little rainbow# lil Hyukie = Minho VS Donghae

rainbow love


main pairing : Haehyukmin


Hae                : 18 years old

Hyuk               : 7 years old

Minho            : 18 years old



Minho's P.O.V

"Hyuuuuuuuuuuungg~~ wake upppp" *bouch bouch*


Here we go~ once  again this is must be sunday right!! GRRRR!! i hate sunday!! i groan frustatingly because the lil brother of mine wake me with his usual way * BOUNCHING IN MY STOMACH*  ofcourse it not hur since he sat on my stomach and bouch softly but still it can make me wake up!! i oppen my eyes and rub it and my gummy smile lil brother greet me 


"Ayeeee ayee~ hyung already wake uppp~" my lil brother scream and jump happyly.I groan when i glance at the clock! ITS FREAKING 05.40 IN THE MORNING!!!!  


"Palli hyuung~~ Hyukie want to meet Hae hyuungg~"


What??? AGAIN???!!!aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiishhh this is driving me crazy! its non like i don't like my lil bro way to wake me up but the reason why he wake me up who make me upset!




My bestfriend!!!


Arrghhh!! this is so anoyed!! Who is his brother actually? ME or Donghae!! non like i hate Donghae, his my ever bestfriend after all BUT if your lil brother act like your best friend is his hero and perfect Hyung that he adore forefer what will you feel??it will feel your life is perfect had a great friend who can loved by your lil brother-thats mean you choose right friend- but if your lil brother talking about him and adoring him  24 hour nonstop you will be feel freaking JEALOUS RIGHT???


Don't get me wrong!! i not kinda Brother complex thing but in my lil brother case its already broke my proud as HYUNG! Every hour,minute,second he always nag me telling the storry about Hae hyuung~~ how his in school,what his fav food,how cool hae hyung,how daebak Hae hyung, and the most broke my proud as hyung how he LOVE his Hae hyung!!!


See!! you get it right? my lil brother FREAKING LOVE his HAE hyung than ME! HIS BIOLOGICAL HYUNG!!!


I sigh hard and stand up from bed wich make hyukie who sat on my stomach outomaticly sat on my laps.


"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!! Minho hyung wake upp~~palli palii sent Hyukie to Hae hyung~" he said happyly, i can see his sparkling eyes, i shigh hard and pinch hes cheek softly.


"Arasoo!! araso!! but give minho hyung Bobo first!" i said poiting my cheek


Eh? bobo?? i ask it to my lil bro?? this is realy not ME!


Hyukie squint his eyes suspicious


"Palii~" i said inpatienly


"Siro~~ hyung will smack Hyukie head latter" he said covering his head with his lil short hand, i frowned hearing hes excuse he never reject Hae!! okay blame my stupid methode all this time by giving him hate love brother relationship, i always bullied him all this time.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! i feel so insecure!!!  as his biological brother!!!


"Bobo hyung~ ah! hyung will never smah hyukie head again yaksooo~" i said convince him


"Really?" he said palming his cheek with his lil hand while his eye spark brightly..


Awww how could i found this lil mongkey so cuteee~


"Ne" i said smily


"yaksooooooooooo?" he said offering his lil cute pinky finger


"Ne~~ yaksoo~" i said loked his lil pinky fingr with mine.


"Smmmoooooooooooooooooooooooochhhh!!" he kiss my cheek


I smile and grin like idiot! my lil brother is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cutee!!! yaaaaaaaaaaayy!! he kiss me! im sure iwill become brother complex in a month!! i get my lil brother back!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~


" palli hyung!! sent Hyukie to HAE hyung~~"


haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh~~~ (-__-)


Beating his "Hae hyung" is not that easy!!





Donghae's P.O.V


"Ah.. hes not come yet!! " i wisperd to my self when cheking the book store door for the 9th time, yes im waiting my lil cute Hyukie~Minho told me that he will come here and bring Hyukie wich i gladly agree with that,i will meet again with him, i really miss him so much, i can't wait to hug him, kiss him, hold his cute lil hand and and *slap my own cheek* how can i think of that!! stop it Hae!! you might be nosebleed if you imagine it to far!!


"Thingking about dirty stuff with that lil boy hand eh? i supose?" Jessica my friend come wich make me gasp and jolted in shock!


!! did i that avious???


"Y-yah!! i-m not!!" i said panicly,, isn't  this supose to be a secret love of mine???


