Day 6 [Part One]

Be Mine In Fourteen Days

Here's the new chapter! It will be split into two parts instead of the original four parts! Thank you for all the subscribes and comments~ ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ


Day 6 – Part 1

Sunggyu’s cold and menacing stare cut right through him, making him flinch from where he stood. Had he made the right decision by telling the leader the truth? He was bothered by the fact he was in love with the leader. He had had enough dealing with his feelings. He had to let the leader know. He had to let someone know. He needed someone to talk about it. Most of all he needed to know what the leader thinks of him.
“What do you mean?” Sunggyu's voice was hard.
Woohyun looked down on the floor, suddenly regretting his earlier decision. He should have just kept it to himself. No man in his correct mind would accept such a confession from another guy, especially if it was from his bandmate, who was even his best friend and roommate.
“Are you ing out of your mind?" Sunggyu yelled while pointing to his own head.  "You are so disgusting, go away!” His reaction was enough for Woohyun to know Sunggyu didn’t feel the same way as him. He should have known that Sunggyu would not return his feelings.
Woohyun ruffled his own hair, out of frustration and regret, crushed. Why did he even confess to the leader? He should have known. Why didn’t he just stay quiet when the leader had forced him into telling the truth? Of course Kim Sunggyu was straight. Why didn’t he just make up some lie? If he had done so, things wouldn't have turned out like that.“I shouldn’t have told you.” Woohyun said, brokenly.
“I wish you didn’t.” Sunggyu said in such distaste that every strand of hair on the back of Woohyun’s neck stood up straight. Woohyun's heart also shattered into a million pieces.
“I am, Woohyun.” Sunggyu continued with much difficulty and repulse as if having his best friend falling in love with him was the most revolting thing ever.
“I know.” Woohyun choked back tears, feeling terribly dejected and embarrassed. Sunggyu will never treat me the same again... 
“This will destroy us. Whatever romantic feeling you have for me will destroy us. It will destroy Infinite. Do you hear me? This is unacceptable.”
Why didn’t he think about that?Infinite... 
“It’s disgusting and crazy”
“I know.”
Woohyun turned around and saw that the other members were standing right behind him. Sungjong looked at him with a weak smile, Sungyeol was as confused as Dongwoo, L had a poker face on like usual but the repulse in his eyes was unmistakable, and Hoya’s expression was like he had just witnessed a massacre. To his horror, even their manager was there too, looking at him, judging him.
“Infinite will be destroyed.” The manager spoke out raspily.
“Hyung...” Sungjong called Woohyun weakly.
“Are you nuts?” Sungyeol screamed.
L moved closer to Woohyun and placed his hand on Woohyun’s shoulder. “Do you want to lose everything that we have now? After all the hardships?”
“N-No.” Woohyun told L shakily. He turned around to look at Sunggyu who immediately looked away from him.
“No.” Woohyun repeated. They worked extremely hard to get to where they were. He did not want to ruin Infinite’s future. His feelings weren't important, but Infinite was. To him, Infinite was even more important than his own life. Infinite was his everything, Infinite was the reason he stood strong all these times. Infinite was the only thing that matters.
Woohyun looked around in the room, wanting to tell everyone that nothing was more precious to him than Infinite, when his eyes met Sunggyu's.
“Do you want this to be the end of Infinite?” Sunggyu asked him while looking at him full of hate.
Woohyun could feel someone shaking his body frantically. He woke up instantly and bolted upright, almost falling off the bed until someone grabbed his shoulder.
“You were dreaming.” Sunggyu, who had his arm around Woohyun’s shoulder to prevent him from falling off the bed that they shared, looked at Woohyun worriedly.
Woohyun was sweating profusely. “No...”
Sunggyu jumped off the bed and flipped the lights on. He went back to his bed where a shaking Woohyun was looking at him with terrified eyes. Sunggyu took Woohyun’s hands that were reaching for his. “It’s okay. You were dreaming.”
“Hyung...I didn’t.” Woohyun stammered.
Sunggyu knelt on the floor beside the bed, still holding Woohyun’s hands. “It’s okay. Just go back to sleep.”
“I don’t ever want to destroy Infinite. Never!” Woohyun declared, squeezing Sunggyu's hands tightly. Sunggyu who was confused merely nodded his head. “Yes, I know.”
“Never” Woohyun said breathlessly. 
Sunggyu was beyond worried.
“Hey, don’t be like this. You were having a nightmare. Nothing is wrong with Infinite. We are doing great.”
“We are?” Woohyun asked, still not fully awake.
“Yes.” Sunggyu sat on the bed next to Woohyun. He ruffled Woohyun’s hair. “But you are sick. You were dreaming.”
“I was?” Woohyun asked. “I don’t want to be the reason...”
“Stop it, just go back to sleep. You are scaring me.”
Woohyun laid back on the bed as relief flooded him. “I was dreaming.”
“You were.” Sunggyu stood up from the bed and looked down at his roommate. “Have you taken your medicine?”
“No.” Woohyun admitted.
“Do you even have any?”
Sunggyu shook his head in annoyance. “You should have told me.”
Woohyun chuckled weakly, now fully awake. "Heh..."
“But are you feeling okay now?"
“I am fine. I was dreaming.” Woohyun couldn’t help but smile. Sunggyu didn’t hate him, he didn’t confess to Sunggyu, everything was alright.
“You seemed to have had a really terrible nightmare, Woohyun.” Sunggyu said, unable to hide his concern. “Something is definitely bothering you, you have gotten sick and now you are even having nightmares.”
Woohyun rolled on his side, his back facing Sunggyu. He did not want to have this talk.
“We need to talk about this. I am your leader, you can tell me if there is anything wrong. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“I am fine. Let’s not talk about this. I am tired.” Woohyun shut his eyes, hoping Sunggyu would stop probing. The dream had made him totally aware of what was going to happen if the leader knew about his feelings. Sunggyu was so important to him, he could not stand the hateful look Sunggyu had given him, even it was just a dream.
“You said something about Infinite. You haven't done something bad have you?” Sunggyu voice was suddenly full of accusation.
“Woohyun, you are scaring me. Please, I am your best friend too, you can tell me.”
Woohyun sighed and told Sunggyu “I haven’t done anything that will harm Infinite. You don’t have to be worried.”
“I know you won’t do anything that will harm Infinite. But something is clearly disturbing you. I need to know what so I can help.”
“Nobody can help me, hyung. It will go away by itself. I promise I will be better. I will not allow this to affect the group.” Woohyun said sadly.
“Affect the group?”
“I mean, I will not let my condition to affect our performance for the concert.” Woohyun quickly added.
“I hate to tell you this but I know  it when you lie.”
Woohyun sat up on the bed and turned to face Sunggyu. “I know. You have to trust me; I am the only one who can make this problem fade away. It might take time, but I promise I will solve this problem. You don't need to think too much about it.”
Sunggyu looked at Woohyun intently. That was not the first time Woohyun refused to tell him what was wrong and Sunggyu knew there was no way he could make Woohyun talk. Sunggyu glanced to his watch and it was three in the morning. “I just want to see you happy and healthy again.” Sunggyu said.
“I will. Don’t worry.” Woohyun said apologetically.
“I hope so. We have to sleep. You take the bottom bunk; I will sleep on the top bunk.”
Woohyun nodded. “Okay.”
“Sleep well WooHyun, I am always here for you. Just so you know.” Sunggyu said as he climbed up to the top bunk.
“I am sorry hyung.”
“Don’t be. Promise me you will be better. Try not to scare me at least.”
Woohyun laughed, enjoying the attention Sunggyu gave him. “Goodnight Grandpa Gyu.”
“Goodnight Namstar.”
Woohyun looked up on the bottom of the top bunk. They were so close yet so far. Sunggyu had lived a hard life before Infinite, Infinite was Sunggyu's everything now, Woohyun did not want to ruin Sunggyu's dream. Infinite was his dream too, so he’d do anything to protect it.
The nightmare was like a reminder of how bad things could turn out if Sunggyu knows about his feeling, or s and manager. He would do anything for Infinite even if that means breaking his own heart.
Woohyun doubted that he could ever fall back to sleep. 


