

Winter and Spring described us.

I'm winter, and you're spring.


It's a secret!

You'll notice it soon!


It was a normal morning when all the students are going to school by foot, bus, and the other transportation. Meanwhile Jung Chaeyeon. She use her roller blade. Making all people who passed the street weirdly took a glance towards her. She ride her roller blade with her fastest speed. On the sidewalk. But the problem is, it’s her new roller blade and- she never use and never know how to use roller blade before.


Syalma screamed as she couldn’t control herself. She tried to stop herself but she ended up fail and bumped onto someone. “I-I’m sorry…” Chaeyeon stood up as she quickly removed her roller blades from her feet and ran, leaving that person that she just bumped onto, alone.

“Yahh!” He screamed as Chaeyeon left. “Yaahh why you easily left me alone like this?!” He screamed for the second time. But sadly to know, Chaeyeon slowly disappeared from his sight. If he could move his hand, he won’t screamed for that girl.

Yep. He couldn’t remove his right hand. And it’s because of that girl. Jung Chaeyeon.


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