other pairing maybe,, i make it in the diffrent part and warn you what couple it is,, ^^ so you can read your fav couple only ^^~~ hope you enjoy this ^^~~  


the cute pict is belong to the owner and my cute RiiaRiia HaeHyuk Shipper saengi who eddited it ^^

Part one : Can't run from the cute monkey


Main caracter : KYUHYUK




Chapter 1


Kyuhyun P.O.V




"Aigoo! sonn!! stop it!! you almost make your beloved mom turn deaft! see! look at my make up~~ aigooo my perfect eye liner~~~"


"Momm~ your son psychiatric is in danger now and you only care with your make up ????" I glared at my beautifull mom who chuckled and stare me from her dressing table mirror while aply the eyeliner.


"Myoyahh~~ im not asking you to marry him!!" My mom steal glance at me who already in shock state.


WHAT THE- marry him??!!!


"Or you want to marry him?"




"Ahahaah~ well seeing your mouth oppen wide like that,, i can stand to saying that! Omo! its late already, Ryewook must be waiting for me no~ i have to go now my hansome prince~ anyeong~ oh~~ congratulation for your first day in univercity and new apartement " my mom said in rush while blowing her flying kiss to me.


I grown frustatingly and slam my boddy to my mom bedroom!! There is no way i can defeat the great Kim Heecul a.k.a my mom!!! how can she do that to me!! i need my freedom that i always dream on!!!






I will tell you my almost perfect life! My name is Kyuhyun, im smart and so manny girls and boy  adore me.Im a freshman in SM univercity wich i really happy knowing that i must live far from my house, non like i hate my mom or what, i really love her since he only have me after my dad Die in the middle of war.Yes my father is soldier,he is a great man! im proud of him.I wanna be like him and can stand in my own feet! thats why i want to live alone and in my surprise my mom agree with hat.He allowed me to leave alone in one condition:




What the heeeeeeeeeeeccccccccckk!!! how can my mom do this to mee?!! this is Lee hyukjae we are talking about!! he is such as a cycling MONGKEY!! my other reason why i want to live alone is live as far as i can from him! But to my surprise my mom, my insane mom told me to live with him!!!


Lee Hyukjae is my child friend!! i know him since we in our mother womb.Yes!! my mom and his mom a.k.a Ryewook aunty  is best ever friend and FYI Hyukjae mom  husband is die same like my dad too in the same war.Thats why their friendshiip stay forever.My house and his house side by side thats why i know him since forever a.k.a a whole my life!


Why i want to stay away from that mongkey?? because he always plastered me and its anoying me!! He even can't stand without me!! and the bad thing is i always being in his big black hole wich make me can't resist him. yeah!! he is indeed CUTE and adorablle!! so many boy want him and mistake him as girl and the bad thing is this mongkey can't protect his own self!! He always teased by those boy and bullied by jealous gilr.Wich practically make him don't have any friend except me!


In the elementary school

In elementary school i always end in the same class with him,since we always spending our time together we become close friend and since im still kid that day wich mean my brain still small to my mom make me believe that Hyukjae or i always called him Hyukie is my princes that i must protect,so i life holding that fate, i get angry when other student or playing with him and save him only for me.I really possesive toward him.I still remember i make a boy almost broke his hand because he pinch my adorable Hyukie cheek infront of me,i really hate when Hyukie not around me!  he is my future wife and i life beliving that until i graduated and have a large brain to think by my self. And i change


In junior high school

My body become more grow up and so do my brain.Finally i can think by my own minds! wich make me realize and know that boy have to marry a GIRL! in my case i believe that i will marry a monkey that have a same gender with me wich make my brain played a red allert that saying loudly "THIS IS WRONG!".


But i won't belive it just like that, since i live in the fate that Hyujkae is my wife future i search the fact until i graduated in junior high school.And to my horor there is still the same fact that people accept mariage only between boy and girl.And in my case they called it sick!

Then i cry! i cry harder! i blame my mom! i blame Wookie ajuma! i blame my self but i can't blame him, i can't blame the monkey , he is too innocent, too fragile and too pure.All his know is loving me and live in his own little  world.While i feel my world crash he just like usual, still the adorable,the cute, the cheerish monkey that i know in my whole life.Beeing with him i just become a happiest man in his lil world.


