Teaser 2

When Forever Turns Into Tomorrow

November 16th


Dinner started out like usual; dad, pardon, DOCTOR asking me about the 'Experiments' and me telling him to go himself, then him chuckling like a madman calmly, then me flipping him off then him throwing me into Mr. Please-Have--With-Me-Because-I-Have-Too-Much-ual-Tension-Built-Up's chamber. Jesus, find the boy a e!


If that boy hadn't been locked up here, he would have been crowned King .


Things got interesting on the walk down to the dungeon. Doctor-Dad had received a phone call and he had made me stop so he could answer it. Damn diva.


Things sounded pretty generic; 'how do you do?' 'oh, yes, I received your package' 'Definitely still planning to take over the world.' Halfway through, right before I fell asleep against the wall I was leaning against, D.-D's voice went up a few octaves. He started talking in hushed whispers, which I could make out clearly since I had enhanced hearing that I lied to him about.


D-D: Are you sure? Boss, that might- I see. Okay. I'll get to work on it then. Got to go. Mikki's right next to me right now. I'll call you back.

After he locked me in with Sir -A-Lot, I waited for his footsteps to fade away before turning to my punishment. Dad didn't know it, but Ricardo, the name of my punishment, happened to be the source of all my information, of which I spread to the T.O's like gossip. He was sort of my secret agent of sorts, except he was twisted enough to want payment in the form of my body. Damn my Father to hell for introducing this boy to Rated R material, and oh yeah, me, the only female who ever saw him.


Like usual, I sat down next to him on the floor and told him to tell me everything he had learned. Ricardo had the most freakishly enhanced hearing out of the Experiments, giving him the ability to overhear anything and everything in my house. He took off the special ear plugs Dr.D had made him so he wouldn't maul anyone who talked.


He grimaced and whispered in my ear that 'Boss' had found a way to effectively take over the world. I couldn't help but tell him how cliché it was and he smirked at me. Apparently, that was all he really knew – or at least all he wanted to say at the moment – and afterwards, he demanded payment.


The things you had to do for the well-being of others.


When I got back to my room, Dimitri was already waiting for me. He was the only person Dad let me see since Dimitri was the most unstable, but also my only friend from before the Experiments.


He opened his arms for me as I approached and I settled into the hug, trying hard to block out images from the past hour. I had never told him about Ricardo because I knew it would kill him.


Also because I knew next time they saw each other, Dimitri would kick his and then castrate him.


November 20th



During my daily C.I.F.D.A.R.S, I faked falling asleep so Dr. D's guard would come down. Just like I knew, it did and him and his ed-up partner Carl began talking.


Holy .


The thing Ricardo was talking about... it's a ing plague.


They were going to kill everyone. And then re-make the world using the Experiments.


Oh .


At that exact moment, Carl, that mother er, realized I was awake.




Hey guys! This was a little different from the first teaser ^^" 

Just couldn't write a diary entry for Mikki.

This is more like a thought process / special journal entry format. 

Do I need to explain anything lol?

T.O= Taken Ones

Various 'D' names=Her father

C.I.F.D.A.R.S= Involves 'Chemical.Injection.For.Dumb..Reasons.[Forgot the last word]


Make sure to apply before Ricardo the visits you!

Oh, and if a few of you are disturbed by how chill Mikki is about 'paying' Ricardo, remember

Her dad PUT her there. And she's been going through that since she was young. REAL young.

Have a good night ^^

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peachesncream #1
I want to read this :)<br />
Your teasers are extremely well-written! And the way you sum up the chapters at the ends are absolutely wonderful! I hope you update soon before I die of eagerness, haha. <br />
Congrats to everyone who was chosen! Can't wait till your next teaser/update :)
congrats the the chosen applicants!<br />
the voice at the end...I hope everyone is able to escape okay<br />
and don't feel pressured to write or anything, irl stuff comes first<br />
hope you feel better & happy new year
xaverri #3
I love the way the scene is set and the dynamics between the escapees. I can see hints of what each character is like. The ending is sinister... I can't wait to read what comes next. The first proper chapter! Congrats to those picked!
MBioana #4
Congrats to the chosen applicants so far ^^ <br />
So intense already >:D<br />
Happy new year~!
foreverparadise #5
Congratulations to the chosen applicants! Everything sounds so cool and intriguing so far ^^ Also Happy new years to everyone as well!
a-positive #6
congratulation for the chosen applicants :) <br />
<br />
it's nice to see you update. you're writing is very exciting and pleasant to read, but don't worry as reader i won't force you to update often because even writers in AFF have life and their own problems.<br />
<br />
even if i don't get chosen, i'll keep reading this fic. just letting you know you have our support. fighting! :)<br />
Ooh ... This sounds so interesting!! ^^
b1a4forever #8
I think I'll read this apply fic...it has a nice plotline :)
JungSik!!! Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! 8DD *wondering if HyoRim was chosen* .___."
These teasers are absolutely chilling C:<br />
It's so suspenseful! And that whisper at the end... /faints/<br />