Cpop review: 3 female artists +(bonus)

Cpop Reviews :

FeiXu x PanXiaoTing-Star Wars

Plot: N/A
Song: Very light . The girls have very pretty voices something nice to listen to around this time.
Video : Lots of scenes of one of the girls playing pool . I'm assuming she's a professional pool player.
It's so random the scenes along with the music.
Choreography - N/A
Outfits - I saw that dashing suit she was wearing and had to click on the video . Very pretty. I like the outfit and the earrings.
Overall - 5/10 
only Na Wangmo-Ok Ok
Plot :N/A
Song: Reminds me of 2010 cpop.
The song is very catchy.
Video : I really liked her backup dancers in the beginning how they opened the video with them like bam!
The white couch was placed in really well along with the crystal chandelier 
This made the video have a feeling of a queen , like a queen has arrived.
Choreography -Ignore it
Outfits - Loved all of them .
I love the old record she put on top of her head as a prop .
The white outfit was very beautiful .
My favorite part in the video was her skittle colored lipstick the scene is real quick .
This was a typical song there could have been more slayage.
Festuca-Tropical Romance
Plot: Starts off with a bunch of random leaves and trees that leads her into a pretty pink jungle .
We see her marching her way into the jungle the scene changes up.
Some animated animals start chasing after eachother then she's crying.
All of a sudden boom random dancers appear .
Two of them being half male dancers.
The video has tons of different animated locations .
It's almost the end and they appear in a MV set with lights and are still dancing.
Song: The song is very much a nice party song. It's some nice techno music .
Video: The video was very colorful and very silly . There are so many types of animated videos like this in Cpop . I think it's a trend.
Choreography - Ignore
Outfits - She first appears dressed like she's at the zoo going on an adventure .
Another one of her outfits is a lovely white dress and Vietnamese hat.
Her last outfit is just a normal white dress with sequins.
Overall -8/10
This is too animated for me
Ivy Shaliaba
This one is the performance one in case you're interested .
It's nice and simple .
Cool back up dancers.
Now the MV 
Plot: None
Song: Very hard feel to it. Hiphop song with a bit of latin trumpets in it.
Video: Very creepy but if you like that it's fine. There are a lot of western people in this MV and I think the rapper is white . It reminds me of Akor's But Go warning there are hanging bodies from a bag.
Choreography : From the beginning there is a lot of popping and all types of bboy things like that. Her backup dancers do a lot of the choreo.
Outfits: Very weird didn't like any of them . They give off a very Lady GaGa feel .
Overall- 8/10
The first video isn't as scary and we get to really see her skills.
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