I am a SeHo for SeHo

X Is For A Soft Kiss, O Is For A Circled Hug (XOXO)

I have way too much time on my hands now. Love me.

So I've seen a lot of stuff about Kinghun/Brathun, and that's even how I see him, but I feel like some not-so-regal Sehun is in order. I wrote this a little while ago, and I decided to update it now. Two in one day.


At this point in Sehun's life, he was convinced he would actually end up having to marry Nutella.

Nutella is sweet, he thought, dipping another pretzel in and the chocolate off before biting. Nutella is nonjudgemental. And I can spoon Nutella.

Kyungsoo was texting Jongin, curled up in his flannel sheets with a sappy grin on his face. Sehun wanted to slap him. 

It's not fair.

As much as Sehun flirted around, pretending not to take anything seriously, he wanted a single person to cuddle with, say goodnight to, kiss in the pouring rain while Taylor Swift blared on invisible speakers in the heavens.

Right. Minus the last part.

"Sehun," Kyungsoo said suddenly. Sehun nearly dropped his pretzel.

"What?" he asked, struggling to regain his composure.

"Are you free today at seven?" 

"Uh, I think so. Is today Wednesday?"


"Yeah. I'm free."

"Can you come with me and Jongin to the café?" Kyungsoo peered at his roommate over the top of his cellphone, wide eyes pleading. 

"So I can be a third wheel?" Sehun sighed. He'd already tagged along with Xiumin and Luhan at a restaurant and ended up having to keep them from making out on the table.

"We've got a date for you, too."



"I'm coming."

And that was how Sehun ended up in Feathers and Fur Café, a parakeet's feathers and feeling extremely lonely.

Suho hadn't showed up, and Kyungsoo and Jongin were giving each other lovey-dovey eyes at their side of the table.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon," Jongin tried to reassure him. "I know Suho."

"I don't give a  ," Sehun growled, repressing the urge to scream I DO.

They went back to releasing oxytocin at each other.

Sehun sighed and turned his head. He wanted to get some coffee, but he didn't know if the coffee here was good.

Whatever. He needed some caffeine.

Luckily, the coffee wasn't too expensive. Not so luckily, there was a line.

Sehun groaned and swept a his usual haughty gaze over everyone else in the café. There were some cute girls sitting on the couches by the door--Sehun was pretty openly bi, and he had a thing for stereotypically y girls. He considered going over to say hi, flirt a little. But the two boys a little ahead of him in line weren't too bad, either, and that barista was eyecandy.

All thoughts froze and shattered as soon as the door opened again.

A handsome hybrid in a well-fitting suit walked in, adjusting his tie and looking around nervously. He was shorter than Sehun was, but had enough charisma oozing from him to make up for it. His brown hair was swept up, off of his forehead. Fluffy collie ears whirled around on his head. Everything about him was out of place in this small, cozy café, except for the fact that he was Suho's match.

Sehun had never seen Suho in a suit, and it made him want to...well, do something indecent. In public.

"Suho!" Jongin called out. "Over here!"

Suho smiled, but with a touch of worry. "Hello, Jongin, Kyungsoo. How are you both?"

Sehun swallowed, eyes following every one of Suho's elegant, crisp movements.

The barista cleared his throat. "Sir?"

"Oh. Yes. Sorry." Sehun feigned a cough. "Medium, uh, house blend."

He took his time going back to the table, trying very hard not to squeal.

Suho glanced over when Sehun got near, and his face lit up. He stood up quickly.

"Sehun!" he cried, rushing up to him and almost hugging him, stopping only when he saw the coffee cup in Sehun's left hand. "Oh. Sorry."

The lion hybrid placed the coffee cup down and wrapped his arms around the shorter boy. "Hi, Suho-hyung."

Heat rushed to Suho's face, and he hoped that Sehun wouldn't feel it. "I-I'm only a few months older than you, Sehun," he said, laughing nervously.

"I want to call you that," Sehun said quietly. "So I will."

"I like it."

The wind was fierce by the time they left.

"Shoot," Suho said, watching the tree branches wave. "I forgot to bring my coat."

"Well, I guess you shouldn't have worn a suit, then," Sehun said, nudging the shorter boy with his elbow. 

"In my defense, Jongin told me to dress nicely."

Sehun shot his childhood friend the look, the one they had used since they were in second grade that demanded explanations.

Jongin just shrugged and took Kyungsoo's hand. They slowed their pace, talking in hushed and intimate tones.

Suho threaded his arm through Sehun's, catching him off guard. "Would you like to go back to my dorm? Just to talk, and catch up..." his voice trailed off, and when Sehun looked at him, the older boy's face was bright red.

Sehun resisted the grin trying to steal his entire face. "Sure, Suho...hyung. I'd like to."

The fourth floor was quiet, much quieter than the third. Granted, it was the first floor that contained all single-student rooms, so not only were there fewer people than the below, it wasn't even entirely filled.

"No one lives in the rooms around mine," Suho explained, stopping at the room at the end of the hall (directly above mine, Sehun noted) and pulling out a key. "It's really cold here."

"I know," Sehun said. "My dorm is right below yours. It's cold."

Suho looked at him in surprise. "Is it really? That's pretty...amazing, actually."

"What are the odds, right?"

Suho's room was nowhere near as large as Sehun's and Kyungsoo's, being a single. It was, however, very well-furnished. The bed was pushed into a nook on the right; the desk was on the left with the wardrobe right beside it; and an armchair was somehow squeezed in between the foot of the bed and the wall. A corkboard took up much of the space next to the window next to the armchair, sparsely covered in photos and drawings. Underneath the bed was a clear box containing a small hotpot stove, a pot, some packaged food, a tea kettle, and tins of tea. The faint smell of mint touched everything.

