Chapter 2: Second Encounter and the Job Offer

A Pretend Relationship

Jungkook was walking around the streets while people looked at him suspiciously. He was wearing a whole ton of disguises which was probably why he stood out.

"SOMEBODY!! STOP THAT THIEF!" Someone shouted from behind.

Jungkook turned around and stumbled back when something no when someone hit him.

"Aish! Didn't I tell you to move out if the way!?" A female voice hissed angrily.

Jungkook raised a brow. "You again!?"

"No time for chit-chat I gotta-" The girl was cut off when the police grabbed her.

"Got'cha. Thank you for stopping this little sneaky thief young sir"

"LET ME GO! PLEASE! I HAVE TO GO THERE! SOMEONE'S WAITING FOR ME!" The girl stuggled to break free. The police shook his head and dragged her to what seems to be the police station. The girl looked at him with pleading eyes and a tear fell down.

Jungkook stood there and turned around to walk away but instead of walking he just stood there. He let out a heavy sigh and turned back towards the police station. "Why do I even bother"


"Like I said ahjumma! I stole nothing!" The familiar young female voice replied.

"Aigoo! Just give me back my purse you little rascal!" Another voice replied back.

"Like I said- Yah! Stop!" The young female voice yelled.

"Is this it Ms?" The police asked

"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" The lady replied with delight "And you little rascal! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"Don't worry Ms I'll make sure she goes to jail"

"What!? No! I'm still young to go to jail!"

Jungkook walked in with a frown. He didn't even know why he was doing this.

"Hey! Don't put her in jail"

The policeman looked at Jungkook with a confused expression.

"Are you also a thief?" The policeman asked.

"No sir, I'm just here to get her. We were just playing truth or dare and she picked dare so I told her to steal something. I didn't know it would cause this much trouble" Jungkook explained, trying to act natural as much as he can.

The policeman looked from Jungkook to the girl. "Is this true?"

The girl nodded. "Yes! Yes!"

The policeman sighed and let her go. "Make sure you two play safe games and not cause trouble"

Jungkook and the girl nodded and bowed. "Yes sir, thank you"

From there they both left the policestation. They were both silent until the girl spoke.

"Why did you save me?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Dunno. I just pity you"

The girl smiled at him. "Thanks whoever you are. My name is Yein!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his back on her "I don't give a damn about you. I'm leaving"

From there he walked away from her... well not really. He turned around and saw her running. "What is she up to now?"

She kept running until she arrived in front of the orphanage with Jungkook following far behind.

"UGH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR SISTER! GET OUT OF HERE!"  A voice shouted angrily. Yein went in immediately.

"Yah! Stop it!" Yein shouted and protected her younger sister from anymore hits.

"Just get the hell out of here! I've had enough of you!" The lady shouted and pushed the two girls out of the place. Yein sighed and hugged her crying sister.

"It's alright Yeim. Unnie is here" Yein said as she smiled at her sister and wiped her tears.

The younger girl looked at her sister with a small smile. "I know eonnie. Thank you"

Yein smiled and kissed her sister's forehead. Yeim smiled brightly.

"Eonnie! Is he your boyfriend?" Yeim asked and pointed at Jungkook who was standing there.

Yein turned around and raised a brow. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you will cause trouble in the orphanage" Jungkook replied.

Yeim walked over to him and tugged his shirt lightly. "Oppa. Do you have any food?"

Jungkook looked from Yein to Yeim. He crouched down and patted her. "I'm afraid not right now little one."

"It's okay." Yeim nodded sadly and walked back to her sister. Yein patted her sister and crouched down as she pulled out a big slice of bread from her pocket. "Here you go Yeim"

Yeim smiled and cheered. "Thank you eonnie!" Yeim ate the bread like there is no tomorrow. Jungkook looked at the two girls in front of him with pity. An idea suddenly popped out of his mind.

"Hey Yein, do you like me?" He asked out of blue. Yein nearly choked on her saliva.

"What? Are you crazy!? There is no way I will ever like you!" She replied as she crossed her arms.

Jungkook grinned. "Great! I have an offer for you"

"What is it?" Yein asked as she eyed him suspiciously

"Be my fake girlfriend" Jungkook replied.

Yein nearly choked again. "What kind of offer is that!? Why would I-"

"I'll provide food, shelter and everything you need. You just need yourself for this job"

Yein looked at her sister then back to Jungkook. She hesitate for a moment. "As long as you provide everything, then I guess I'll do it"

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