home alone with hyukie part 1

Please look at me

hi..hi.. i'm back

sorry for a long update i really stuck with a idea, i almost want delete my story

sorry again if you wait this so long m(-_-)m *Bow


when school finish donghae and hyukjae walking together to their own home

they back to there own house

" I'm home" silence... 

'why so silence are nobody home' donghae though "MOM!!! DAD!!!" donghae shout and he walk and saw a paper

mom and dad will go with hyukie parents 1 weeks. hyukie will stay with you in our house take care of him.

 p.s. Dont him kekeke....



                                                                                                                                    mom and dad

donghae pov

what mom and dad leave me alone with hyyukie???!!!! and what that mean with "dont him" word mean???!!! what should i do???


OH NO!!!! IT'S MUST BE HIM!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO? okay calm down lee donghae. I walk to open the door and saw a beauty figure inforn my eyes, My hyukie.

wait are i just say my hyukie, sigh.... i hope he be mine, but i scare he will hate me if i confess with him aand he already love someone right

"YA!!! LEE DONGHAE ARE YOU JUST WANT STAY THERE AND DONT LET ME IN" i comeback to reality when i heard hyukie shouted

"Ehhhh...... c..come i..in" i let him in

" are you okay hae, you so weird today. Are you sick" he ask

"i..iam.. fine, re...really" i nervous when he touch my forehead. his hand so fluffy i want this hand always touch me

"okay then, i take this to your room" he point his bag. wait are he say my room

"wait you sleep with me ? in my room?" he just nod. Oh My Fishy!!! today he will sleep with me " okay let me take that bag" i take that bag to my room. i cant stop imagine what will happend in 1 week alone with hyukie. eat together,sleep together, and take a bath together What i thinking i blush really hard now. "Hae i will make diner" i heard hyukie voice

Today will be a akward day ever


sorry again for a short chapter and bad language.

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milky_appler #1
curiousity overload~~ >< update soon
mahooy #2
so coool<br />
i really love it <br />
i wit you<br />
thanks ^^
Hehehe... <br />
Mungkin nanti kalo inspirasinya uda dapet ^^
Liponpon #4
ga papa saengi~~ onnie seneng banget bacanya^^ baguuuuuuuuss~~ kapan update saengi~~ jangan lupa bikin kyuhyuk moment yah ~~ heheeh * mian hae oppa* ^^<br />
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aaaaaaaaaaawww~~ onnie terharu waktu baca forewordnya ^^ ada nama onnie d sana~~ >.< HUG YOU TIGHT ><
Gomawo eonni ^^ <br />
Maaf ya kalo ceritanya pendek pendek ^^
Liponpon #6
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ update soooooooooooonn saengii~~ youve stolen my heart whit this cute story~~ ^^,,<br />
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saengi~~ onnie suka karakter hae d sini ~~ eunhyuknya juga~~ cepetan ya d update~~ and SUBSCRIBE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^...