Little Miss Damsel

In Love With A Bad Boy
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Sandara tiptoed and raised her hand too in attempt to reach the book on the top shelf. Because her average and small frame, she was struggling to get the damn book she wanted to barrow. It was the sequel of the fiction she was engrossed lately.


She jumped and stretched her body but nothing seems working. She wanted to curse whoever soul put the book on top shelf.


With a frustrated sigh, Sandara stopped trying and stood looking up at the stem of the book with her hands on her waist seemingly thinking of ways to get her beloved sequel. If only she has a supermodel height, she wouldn't have this dilemma right now. Why she even born petite anyway? Ah, curse the damn genetics.


Having enough rest, she tried once again reaching the book. She used the edges of the lower levels of the shelf to step on as she tried to pull out the book by her fingers. Her other hand was a support so she won't fall. Why does DG Boys School has Hogwarts like library? They should have put a ladder on, right?


"J-Just a... little bit...more..." she croaked with difficulty.


The book moved sightly. Sandara gets her hopes up. However, the book stucks in between the other hard bound books. And it seems that the whole row of the top shelf was full that it's really making difficult to get the books. It was too tight and has no more spaces to breath.


Oh poor books!


Sweats begin to form on her forehead and neck. Her hands and legs are a little shaking as well because of staying on her position for an amount of time. The book she's aiming moved forward creating  a space to breath in for the other books. However, it is also because of that the entire row of books shakes as well seemingly released from the tight stacked.


Her eyes widens when the book she was trying to get slipped on her hold and fell on the floor first. Like a domino effect, the books dropped startling her. She lost her balance and shrieks upon feeling herself falling as well first.




She shut her eyes waiting to feel the hard floor where she will surely ended up with. Yet, nothing came as hard as the marbled floor. Instead, she felt a sturdy and warm object caught her.


With the books falling around them like a rain, Sandara shot her eyes open and met another familiar pair of lens staring back at her. Her arms automatically wrap around his neck so she won't fall.


"Jiyong..." she trailed off.


"Tsk. You're really clumsy and careless, babe. Always my Little Miss Damsel," he teased with a lot huskier.


Sandara blushed and looked away.


"Oh, you're blushing. You are not just still my Little Miss Damsel. You have never changed as well. Always easily blushed. I like it. You look even prettier in my eyes," he teased grinning playfully at her as he carries her without sweat.


"Aish! Put me down," she hissed a little mad with his teasing and half embarassed with their position.


Jiyong's grin widens as his eyes flashed in mischief. He bit his lower lip and shakes his head.


"Don't want to," he said.


"What?! Jiyong! Put me down! This is embarassing!" she shrieks as she tries to wiggle free from him. But the jerk wouldn't let her go and tightens his hold on her bringing them more closer.


"YAH! KWON JIYONG!" she growls impatiently that she had forgotten that they were at the library.




Jiyong quickly put her down as she bowed embarassingly. The librarian glared at them seeing the mess in the floor brought by her Sandara bit her lip and apologized once again. While Jiyong remained nonchalant with his hands tuck in his pants pocket gazing back at the angry librarian unfazed at all.


Sandara elbowed him subtly and smiled awkwardly at the fuming lady. She pushed the guy so they could leave the embarassing scene which his fault anyway.


"Stop it. Let's just go, Jiyong," she hissed at him and successfully pushing him away towards the exit. They can still hear the librarian's ranting while picking up the scattered books on the floor, rearranging it once again.


"Tsk. Kids this days! This is supposed to be a place to study not a place to flirt! God!"


Her face heat up with that comment as they quickly left the library. Once they are in good distance, Sandara glared at Jiyong who just looked at her innocently. She huffed and kick his shin annoyed.


"Yah! That's hurt!" Jiyong said hopping a bit because of what she did.


"Argh! It's your entire fault! I hate you!" she snarled at him before stomping away from the jerk.


