
X Is For A Soft Kiss, O Is For A Circled Hug (XOXO)

I promise I'm a good student. I think. But I couldn't resist writing more because I'm sick today (even though midterms are tomorrow). Kaisoo forever. I love 'em.

Anyways, this is a short one, and it's just...well, fulfilling some promises, I guess? It's subpar, so I apologize. I had maybe two hours to write it. Enjoy anyways, and any/all comments are appreciated.

The pictures of Jongin's dogs and family fluttered on the wall as he threw apart his side of the room, searching for...it.

Chayeol watched, one eyebrow cocked, as Jongin threw himself onto his bed with a loud groan.

"Keep it down, Sherlock," the leopard hybrid said, picking absentmindedly at a knot on his tail. "Someone's going to think we're  ing."

"Shut up," Jongin said, face smushed into his pillow.

"What are you even looking for?" Chanyeol demanded, moving to kneel next to his roommate.

Jongin turned his head to the side. "Will you laugh?"

"Probably, but I'll try not to."

"Thanks. It's important. Well, it's a pre--"

The door suddenly shook on its hinges, sending both Chanyeol and Jongin to their feet. A moment later, Chanyeol pulled the door open cautiously.


Baekhyun stormed in and grabbed Jongin's shirt. "I heard you . Explain yourself."

"I wasn't--"

Chanyeol's long arm s around his Labrador boyfriend and pulled him to his bed, all three of them dropping down heavily with Baekhyun still struggling to tear Jongin apart.

"Kai lost something and was about to blow something up, that's all," Chanyeol said, deep voice suddenly dropping another octave (and becoming more y, Jongin noted with some jealousy).

Baekhyun blinked and released his vice-like grip on the wolf hybrid, who was squirming awkwardly on his lap. "Oh. Sorry."

Jongin grimaced and tried to smooth down the bumps that had formed on his nice polo.

Chanyeol nuzzled into Baekhyun's neck, prompting the smaller boy to giggle. Somehow, their lips met somewhere in the middle, and Jongin his heel out into the hallway with a burning face and something resembling...what was it? Raging envy.

It was only after the door closed with a click (and some...interesting noises starting from inside the room) that Jongin realized he had nothing on him, just the shirt he had fallen asleep in the night before, dorm slippers, and three day old jeans. No keys, no phone, no food. 

The lack of food was most concerning.

It was far too late to try to get his roommate to open the door without risking an explosion, so he just sighed and trudged down the hall towards the stairs, hands stuffed deep into his pockets.

That was when he realized: the thing he had been looking for the whole time was in his pocket.

Jongin pulled out the small black velvet box, which was covered in lint and significantly less impressive-looking than Jongin had remembered it being. He flipped the top open.

The golden cat necklace inside was still fine.

Jongin smiled, then turned around and headed towards the dark room at the end of the hall. He had a mission today.

The light still hadn't been fixed, but the dark had never been a problem for Jongin. He preferred it most of the time, because it meant possibility for sleep.

Darkness, however, made the crying noises seem louder than they should be.

Jongin stopped in front of room 308, one hand raised to knock on the door and the other clutching the jewelry box. The sobbing didn't cease; they seemed to flow out from some infinite source, like a faucet, rich and heart-wrenching and worrying.

"Kyungsoo?" he said, even though he knew reasonably that no one would hear.

The crying paused, and light footsteps padded to the other side of the thin door. "Kai?" called out a weak voice.

"Soo, are you okay?"

Kyungsoo sniffled. "...I don't think so."

"Let me in." Jongin dropped his hand to his side. "Please."

The doorknob turned slowly, and the door opened just a crack. Half of Kyungsoo's face appeared.

His eye was puffy and red, and fresh tear trails striped his cheek. "Hey, Kai."

Jongin pushed past the door and Kyungsoo into the room, then turned to face the cat hybrid, who leaned against the door to close it. "Soo--"

"I'm fine," Kyungsoo said, not meeting the other boy's eyes and instead toying with a stray thread from his sweater--the one he had taken from Jongin a few days prior.

"Clearly you aren't." Jongin sat down on Sehun's bed, pushing aside the lion's unmade blankets. "But if you don't want to talk, that's fine."

Kyungsoo didn't move, but he mumbled a small "thank you".

They waited in a comfortable silence, neither of them expecting any more from the other than presence.

Finally, Kyungsoo sat down at the foot of his own bed. "I'm just having an ugly day."

"An ugly day?"

"I feel ugly." Kyungsoo's tail curled up around his ankle. "And useless. And stupid. And--"

Jongin slid off the bed and moved to sit cross-legged on the ground by Kyungsoo's feet. "You can stop there."

A white ear flicked once, twice, betraying the riot that had begun in Kyungsoo's stomach. "Why?"

"None of that's true," Jongin said. 

"Yes, it is."

"It isn't."

"It is."

Jongin breathed a heavy sigh. "I guess me saying stuff won't help."

"No, because you can't argue against something that's clearly true."

"I--okay, well, okay." Jongin looked away. "Anyways, I didn't come here to fight with you. I have a present for you."


Jongin held out his hand, the velvet jewelry box resting in the center. "Here. For you."

