
Our Sunny Days!

Kibum looks between his son and his daughter, a small smile dancing along his lips as he watched them play with their friends. “Are you flashing back to when you were young?” Jonghyun asks nudging Kibum in his side. Kibum cracks a grin taking the steaming cup of coffee out of Jonghyuns hands. “Thanks.” He raises the glass to his nose and lets the bitter-addictive scent of coffee tingle his nostrils. “I was just thinking that they looked cute.” Jonghyun nods slipping his hand around Kibums waist and pulling him closer. He rests his nose in Kibums shoulder and inhales his scent. Kibum rests his head atop Jonghyuns and continues to watch he kids as they enjoyed their sleepover. “Iseul, Iseul! Paint my nails!” A girl with long hair giggles out, bouncing up and down on the couch. Iseul nods with a pleased smile. “Wait a second, there’s someone before you.”

“Aaaaw.” The girl pouts causing Iseuls smile to broaden. Joon was sitting on the floor with his friends at the opposite end of the living room away from the girls. “We’ll catch their disease.” One of his friends had said. Joon shook his head. “No, we’ll just die from the nail polish smell.” The boys laughed at that, but another boy, a year older than Joon, had his eyes on Kibum. “Is that your appa?” He points to Kibum and Joon nods. “Yeah, the one with the mug is Kibum-appa, the one leaning against him is Jonghyun-appa.” The little boy nods and after a while of thinking he decides to jump to his feet and bound over to the happily married couple. Kibums eyes brighten and he places his mug down behind him. “Hello.” He greets and the little boy smiles–teeth and all. “Hi.” The boy bows and Kibum unhooks himself from Jonghyuns hold to ruffles the boys head. “What’s your name?”


“That’s a sweet name.” The boy continues to show off his teeth looking over to Jonghyun with gleaming eyes, Kibum takes his hand and they walk off towards the living room. “Oh so that’s how it is.” Jonghyun mumbles rolling up his shirt sleeves. “I’m gonna have to steal my husband away from a thirteen year old.” Jonghyun rolls his neck. “Not a problem at all, I can understand, I mean,” He watches the little boy with keen eyes. “Kibum pretty much glows.” The sleepover was no longer a sleepover, it was a battlefield. Jonghyun had reverted back to his middle school self and was trying to outshine Haneul in everything he could. 

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syran-night #1
Chapter 6: "Who said you can look that good when I’m not with you!?" Pretty much the funniest thing I've read.... Ever... Lmao!!!!
Omfg im so happy thay i saw this. So excited to read this story
Rellamellow #3
Chapter 22: Cuuuuuuuuute ;;;;;
kanimelife #4
Chapter 22: :3 OMG they're so cute I can't even
Chapter 19: I love this story. can't wait for the next update.
Rellamellow #6
Chapter 19: Chapter 18 has to be the only chapter I'm not in love with because... They didn't really stop fighting? They just said 'we're going to stop fighting' and that was it and I don't think that's how it's supposed to be especially since it was a huge argument... idk. ;;
kimbumkeyk #7
Chapter 19: can't wait for them to make song for jonghyun kekekekek
Rellamellow #8
Chapter 16: "You're all the good in the world" please just let me cry for a thousand years thus was so cute and beautiful and romantic and just perfect and I am so in love with this drabble collection because the fluuuuuff. ;w;♡♡♡
Rellamellow #9
Chapter 14: The 13th chapter was so cute, so cute... I can't get over all the fluff Herr nuuu ;w;
The 14th chapter, to be honest, made me laugh lol, especially the end. "It's not purple and blonde, it's honey and lavender" Trust Kibum to focus on that even when he's in a principle's office.
Rellamellow #10
Chapter 12: I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, oh my god. Of course these two can't hold back, even with their kids being in the room next to them lol. And oh my god, Jonghyun, comparing your husband to chips and telling your kids you "eat him".