Chapter 2

Not the only one

The next day , everything was calm , like always . Chanyeol would hurt Baekhyun and the latter , wouldn't dare to do a single things because he knows he would lost Chanyeol.

But what Chanyeol said to him didn't leave his mind .

" you're disgusting me . How can i stay with you ?

How did they end up like that? Everything seemed going all well for them . They were happy together , loving each others. But most importantly,  why did his husband grew tired of him ? 

Chanyeol  didn't want him anymore yet , he still was angry at Baekhyun whenever someone would be with him . Such a selfish man , owing him like a toy . 


"Don't you dare see Kyungsoo  again " he said 


" I do what I want , he's my best friend . The  only one who stayed beside me when I needed support . The only one who understand me !" Baekhyun yelled back


"Really ? Who do you think I am ?! I pay for everything , I work and I can provide you a lot of things while you're just staying at home !"


"That's because you asked me to stay at home when you Married me and I listened to you !" When you were in love with me


Chanyeol snickered and left the room towards his office leaving a red Baek Hyun behind who started to cry . Arguing was becoming a daily routine for him and he was starting to get fed up . In fact , he couldn't take it anymore , couldn't fake smile anymore .

Since then he stopped smiling when Chanyeol  was around . It was not worth to pretend he was happy when it was clearly the contrary. Chanyeol seemed kind of sad or more cold toward him but he still went on cheating on him.

On a rainy day , Baekhyun came home from grocery and find a man leaving his house , the same man who Chanyeol  kissed . He past him without a word , pain eating him. 

"Dry yourself , the maid just cleaned the house. You're just briging more work " a deep voice said .

"Who was that man ?" Baekhyun asked even though he already know the answer .

"A co-worker . Unlike you i have business to take care of. "

"Business that involve ?" Muttered Baekhyun but Chanyeol caught that . 

"What did you just say ?" he asked, eyes narrowing .

Baekhyun lowered his gaze , realising  he just made a mistake by offending  his husband .

"Nothing , I'm sorry ."

"You better be . Mind your own business "

Baekhyun kept his mouth shut and went outside  , taking a break . Facing Chanyeol would only bring him memories , good and bad and he wanted to forget .

He took the bus and went to Kyungsoo 's house . He knew his friend will be here to comfort him. He knocked twice before the door opened .

"Baekhyun ? Is everything alright ?" He asked with a worried voice.

Baekhyun tried to smile at him but broke down and starting to cry .

"It's Chanyeol , isn't it ? " 

Baekhyun nodded.  It has always been Chanyeol.  

"Come here . Sorry I invited Jongin  and some friends."

Kyungsoo blushed a little bit and Baekhyun  knew it was because he had a crush on this Jongin guy  since 1 year but never dared to confess to him . Having a very good looking physique , Jongin  could be a real playboy  but in fact he was crushing on Kyungsoo and like the latter , was to shy to admit it .

They entered the house together and Baekhyun saw 2 unknown men . Must be Jongin 's friends.

"I present you Baekhyun  , my best friend who has some issues right now . Baek  , this is Kris and on his right it's Sehun. "

" Hi... i'm sorry for coming out of the blue .."

"Dont worry ! Kyungsoo is Jongin 's friend -or soon to be boyfriend - and you're his friend so that's mean you're my friend too !" An happy  luhan  answered .

"So what's bring you here ?"

"Long story..."

"We have all the time "

They spent the evening together . Baekhyun felt really appreciated  by everyone . Something he didn't feel anymore from Chanyeol. 

Kyungsoo went to the kitchen for making some snacks and he followed him . Then Kyungsoo grabbed Baekhyun by the arm and told him with a serious voice

" You know.. I think you should leave Chanyeol. "

"I .. I can't. Everytime he hurts me ' I think about leaving him yet I can do that . I hope he will change because i still love him."

"Baekhyun listen . You told me that countless time but did you see any changes? He keeps cheating and hurting you ! He won't  change. "

"What can I do ?"

"Do what you think it's the best for you Baek.  I will always be here no matter what happens" Kyungsoo said with a genuine smile .

"Thank you . Thank you Kyungsoo . I dont know what I would have done if you weren't here ."

After eating , Baekhyun went back home only to be welcomed by an angry Chanyeol  probably waiting for him from a long time .

"Where were you? " he asked , voice calm but Baekhyun knew it wasn't a good sign .