But I know this is wrong! we are love in real world and real world can't accept us! beeing with Hyukjae same like isolated me from the world! and me with my stupid young hormone hate it! hate when people staring us diffrently, hate whenpeople start to call us gay!



And i start to stay away from him little by little,, slowly but sure..........


In senior high school


I make a big step!


I started to leave Hyukie world and start calling him Hyukjae, i made a big gap between us.I need to stay away from him and this is for the best.We need to find our self.Wich mean we have to keep away.I need to learn not life without him and so do him,he so depent on me,he even can't stand by his own feet.He can't protect his self and i hate that.


So i made the decition to leave him, to let him learn calling other as his friend not only me! I know im so cruel but this is for his  best!


At first its totally kiling and turtoring me so much when i do this.When we meet on the school canteen our eyes met and a big pang punch my heart when i see his eyes stare me like lost puppy while trying hard holding his tears.


Hes alone,by himself! he even not try to find a friend! actually he do! but some of that bastard only want to get his pans since Hyukjae is more beautifull than girl and girl hate him.But i make sure that NO ONE CAN TOUCH HIM! yes i beating them, i beating that bastard and warn all people who try  to bulied him will face me first, with that no one, no one dare to touch him.


Oh! how i really want to hug him, how i really want run to him and saying im sorry im sorry over and over then kiss him and sent him to my embarace but I CAN'T!


He must stand by his own feet! and so do i! because world don't want us.I don't want him more hurt than this! then i leave him just like that! ignoring his "kyu~ im scared" stare.Mianhae hyukie ah, this is the best for us.



I sigh while staring blankly at the ceiling its already 3 years since i leave him, ignore him, i almost made it! but my mom!! my mom ruin it with make me have to spend my time beeing so close with him again and the worse thing is how can he enter the same univercity as i am???


No Kyu! yu can do this!! just ignore him like usual!! you already have a crush right?? so leaving beside his apartement means nothing to you! i sure he can satnd by his own feet!! im sure he can live alone.I have nothing to woried.YES this is what i want!


"Right! thats right!! " i murmured and reaching my phone from my jeans pocket when i feel it vibrated.


Its msg from her,from the one that i crush,shes a noona for me.


kyu ,don't forget to bring the book that i told you tomorrow okay! be a good boy!


I smile when reading the msg from her,she is indeed cute.Sungmin noona bring me to right way.





anyeeonggg ^^~~ hohoo my other story~~ hope you enjoy this ^^~~ and please leave comment ne ^^ you like it or not??? XD~

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Chapter 13: i wait for this pls :( ... pls update soon
Chapter 13: I feel like kicking Sungmin noona ._.
I know i sound mean, but thats just life never kind~~

Anyway~ Kyu finally you are kind to Hyuk~

Is it wrong for me to want more HaeHyuk...? If it is, then i wont really mind if it wrong~3~
257471 #3
Chapter 13: what happen next with them, ####curious stare *_*
Chapter 13: Ooo . . What's relationship between hae and sungmin here?
Chapter 13: new reader here ~^^
oh my god its cuteee >.<
but the cutest one is the serial rainbow >.<
kyu~~ just admit already that you love hyukkie~~
and aishh~~ i really don't like sungmin's personality here u,u she's so bad!!
update soon ^^
ChoLeeKH #6
Chapter 13: kyu love hyuk~~~ so so much
Chapter 13: minnie is so cruel....
if he love hae, then why must he interfere in kyu life?!!
kyu, why you didn't do anything when min said like that to hyukkie?!!!
luckily hae is there for hyukkie...

thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v
Chapter 12: Love this soo much,,,
Kyuhyun-an~ stop denying,,,
You know you love him,,
And donghae,,, I think you made him so cool in here :3

Sungmin,, why are you being y here?!
Update soon~
Chapter 12: omo...kyu is jealous....
but, poor hyukkie..... he is so innocent and sensitive...
kyu, don't make hyuk sad ne!!!

thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v