"Ohh come on oppa, i know  you do! last time that lil boy come here you make this place dirty with that ice cream stuf! what did u called for that,err ice cream war?!" she said glaring at me!


Eh? OHH!! she mean THATS!! fewwh!! that was close!! ahahahahha XD my secret still safeeeeeeeeeee!!!


"A~ mianhae Sicca next time oppa will not do that again" i said give her my pupy eyes


"You must be!!! you know how hard i clean the mess,i warn you oppa!! or else i tell Siwon shii boss that you did that!" she smirk evily to me.I gulp hard.


"Anyone call me?" Siwon shii shout from Jessica back, we gasp and shook our head fastly


"Weird i feel like someone says my name, i will check the book first so continew the work then~" he said and go to the nearest book rack, we sigh in relieve and chukled.



DIIING!! ( the sound of the door oppen ^^)


"Haeeeeeeee hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunggg~" i smile wide when My favorite lil boy runing to me  scream happyly and hug me thigt, He burry his face on my tummy,it  feel ticlelish  and and.. *gulp* something down there a lil bit ecited -since his chest press "IT"-  i bite my lips to prevent me moan and soon release his hug wich make my lil cute Hyukie pout adorably.I smile at him and squat then hug him tight- this position is more safe.


"Aigoooooooo~~ uri Hyukie miss Hae hyung that much??" i pat his back softly, he realese the hug and face me



" Ne hyuung~~" he said happyly and kiss my  both cheek~~



Ohh ~~ this is heaven ^^


"Uri lil Hyukie is sooo cute come come here let hyung kis him back" i said kissing his cute redden cheeck twice wich make him palming his cheek shyly


AWW hes so cuuuuteee~~~


"EHEMMM!!"  i glance at the voice whodistrub our lovey doey moment.


EH? Minho??


"What are you doing here dude?" i greet Minho my bestfriend who look upset. Did he fight with taemin???


" I company my lil brother"  he said hold his lil cute hand brother.


Wait!! hes mine!! i mean nooooooooooooo!! that lil hnd only minee!!


"Don't you had a Date with Taemin or something? i mean thats why you leave Hyukie here" i said grab my lil cute boy other hand


"Who said that?  my lil brother want me to company him right hyukie?" he said and glance at hyukie


NOOOO!1 please say nooo~~


"Ne, but if hyung want to go hyukie is okay~ Hae hyung will take care of me~" he said release his lil hand from Minho and lift his both hand singnaling  he want me to cary him- wich i gladly do that-


i glace at Minho who wide his eye, i chuckled  in victory!! just go now~ shoo~ shooo~


"B- but hyung want to company Hyukie, did hyukie sear what mom said??Hyukie must stay close with hyung and hear what hyung said???" 


what the heck with him!!!!! why do i feel like he want take my lil cute boy!!!


I feel my lil cute Hyukie nod his head


"See, now get down and come with hyung, you already meet Hae hyung right??say good bye to him" Minho said smirking to me


WHAT THE HECK!!!!!  what with that???!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~!! i just met with my lil Hyukie and now he will go like that???NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


"Ne hyung~ " my lil Hyukie said down his head and ask me to put him down and he go to Minho side who lokk so happy!


"Minho ya!! can you please let him stay here for a while? i still miss him"


"Sorry but no, i need my quality time with my lil bro" he said grabing my lil cute Hyukie hand


"He want to stay here!" i said not giving up and grab my lil Cute Hyukie other  hand and pull him to my side


" No he won't!!" Minho said and pull bach Hyukie to his side


"Yes he i-"


"Aigoooo~~ isn't that uri little cute blonde boy?"  Siwon shii said while grab My lil Hyukie to his side, Minho and i Wide our eyes seeing Hyulkie who pouting and sent death glare to both of us.


" Anyonghaseoo Wonnie hyuung~" he said bowed


"Omo~~ cutee~ didn't i tell you to called me OPPA? come on say oppa~~" he said pinching my lil cute Boy whou blush hard!!



WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT???!! OPPA???!!! yahhhh!! how coud he aks my lil cute Hyukie to called him Oppa!!!!