" Eating outside . Why do you care ?"

"With who ? And dont talk to me like that I'm your husband I remind you !"

"Well, you know what ? I was eating with Kyungsoo and some of his friends because I feel at the right place with them unlike here when I feel like nothing and unwanted ! " he screamed , all the pain and anger flowing out .

" By the way , a real husband wouldn't be like you ! Such a bastatd. How much I want to hate you ! "





He held his hand on his swollen cheek where Chanyeol has just slapped him .

"Shut up ! SHUT UP FOR GOD'S SAKE ! " Chanyeol just busted out .

"Don't you think I have a lot to do ? I'm a ing CEO  wich mean I have an firm to manage OK?  I can't always be at home taking care of a needy husband ! Of course you can not understand what I live because you don't work !"

" I'm not talking about that Chanyeol !  I know how important your work is for you . I just asked you to have some time for me ! To love me a little bit but you just come home and ignore me and go out having fun !" Baekhyun throw back at him .

"How, then , what should I do!?  I'm a human and I need to decompress sometimes !"

"Who do you think I am ? I'm a human like you and. ."

"No! You totally  not like me . You dont have all the pressure on the shoulder . You don't have to work hard and bring money back home for providing all my  needy husband want ! Do you at least listen to me !?"

"I never asked you expensive things . I never asked you to buy me anything ' I didn't asked you to take me on vacation  . I just asked you to give me a little bit of your time but.... but. *sob* , you can't  do that , can you ?"

"I married you . Isn't that enough for you? To be the husband of the successful  CEO Park Chanyeol ? The so normal Byun  Baekhyun marrying Park Chanyeol . Not satisfied  ? Wanting more ?"

Baekhyun felt his word crushing down .Every words Chanyeol was saying was like knife in his heart. He married him because he was in love with him but it's look like it's not the same anymore .

Baekhyun didn't answered , not wanting to confront Chanyeol anymore .

"That's what I was thinking  . Just go to sleep I'm tired of you right now . I'm going to have dinner outside . Unlike you  I didn't eat yet." Chanyeol his heel and slammed  the door .

Baekhyun stayed still for a moment before going upstairs toward their bedroom  where only him sleep at night . Chanyeol would go to the guest's room or spending his nights outside. Baekhyun looked around the romm and his gaze fall on some frame of them together . We could see Chanyeol smiling happily , kissing Baekhyun on his cheek. Was he pretending to love him? Is their wedding just a lie ? He swept his tears and layed down on the bed and looked to the ceiling  .

Hours passed and finally Chanyeol came back , and went upstair . He was talking on the phone .

" Yeah , i know... He's a little y right now.. I know... He can't understand me just like you do."

Baekhyun couldn't take it anymore and tried to focuse on something else . He didn't wanted to hear Chanyeol probably talking with that pretty guy . 


I love you 

You're disgusting me

 How can i stay with you ?

The so normal Byun  Baekhyun 

I'm tired of you right now


Only those words came to his mind , crushing him more than he already was . He stood up and went to his closet , packing up few clothes . He looked for a long time to those pictures of the man he was in love with , put off his wedding's ring and put it on the nightstand. He waited until he didn't hear Chanyeol anymore and stepped out of his room. He quickly went down and took some food and all his allowance.

He oppened the entrance's door and stepped outside , took a final look behind him , leaving his past and those awfull and great memories. 


                                         "Do what you think it's the best for you Baek"



There are few listakes but  couldn't find them . Enjoy





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Right decision baek
A12345 #2
Chapter 2: OMG whats wrong with chanyeol? How can he be like that?
zengkelly #3
Chapter 2: Bakkie finally left hell
Chapter 2: Like you park yoda!!! I freaking hate you so much. poor baek :(
Baek leave that ... be happy cuz he doesn't deserve you.... oh mah gahd I can't wait to see what happens next
what will Chanyeol do when he finds out? what will happen in the future? kyyaaaaaaa
kpopkenia21 #6
Chapter 2: You go boooyyyyy and leave that !!!!!!! Make him feel unwanted just like he did with you!but I still want them together in the end..........
Chapter 2: Yes that's right Baekhyun, leave Chanyeol! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
Chapter 1: OMG I'm loving this so far!!!!!
kyaaaaaa can't wait to see what happens next ><
update soon ~~!!
omgbefore #9
Chapter 1: Nice start *thumbs up* :)