"Wow" was the only word Sehun could manage.

Suho took off his thin jacket, hanging it on the coatrack by the door (there was a  ing coatrack!) and gesturing for Sehun to do the same.

Sehun sat in the armchair and Suho stood, insisting that it was polite for the host to stand.

"I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to talk about," the collie admitted.

"Anything," Sehun said, shrugging. 

"Erm...okay. Then, what's your favorite color?"

Sehun burst out laughing, and Suho blinked, confused. 

"What?" he said, mind casting about for what social etiquette he might have overlooked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Not at all," Sehun said, waving a hand. "Just...that's a very..."

"I'm sorry," Suho said. "I'm better at doing stuff, not saying it...do you want tea?" he added, slightly horrified that he had forgotten to offer it the second they walked in.

"I'm not a tea person. But...you're better at doing stuff, not saying...?"

Something in Sehun's eyes made Suho nervous.

"I--that's what I think--"

Suddenly, he found himself pinned against the door, Sehun's arms holding his wrists to the wood, much closer to him than he had ever been to anyone else. Sehun looked down at Suho--carnivorous, hungry. Suho knew he should feel scared. Instead, he was excited. Sehun looked like he had a plan.

Inside, though, Sehun was a turmoil.

He felt something primal well up, something that told him to chase that prey until it fell, exhausted, to be ravenous and scrupulous and selfish and have his way. Another part of him wanted to treat Suho like glass, cradle him in velvet and protect him. Yet another just wanted to kiss the  out of those soft-looking lips.

So what he ended up doing was wailing.

Suho watched, in amusement more than confusion, as Sehun whirled around and dropped back down into the armchair, forehead smushed into the back cushions. "I'm sorry, hyung," he groaned.

"What for?" Suho said, cautiously approaching the ominously still lion.

"I did what I usually do...be a  head."

Suho crouched by Sehun's feet. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a player," Sehun said, turning his head to look at the smaller boy. "I'm not supposed to have any morals, but I found my match. And now, here I am, debating whether or not I should  you on a table."

Suho's eyes widened, then widened further when he realized that that had been one of the...ahem, nice dreams he had had recently.

"I, uh, I," he stuttered. "I like my table." Internally, he slapped himself.

"I figured." Sehun started to stand. "I'll leave--"

This time, it was Suho who moved. He pushed Sehun back down, this time into a proper seated position.

"Please, don't," Suho pleaded. "That was fine. I--" He gulped. "I kinda...liked...that..."

He put his hands over his face and held his breath, face burning.

Cool fingers closed around his wrists and pulled his hands away, revealing a very curious-looking Sehun.

"So that wasn't too much?" he asked.

Suho shook his head, not trusting the words he had so carefully built up.

"Then I hope this isn't either."

In a split second, Suho found himself very, very close to Sehun again, but this time, it was his face. His mouth, actually.

His mouth was on Sehun's.

It was by no means his first kiss, nor was it his first kiss with a boy. But kissing Sehun felt...different. Like something long overdue.

Suho closed his eyes, keeping his lips locked with Sehun's. He pulled away for a moment, prompting a whine from the lion hybrid, then moved to sit on him on the small sofa, legs on either side of his. Slowly and tauntingly, he moved in to kiss Sehun again, as wicked a smile he could manage on his face.

Before he could actually initiate anything, Sehun cupped his face and pulled him in. His tongue touched gently on Suho's lips, and Suho opened them, letting the other boy rove, both in his mouth and with his hands. When Sehun reached the more sensitive area of his upper thigh, Suho gasped and pulled away. 

"Wait. I've never...I've never done this before," he stuttered.

Sehun smiled. "That's fine. We're not doing anything you don't want to do."

Suho nodded frantically, then shook his head. "...but, I want to?"

"We're not doing anything until you're absolutely sure, okay?" Sehun started tugging at Suho's suit jacket. "Let's get this off, though."

Suho's jacket and dress shirt were off in seconds, followed by Sehun's sweater, leaving them both in undershirts and tank tops.

"What now?" Suho asked, all embarrassment out the window (which was, thankfully, closed and curtained).

Sehun's smirk was dangerous and--as much as Suho didn't want to admit it--exciting. 

"I'll take care of you," he hummed, leaning forward again.

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 35: I loved it. ^_^ Thank you for this fluffy, angsty, romantic, gooey mess of love and tears. :)
Chapter 14: I found this through a rec list and so far I really like it!^^ The censoring of swear words threw me off for a second - thought I was logged out or something and the site was blocking the curses :) I look forward to reading on and seeing where the story goes when I have time again, luckily it´s completed so it won´t go anywhere :D
Chapter 35: I've reread this after a long time. Oh how I've missed this story ❤️
Chapter 35: I LOVE THIS STORY!! no really. i do.
i searched for an hybrid!au and this. THIS. was so good.
i just love all the different kinds of hybrids and all the characters (well besides kyungsoos mom and people alike) and the kaisoo. gosh kaisoo. they're so cute and adorable and just dfbigubr i love them. and the epilouge! such a perfect ending!
really thank you for sharing this with us! I totally enjoyed reading it! <3
jesusandklife #5
Chapter 35: This fic was absolutely phenomenal!! The way you portrayed the characters in this story was FANTASTIC. I l❤ve the way you write fluff, you're very talented. :) keep writing and thank you for such an amazing fanfic!<33
hey do you have a wattpad account?

Is this your too?
Chapter 35: Beautiful story. Enjoyed this thoroughly. Will anticipate more thrilling stories I'm sure from you soon.
Bulbie #8
Chapter 35: Wow this was so great tbh!!!
Thanks for writing and sharing♡
Chapter 35: Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us I can't wait to read your future stories!!!