Kyungsoo took the box reluctantly, afraid that at any moment Jongin would snatch it back, laugh, say it was a joke. That never happened, and he opened the present slowly.

Jongin smiled, waiting for Kyungsoo's reaction. He was more than satisfied by the blinding smile that spread across Kyungsoo's heart-shaped lips.

"This is so pretty," Kyungsoo managed, pulling out the gold cat pendant that hung on a black string. "Where--how much--"

"Don't worry about that," Jongin said. 

Kyungsoo held out his arms. "Can I give you a hug as payment?"

Jongin grinned. "Hmm...I don't know, can you?"

The cat hybrid blinked, then pouted. "Please?"

"Alright." With a grunt, Jongin got onto his knees and pulled Kyungsoo close. The smaller boy's arms locked around his waist. 

"Thank you," Kyungsoo said.

It took a few moments for Jongin to realize that Kyungsoo was crying again.

"Soo?" He pushed away gently to look at the cat's face. 

Kyungsoo swiped a sweatered arm across his eyes. "Sorry."

"No, don't worry. But...please stop crying, do you want to see me cry too?" Jongin rested his forehead against Kyungsoo's. "I'm an ugly crier."

A tiny smile emerged. "I doubt that."

"Oh, G-d, Soo, I'm such an ugly crier that I made my sister cry once just because she saw me. The older one, too. I dropped a lollipop that I really liked, and then I--I'm serious!" he added defensively as Kyungsoo started laughing.

Kyungsoo leaned back, whole body shaking. "Is that--even--possible?" he demanded in between gasps for breath.

"Hey, I wish I was making this up," Jongin said, beaming while he play-punched the other boy. 

Kyungsoo yelped and threw his hands up, giggling as Jongin tackled him onto his back. He fell silent when he realized the position they were in: on his bed, with Jongin between his legs and rapidly disappearing space between their faces.

"Kai?" he said as the two inches became one.

"Hmm?" The wolf hybrid hovered over him, seemingly unaware of the situation.

Kyungsoo's stomach--no, his entire GI tract--started doing gymnastics. "I--this is--"

He was cut off by a pair of soft lips pressing against his.

The kiss was tender, barely more than a butterfly's flapping wing. But as the butterfly effect would have it, that was all it took.

Kyungsoo tilted his head, trying way too hard not to start whimpering. 

It felt...right.

Jongin pushed away abruptly, flushed. Kyungsoo sat up, eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry," Jongin stuttered, taking a shaky step backward. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable--"

Kyungsoo reached out. "No, that was...that was really..." He slipped off the bed. "Please don't leave."

The tension in Jongin's shoulders released. "I didn't...scare you?"

Kyungsoo took another step, nearly pressed against Jongin. 

"You can't," he said quietly.

The look in Jongin's eyes changed.

"Kyungsoo," Jongin started huskily. "Don't laugh, okay?"

Kyungsoo swallowed. "O-okay."

"I'm sorry if I scare you sometimes, and if I don't know how to help you. But please, even if you'll just consider it...will you g-go out...with me?" 

Kyungsoo felt as though he were about to cry again, but with joy. "Yes!" he shouted immediately, surprising both himself and Jongin. 

"I mean," he said, forcing himself to be quieter. "Yes. Definitely. Yes. I mean...you're my match, right?"

Jongin's sigh was of relief.

"Oh, thank G-d." He ran a hand through his hair. "I've been wanting to ask since forever."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because I was scared you'd say no." 

"Oh." Kyungsoo propped his arms on the taller boy's shoulders. "Well, I said yes."

Jongin smiled sheepishly. "Can I kiss you again?"

Kyungsoo stood up on his tiptoes. 

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 35: I loved it. ^_^ Thank you for this fluffy, angsty, romantic, gooey mess of love and tears. :)
Chapter 14: I found this through a rec list and so far I really like it!^^ The censoring of swear words threw me off for a second - thought I was logged out or something and the site was blocking the curses :) I look forward to reading on and seeing where the story goes when I have time again, luckily it´s completed so it won´t go anywhere :D
Chapter 35: I've reread this after a long time. Oh how I've missed this story ❤️
Chapter 35: I LOVE THIS STORY!! no really. i do.
i searched for an hybrid!au and this. THIS. was so good.
i just love all the different kinds of hybrids and all the characters (well besides kyungsoos mom and people alike) and the kaisoo. gosh kaisoo. they're so cute and adorable and just dfbigubr i love them. and the epilouge! such a perfect ending!
really thank you for sharing this with us! I totally enjoyed reading it! <3
jesusandklife #5
Chapter 35: This fic was absolutely phenomenal!! The way you portrayed the characters in this story was FANTASTIC. I l❤ve the way you write fluff, you're very talented. :) keep writing and thank you for such an amazing fanfic!<33
hey do you have a wattpad account?

Is this your too?
Chapter 35: Beautiful story. Enjoyed this thoroughly. Will anticipate more thrilling stories I'm sure from you soon.
Bulbie #8
Chapter 35: Wow this was so great tbh!!!
Thanks for writing and sharing♡
Chapter 35: Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us I can't wait to read your future stories!!!