What Great Timing.

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Jessica slowly drifted into a deep sleep not caring where she was anymore.

*9 a.m.*

                As 2ne1 woke up they forgot they had a guest over until they noticed different clothes in the bathroom. “Bommie Unnie! Is this your underwear?” asked Minzy walking out while brushing her teeth. “No…ohh Jessica is here.” said Bom trying to lower the volume not to wake up the ice princess. “Opps, sorry then.” said Minzy tip toeing back to the bathroom. “I guess you should wake her up or she’ll miss breakfast.” said Dara addressing Bom from the kitchen. “Okay then…” said Bom worried. “What if she lashes out at me?” thought Bom as she approached her room. Bom opened the door to see a curled up Jessica not looking any better a few hours ago when they retrieved her. “Jessica-shii…Jessica-shii.” Bom said slightly shaking Jessica, but to her response Jessica didn’t budge. “Jessica…Jessica!’” said Bom worried Jessica fainted. “W-what?” replied Jessica still tried. “Ohh good you’re not dead.” said Bom giving out a sigh. “Don’t worry I’m not that weak.” Jessica replied sitting up. “So what is it?”. “We’re asking you to come out to have breakfast with us.” said Bom dashing out as she knew Jessica was going to deny their offer. “It’s fine…I-“before Jessica could reply Bom was out the door already. “Gosh this is going to be a long day.”  Thought Jessica. Jessica fixed her hair and got ready.

                The other girls were patiently waiting for Jessica which took at least a good 30 minutes before Jessica came out dressed up already. “I guess I will have breakfast, but then I will leave.” said Jessica sitting down. “Ohh…Dara unnie will take you home.” said Minzy. “No, It’s fine I’ll call a taxi.” said Jessica taken aback by their great hospitality. “No, its fine we are free today anyways.” said Dara. “If you say so then thank you.” Jessica replied. Long silence took over them. “I will forget what happened this morning.” said Jessica breaking the silence. “I am deeply sorry for my doings, not sure what I was thinking” said Bom with her head down. “Everyone makes mistakes.” replied Jessica. “but I just make too many…” muttered Bom. “What?” asked Jessica. “It’s just my scandal…then kidnapping you.” said Bom trailing off on the verge of tears. “Unnie…” said CL elbowing Bom to stop or else she’ll have a metal breakdown. “I guess she has it harder than me.” thought Jessica remembering what she read that morning. “Well, thank you for the meal I should get going.” said Jessica standing up. “I’ll get the car ready.” said Dara grabbing her keys.

                As Jessica entered Dara’s car silence too over them. “I’m sorry for what Bom did to you she is just…out of it these past few days.” said Dara making a turn. “I understand.” said Jessica. “I guess we all have things we wanted to hide.” added Jessica. After 15 minutes they arrived at Jessica’s building. “Sorry for what happened.” said Dara helping Jessica with her things. “It’s okay. Thank you for your hospitality anyways.” said Jessica entering her building. “Anytime.” said Dara waving at her. As Jessica entered the building Dara drove back home to sleep some more.

                *7:38 p.m.*

Everything was the same at 2ne1’s dorm as everyone was sleeping, other than that was eating. Jessica on the other side was tired as she only got a few hours of sleep adding onto that she was sick. As Jessica exited her building she was greeted by fans. “Oh gosh more fans.” said Jessica. Jessica called out for a taxi, but later she found out she left her wallet back at the building. “Ohh, sir…I forgot my wallet can you turn back please.” asked Jessica. “Aigoo how can you forget that. Just get out, you’re wasting my time.” exclaimed the driver. “But we just left the property it’s only been a minute.” replied Jessica panicking knowing her fans will swarm around her. “Just get out!” yelled the driver. Jessica was kicked out, now she doesn't no where she is. To make the situation even better fans were following her. Panic was taking over her as she stated to feel light headed. She was looking around to see where she was…the surroundings was familiar when she spotted Bom’s car. “Ohh that must be 2ne1’s place…” said Jessica starting to black out.

                Jessica dashed forward to the apartment complex doors to escap the fans. She tried to recall 2ne1’s dorm number. “Was it 265 or 295…” said Jessica looking at the doors. “Whatever 265 it is.” said Jessica standing in front of the door, but at the right timing Jessica completely feel to the floor. “Ohh what was that sound.” said Minzy. “What sound?” asked CL. “I don’t know…like something fell outside.” said Minzy standing up. “Go check it out then.” said CL.

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Chapter 14: update???
LYG9210 #2
Chapter 14: Miss Cindyvo_14, when will you update this story??
Suddenly i kindda miss Jessica hangout with 2ne1 member *sad*
mikanMD #3
Chapter 14: #ThankYou2ne1 and author fighting <3
mikanMD #4
Chapter 13: Woaahhh thank you for the update, and woohooooo Jessica is at YG!!
Universrun #5
Chapter 13: I just started reading your story and I love it please up date soon
GrumpyCats #6
Chapter 13: Waa,,Author-nim,thanks for you update >-<
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 12: Hahaha! Minzy alarm clock ftw! Aww glad that Krystal somehow (?) enjoyed her stay with 2NE1. Jung sisters x 2NE1 party time! Now that Krystal has experienced being with the girls, hope we'll see her around more, then? She can also hide in 2NE1's dorm if she wanted to escape SM from time to time! Hihi! Thank you for the update authornim! :)
mikanMD #8
Chapter 12: Minzy is now the unofficial wake up alarm for CL and Jessica xD
LYG9210 #9
Chapter 12: Omg omg you update again authornim
Love minzy's new task "waking up sica"
Hahah please update more..thnk you
mikanMD #10
Chapter 11: The big Jung is warming up even more to 2NE1 now let's hope that baby Jung do the same