There's a boy I like but...

Because It's the First time

*I really need your high imagination on reading these so that you can enjoy it.Imagine it like how a typical drama would start as an introduction where the main cast will be monolging in the background

//alarm clock rings--woke up and shut the alarm--do some stretching--off the bed and to the toilet//

Nae ireumun (Name given) Jinhee.Jung Jin Hee.16 years old

//standing infront of the mirror tieing the tie on the school uniform--comb her long hair//

and I went to Saekang Art High School.I'm just an ordinary kid.Nothing more than that

//picks up a walkie talkie on her dressing table//

"Yah, I'll be going first today.Don't wait for me.Bye" She puts the walkie talkie, pick up her school bag and out of her room to the school. As she closed the door, the person at the other end of line replied, "Yah!Waeyo?(Why?)" "Yah,Jung Jin Hee!Answer me!" 


//skipping happily at the class corridor// 

Like other normal school life,I have many friends.But there's some who are more close 

//..and reached her class//

that we went hangout together after class or during our free time.

//enters the class--everyone is playing around,some of them are studying//

"Good morning everyone!" Greeted Jinhee.But no one replied.Jimin who's reading a book at his place raised his head.His lips curls up and formed a charming smile. "Annyeong Jinhee-ah!" He waved his hand in the air greeting his friend.Jinhee replied with a smile and went to her place.


'Well,that's Jimin.One of my close friend.He's one of the smart boys in the school.He's also the school ulzzang.He came from a very wealthy family but he's generous that only his close friend knows about that.'


Jinhee walk to her seat.On her way to her seat,someone grabbed her hand.Jinhee look at the person who's grinning at her,sitting at his seat."Hi Jinhee," Says the boy seducingly."Euww," Jinhee pulled her hand away and made her way to her place.He burst into laughter.

//Jinhee sat at her place//

'That rascal,his name is Byunghun.Yup,he's part of the clan.He's also one of the school ulzzang.We are also in the SKH Radio team where we were assign to be the school's radio DJ along with Jimin and 7 other student from the high school.We were selected by an audition held last year.'

//The school bell rangs,class were about to start--everyone take their places and prepare for the first class//

//The bell rang and it's recess this time--the class greeted thank you to the teacher and raced to the cafeteria//

"Jinhee khaja (let's go)!" Jimin walks towards Jinhee's desk."Oo,just a sec,"Jinhee pack her books and stuff and put it under her desk.They walk to the cafeteria together.

They settled down and sat at their favorite spot."Where's Bynghun?"Ask Jinhee."On his way maybe,"answered Jimin.Suddenly someone came and took a sit infront of Jinhee,barging into their conversation."Yah,you!Earlier this morning,why?Explain.Now." "Dude relax,"said Jimin.

"Didn't I tell you not to wait for me every Friday?Have you forgotten?"Answered Jinhee while calmly having her favorite chocolate cupcake.

"Well..yeah...but then..." And there he goes,he starts nagging Jinhee on how dangerous it is to go to school by her own.

'This is Choi Seungcheol.He's been my friend since we were in middle school.We went to the school together everyday but not today.I remember telling him that I wanted to go to school by myself every Thursday because I have something going on but there he goes,nagging me non stop.'

"Are you worried about her that much?"Byunghun come and join us at the table with a sudden question.Everyone laugh."Tsk,"Seungcheol raise his upper left lips in annoyance.

"Ppali mokgo,(Eat up)"Said Jimin.

"Yah,Jinhee.That's all for recess?"Asked Byunghun.He take out some money from his wallet."Cha,go buy something nice to eat,"

Jinhee was about to insist when suddenly Jimin put a larger amount of paper note above the one that Byunghun gave earlier,"Aniyo,take mine."

Both Byunghun and Jimin exchanged gaze,

"Nevermind,I'm almost done.Both of you may keep these to treat me some other time,"Jinhee push away the money.

"Or...just give it to m...,"Seungcheol was about to grab the money when both Byunghun and Jimin pick up their money."No thanks."Said both of them in synchronization.

Jinhee had a great laugh during recess.

School's over.Everyone is heading to their home.Jinhee was walking down the school street towards the gate.Suddenly someone hangs an arm around her neck.

"Jinheeeee~" She happily jingles Jinhee's name.

'Meet my other close friend,Kim Ah Yoon.The trouble maker.She kept making trouble around the school.She've been to the disciplinary council quite a lot of time.One of the loudest member in the clan and the most cheerful.'

"I might get a heart attack.Yah!You should have just say hi normally." Scolded Jinhee.

"Like you would hear me with this thing on," Ah Yoon pulled Jinhee's left earphone out of her ears.

"Yah,are you deaf?This is too loud" Says Ah Yoon reacting to the sound that pops out of the ear phone.

"Okay,okay!"Jinhee turn off her iPod immediately.

"Are you going straight away to your home?"Ask Ah Yoon as they troop out of the school together.