"Yah!! Siwon shii!! hes a boy!!" Minho and i shout at the same time


"OMO~ calm down~ i just thing hes so cute~~" Siwon shii said gave them -i will back off- gesture, i aproach Hyukie  who pout and squat infront of him


"Hyukie ah~mianhae, did hyung hurt hyukie??" he shook his lil cute head  and hug me, i smile wide and stare his face.... maybe if i ask him he will~~


"Hyukie ah,, can you say Hae oppa? say it Hae opp- auuuchh!!!" i look up and rub my head and face Minho death glare.




Jessica's P.O.V


i shook my head and contineu serve the costumer who buy a book while glance at that stupid LIL hyukie maniac! luckly they "fight" far from the costumer line so they not distrub them, its already 15 minute Minho and Donghae oppa    fight to get Hyukie attention now they pushing each othet shoulder, whithout they realize that poor lil Hyukie sit sulking beetween their Fight hyung .His pouting seeing his hyung alternately.



"Yah!! why you push my shoulder?"



"because you did it first!!"



"yah minho! you wanna die!!"




"you die firs donghae ahh!!"



I hear they said that, and now they pulling each other hair like girl, whithout they realise that lil hyukie stand sulking ang aproach Siwon shii leaving his  stupid hyung fight.


"Wonnie hyungg~~ im hungry~ can hyung buy Hyukie food?" he said grabing  Siwon shii hand.




"Sure~ come on Hyung will buy hyukie lot of food~" he said and bring the lil hyukie outside.




And that 2 stupid man who still fighting didn't realise that  they lil Hyukie already go.




I sigh hard and approach them!!




"You bastard!!"



"Aha!! you more bastard!!auch!!"




I sigh hard seeing their childlish act!



"Minho oppa!! Donghae oppa!! can you stop it?? your lil cute Hyukie already go!!"  soon after i said that magical word hey stop fighting and face me hororly



"WHATT!!?!!" they scream and face me




"Ne, he go with Siwon shii to buy food or some thing, and since the costumer much here can you help me-"





"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~HYUKIEEEEEEEE~~~" they both screaming and run like lighting chasing their Hyukie and leave me here alone.












"miss can you help me find this book?"


"miss can you take that book?"


"Miss i want to pay this"


"Miss is this book had discount?"








"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! opppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!"







-the end-






Hohoho  i hope you like this ^^ ,,,,, since i got stuck when writing  I FOUND HIM IN HER  i made this chap~ mianhae~ i hope i you will like this ~~ please leave coment ne,,,, this is the sequel of chap 1 ^^




mian foor the grammar eror and wrong tipe ^^


@ winterstory  ahahha ^^ its okay dear ^^ but yes im the one who writing that pict ^^ LOL ^^ and as you wish baby,, this chap is for you ^^^


@dredhezrei   ne it Kyuhyuk in the end ^^  maybe i will explain  how in the next sequel ^^ *still not sure*


@ potato_monsterz  REALLY????????????? you want to teach meeeeeee?????????????


@Ssoonkimi  thankyou baby~~ mian if i disapointed you T,T  but really thakyou for reading this ^^


@Fishcovy saeeeeengiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kangen banget lah sama kamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~ hiks

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Chapter 13: i wait for this pls :( ... pls update soon
Chapter 13: I feel like kicking Sungmin noona ._.
I know i sound mean, but thats just life never kind~~

Anyway~ Kyu finally you are kind to Hyuk~

Is it wrong for me to want more HaeHyuk...? If it is, then i wont really mind if it wrong~3~
257471 #3
Chapter 13: what happen next with them, ####curious stare *_*
Chapter 13: Ooo . . What's relationship between hae and sungmin here?
Chapter 13: new reader here ~^^
oh my god its cuteee >.<
but the cutest one is the serial rainbow >.<
kyu~~ just admit already that you love hyukkie~~
and aishh~~ i really don't like sungmin's personality here u,u she's so bad!!
update soon ^^
ChoLeeKH #6
Chapter 13: kyu love hyuk~~~ so so much
Chapter 13: minnie is so cruel....
if he love hae, then why must he interfere in kyu life?!!
kyu, why you didn't do anything when min said like that to hyukkie?!!!
luckily hae is there for hyukkie...

thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v
Chapter 12: Love this soo much,,,
Kyuhyun-an~ stop denying,,,
You know you love him,,
And donghae,,, I think you made him so cool in here :3

Sungmin,, why are you being y here?!
Update soon~
Chapter 12: omo...kyu is jealous....
but, poor hyukkie..... he is so innocent and sensitive...
kyu, don't make hyuk sad ne!!!

thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v