
The World May be Ending but Thats Alright as Long as I Have You

Yoongi smiled softly at the sight of his boyfriend holding the baby in his arms. They had found it abandoned in an empty house they ransacked on their way west. Neither of them had the heart to leave it there, especially when Jimin ran over to it, cooing and cradling it in his arms.

The older boys smile faded as he picked up his bag off the floor. The sound heavy from the weapons. Jimin looked up from their baby, head titling in confusion.

"I have to go back two miles to the other town. Jungkook needs my help getting him to the group with Namjoon and Taehyung. I want you to stay here. If I'm not back in three days, grab everything and go to the place where we had our first kiss." Jimin blushed and Yoongi smiled at the sight. Somehow through all the dirt, blood, and ripped clothes, his boyfriend still looked like an angel. He was sure he always will.

Jimin nodded, he gave up on fighting Yoongis plans long ago. The older male knew what he was doing. The two boys shared a deep kiss before parting ways. The baby cried at the sound of the door shutting.

It was four days when Yoongi made it back. Yoongi knocked a few times on the door of his first apartment, Jimin landing in his arms the second he came into view.

"You got Kookie to the group?" Jimin asked once they went back inside.


Jimin knew then that something was wrong. He noted the fact that there were new rips and stains on Yoongis clothes as well as the way he was maneuvering his right arm to stay mostly behind him. Dread sunk into his stomach.

"Yoongi..." Jimins voice held his panic. He couldn't hide it now.

"Jimin something happened."

There was the sentence the younger feared hearing every day. The thought that woke him up screaming every night.

"No" he whispered in horror. His eyes growing wide and filling with tears as Yoongi showed his right arm, a giant bite mark exposed.

"I had to push Kookie out of the way. We were surrounded..."

Jimin sobbed hard, collapsing into Yoongis arms once more. He clutched at his shirt as Yoongi tried to comfort him. He eased the both of the onto the floor.

"I'm so sorry Miniee." Yoongi whispered into his boyfriends dark hair.

"I love you so much." Yoongi hated the way he couldn't take away his pain.

"I love you too. I want you to know how much I wanted to spend my entire life with you. The years I spent dreaming about growing old with you. Even through this, I dreamed of raising our little baby girl we found. And I'm so sorry this happened. That I don't have more time to give to you. I need you to realize that you were my whole world and everything was so perfect. I love you in this world and I will continue to love and wait for you in the next. Jungkook and the group are going to be here tomorrow. They are going to take care of you and the baby. Even though you won't see me, I'll also be watching over you."

Tears ran silently down Yoongis cheeks as he spoke. Jimin couldn't stop crying in his arms. He rocked him back and forth gently as he held him for the last time.

Shocks of pain radiated in his arm, reminding him that he didn't have much time left. He had risked walking the day back to see his lover one last time, but now he knew he had to say goodbye.

Yoongi continued to hold onto Jimin until the boy passed out from crying. He picked him up into his arms and carried him upstairs. He tucked the younger into bed, kissing his lips. He walked over to the baby girl who was fast asleep in a makeshift crib.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to take care of you and daddy. Thank you for being the reason for him to stay strong and keep fighting even though I'm gone. Take good care of him as you get older. He's a bit of an idiot but he will love you more than you will ever realize."

Yoongi walked to the doorway, sparing one last glance at his little family. He smiled at the warmth in his chest. He took comfort in knowing their friends would be there by the time Jimin woke up. He would be in the safest and happiest place he could think of. They will take great care of him and be there for him since Yoongi cannot.

He quietly made his way downstairs. He grabbed the weapons bag off the floor and placed it onto the table. He reloaded all the guns and cleaned off the knives and axe. At last he grabbed one of the lighters and some rope he had grabbed on the way back. With those two items in hand, he slipped out the front door and in the opposite direction to get to an abandoned house.

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Deansbabymomma #1
Chapter 1: Yup I am on a roll with all the character death fanfics. Godamnit I don't want to cry but I love the feeling
naunico #2
Chapter 1: NO WHY THIS HAS TO HAPPEND ;; OMG PLEASE CAN IT HAVE ANOTHER ENDING ? Lol or just a full story with this au? Anyway good job