"Nope.I'm gonna drop by at the dance studio."Answer Jinhee/

"Oh okay.See you tonight then."AhYoon says her goodbye as they parted on their own way.

"Ding dong~" Someone rang the door bell,

"Oh,you're here.Come in,"Greeted Seungcheol.

Byunghun walks in and to the living room where everyone is waiting for him.Someone threw a pillow and hits Byunghun face."You're late!"Says AhYoon.

"Hey at least I'm here.Be grateful."Byunghun took a place next to Jinhee at the sofa.

"Okay,now let's decide on what movie we will be watching."Jimin puts a bag full of DVDs that he brought from home at the coffee table so that everyone are able to choose.Everyone rush towards the coffee table except for Jinhee,

'This is us on every Friday night or what we call,Movie Night.While other kids around our age might be busy enjoying themselves at the club or the karaoke,we choose to hangout at my house every Friday night.Well,we hangout here like most of the time actually.Why my house?It's because I somehow 'live alone'.Not literally but some kind of the same thing.My parent works outstation-Japan.And they live there.I was left here in Korea to live with my sister,Jinha.But she started to work as a stewardess last year and often fly out of the country here and there.She only come home once or twice a month.So basically,it's like living alone.At first,I was scared and felt kind of lonely but thanks to my overly kind and generous neighbor, I survived.I would have my breakfast and dinner next door everyday but I usually skip breakfast.And with these kids around me,everything is fine.'

As Jinhee realize,they were all arguing on what movie shall they watch.

"Okay,why don't we ask our Jinhee what movie would she like to watch."Suggest Jimin.All the attention went to Jinhee who's sitting at the sofa.

AhYoon looks at Jinhee with her puppy eyes,showing Jinhee the movie that she pick in hope that Jinhee would agree to pick her's.So does Seungcheol,he picked the movie Love Rosie.Byunghun picked Transformers while Jimin would go for Harry Potter.

Jinhee raise both her eyebrows,"Molla."

"Oh come on.Okay,why don't everyone just agree with me..."And they start argue again.Not agreeing on Seungcheol's suggestion.

"Why not?"

"I wanna watch ghost movie!"Says AhYoon in a loud voice.

Jinhee shooked her head looking at her friends all acting immature."You guys better settle in agreement.I'll go get some snacks and want everything to settle down by the tome I get back." Jinhee walks her way to the kitchen.


Jinhee tries hard to reach for a pack of chachos in the cabinet but it seems like she's facing the height problem.

"Need help?"Someone asked.She was about to turn around to face the person who's asking the question before responding to it but suddenly she felt a hand behind her's reaching for the chachos.She was shocked so she pulled her hand away.

Byunghun puts the pack of chachos on the mini bar nearby."Shorty,"He ruffled Jinhee's hair while smirking."Pppaliwa.Everyone is waiting for you,"He picks up the chachos and walks out of the kitchen to the living room.

Jinhee was startled.She watch Byunghun walks away.Her heart beats fast out of sudden.

'I hate it.I just hate it.Everytime he did this to me.I don't even know why does my heart beat raises up.And all he did was act naturally like nothing happen.I don't know what does he feel but I did notice that always teases me as if he knows that I like him.But it seems like he doesn't felt the same way so I pretend to ignore him.'

**Jinhee walk to her seat.On her way to her seat,someone grabbed her hand.Jinhee look at the person who's grinning at her,sitting at his seat."Hi Jinhee," Says Byunghun seducingly."Euww," Jinhee pulled her hand away and made her way to her place.He burst into laughter.**

"Yah Jung Jinhee ppali!"AhYoon voice from the living room gets Jinhee back into reality.

Jinhee ran to the living room and join them.The movie were about to start.

"What movie is this?"Ask Jinhee.

"Divergent," Answered everyone almost at the same time.

"Oh wait,aren't Amanda coming?"AhYoon question broke the happy atmosphere.

"Molla,"Answer Byunghun careless.

"I don't think she'll come so I didn't even invite her to come over,"Seungcheol's answer sounded like teasing.

'When it comes to Amanda,everyone would go from good to bad mood.'

Everyone is pretending like no one had spoiled the night with one stupid question so they continue watching the movie.

'Well,I choose not to sat next to Byunghun but the only empty seat was next to Jimin so there I sat.I gave a thought on what had happen just now between me and Byunghun and even before this.There's a boy I like but...he's a chinggu."

It's 1.00 A.M and there's about another half an hour to go before the movie ends.Jimin and AhYoon who lied upside down with their stomach against the cozy carpet still have heir eyes tuned into the movie while Jimin who sat next AhYoon got his eyes half open as he was about to doze off.Meanwhile Jinhee and Byunghun sat next to each other at the sofa.Originally,Jimin sat in between them but he gets to much immersed into the movie that he moved to sit at the carpet.Byunghun was really into the movie.Suddenly he felt a head lightly resting on his shoulder.He glance at Jinhee who has fallen asleep.He smiled and continue watching the movie.







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