Hanjoo love story ?....pt 2

Topp Dogg Chatroom.....

Whatdoyouwant invite imnotagirl to chatroom to flirt ....

imnotagirl : wtf....yano wht the ing hell is this..

Whatdoyouwant : atomie hyung baby it not nice say cursed word in this early morning, instead y should say mrning baby and give me a kiss ^_^....

Imnotagirl : kiss  my ing ....omg if y dont stp this i gonna kick the out of y...i mean it 

Whatdoyouwant : hyunggggg hw could y say mean thing to me... i say it frm my innocent heart T_T.....

Imnotagirl : damn it yano y bttr stopped it bfre i make y..arghhhhhhhhh!!!!! Omg tell me who told y too do this

Whatdoyouwant : no one...i want to say it myself ^_^

Imnotagirl : urghhhhhhhhh....that is u death meat..prepare to meet y maker

Whatdoyouwant : hyung bfr you do that i wanna tell u smething....I Love uuuuuuuuuu ~^_^~ ....

Whatdoyouwant has logout because he is too embracing ...

P/s : atomie bb would y bcme my bf...

This cht mssğe hs been erased frm chat history forever...

imnotagirl : damn u .......u bttr locked u damn door this night if u stll wnt to see sun tmrrw agin muahahaha.. 

Grummpyuncle,cutie,devilomma, lover,hojoonpotter has login to chatroom......

Devilomma : Can you shut the ing up...i can hear y crazy screaming in my room...can all y motherer shut the hell up for once too let the rest for a while whn ths hs been busy tking care of all your damn sht....

Cutie : Whtevr ..no one ask you to take care our ,y bttr tke care y own lolllll...

Devilomma : Hansolie ^_^......if u knw wht best for u sooooo SHUT THE UP BFRE I MAKE U!!!!!!!

Hojoonpotter : If i were u i already lock my door right to avoid that crazzy ...i thnk his period still not fnsh...

Devilomma : ......wtf is wrong wth u ppl.....i dont have ing period u ( start to sharping the knife )...I AM MEN NOT SOME INGGGGH WOMEN

Cutie : whtevr , u cnnot evr touch bcase i hve pgoonie by my side and hv my hubby joo toooo \^_^ / ...

lover : wait speaking of tht son of a ....whre is he...

Devilomma : tht son of a is stll in bed bcause his still hurt frm get ing by his ..get it ^_^ (stll shrpning knife to cut some )...

lover : ....oky....

Cutie : ...........bby joo whre u going....

yjoo : call me back if u still hs oky bye.....i outta here bye

yjoo has logout from this chatroom...

Grummpyuncle : whoaaaaa.....tht what we call a dickhead bf....

lover : Nooooooooooooooooooooooo my hanjooooooooooooo......

lover has logout logout because too sad to face the reality....ship hanjoo very much lollllllllllll

Grummpyuncle : wtf.....i cnnot believe this .......is ths real omg......he ship othr couple and not evn bother to so ship our own ship wuarghhhhhhh....

Grummpyjoo has logout from chatroom cause he so ually angry toward someone he dunno wanna say his name bcaese tooooooo emotiinallly depressed and decide to ing sleep....









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