"W-What—" he frowns seeing the girl walking further away from him. "YAH! SANDARA PARK!"


She heard him shouted her name but she ignored him and left him totally. That was very embarassing. And not to mentioned, she didn't even got to barrow the book! Such luck!


~ ~ ~


"Little Miss Damsel, can I seat beside you?" Jiyong asked the girl but she ignored him. Nonetheless, he seats beside her.


"Little Miss Damsel, can I speak to you?" he asked but earn a snort from the angry girl.


"Little Miss Damsel, I'm sorry. Forgive me, juseyo? Hmm...hmm..." he tried again and pouted when the girl turn away.


"Little Miss Damsel, come on. I said sorry already. I won't do it anymore. Promise? Talk to me, baby girl," he didn't give up and flashed his lethal aegyo at her.


"Little Miss—" even he could continue Sandara cut him off.


"Goodness! Stop calling me 'Little Miss Damsel', for crying out loud! I'm getting deaf. It's so annoying! Stop it and shut up, okay?!" she bursted out breathing heavily with her outburst.


Jiyong just stared at the girl before him with amusement dancing along his eyes. It's rare to see a Sandara Park loose her cool and get angry. She's always calm and silent. Seeing her this way, Jiyong find it really amusing because of the emotions that passes through her round eyes. It made her even more pretty in his eyes.


"What?" Sandara asked when he just continued to stare at her.


"I like how you manage to still look beautiful even when you're angry. Stop being beautiful, baby girl. I might kill any guy who will ogle at you. You're such a goddess," he said instead admiring her beauty.


Sandara was taken a back with his words and the way he looked at her. 'This...this guy...argh such a...sweet talker!'


"W-What..." she stuttered as a blushed slowly creeping up her cheeks.


Jiyong only smiled and put his palm on her cheeks and softly caressed it. His smile never left his lips.


"But I loved it the most when you blush because of me," he added.


Her eyes widens as she gawks at him. Oh my! Why is he doing this to her? He is making her fall for him even more.


Slapping his hand gently, Sandara removed his hand away from her red cheek and looked away awkwardly. She shifted on her seat.


"I won't forgive you even you shower me with your sweet words, Jiyong. It won't work with me. So it up," she said hiding the fact that she's feeling giddy inside.


From the corner of her eyes, Jiyong pouted like a dejected puppy. She bit her lip from forming a smile.


"Even if I have

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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 22: OMG I’ve just finished this story and it made me cry. This is a good story to read. A new Daragon shipper is here. Thank you for the story. Keep safe!!
Chapter 17: I just realize that Jiyong’s hair is orange in this story, not that I’m complaining. Besides, Ji with orange hair is my favorite.
Chapter 14: Hahahah I love a jealous Dara
Chapter 13: I just wanna say I really really really love what Jiyong’s interaction with Dara bach then... FINAL!!!

Pssssst.... fat girl speaking Spanish fanboy and yellow square fanboy always get me kekekekke
Chapter 12: I always love when the story makes Ji calling Dara as ‘baby girl’... AND I’m laughing so hard witnessing that Ji is afraid to approach Dara kkkkkkk
BESIDES, I’m dying seeing how ridiculous Taeyang with his love for Dora kekekekek AND yes T, Spongebob is way better than Dora
Chapter 11: Awwwww Jiyongie is cute when he falls for Dara AND jealous Jiyongie is a scene that I eager to witness kkkkkk
Chapter 10: It’s so fun seeing Jiyong got smitten by Dara kekekekkee
Chapter 9: My heart feels so warm knowing the fact that Jiyongie is a bad boy and he plants a rose for Dara (asking her to be his girlfriend) kkkkkkkk... I thought you were so cold to Dara the first time you two met, Ji.
Chapter 8: Finally, meeting the cheesy Jiyongie kekekkeke
Unixai21 #10
Chapter 22: of my fave dg fanfic...i really love this