Sunggyu smiled when Woohyun threw him a look while they were being interviewed. He could see Woohyun was trying very hard to show him that he was okay, at least better. The other members thought that Woohyun had finally returned back to being his old self but Sunggyu knew it wasn't true. It was only because of the promise Woohyun made that had him acting "normally".
Sunggyu had to cancel his plan of taking Woohyun to the doctor's because their manager had come early in the morning telling them that they had an interview which he had forgotten to mention to the group. But nobody was complaining because they loved every attention the media gave them. Woohyun was the one who looked the happiest about it. Though if was most likely because he didn’t have to go to see the doctor.
They stopped for a five minutes break and Sunggyu jumped onto his feet, making his way to Woohyun who sat across the table. He took the seat beside Woohyun that was previously sat on by Sungyeol, who had gone to the toilet.
Dongwoo who was sitting on Woohyun other side, grinned at the leader. 
“Hyung, was I okay when answering the questions just now?” Dongwoo asked. He was always nervous whenever they were being interviewed. “You need to seat next to me. I’m always lost.” He whined.
“You were doing great. Woohyun is here, he can help.” Sunggyu told the main rapper.
“Yeah, he’s been kicking my leg every time I stammered, not to mention he also laughed at me.” Dongwll pouted.
“But I did help when you don’t know what to say.” Woohyun interrupted.
“He did” Sunggyu said, agreeing.
Dongwoo leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m like the second oldest but no one respects me.” Dongwoo complained. “I need the leader to sit next to me.”
Sunggyu grinned. “Because you are such a nice hyung to the kids. They probably don't really respect me either, they are just afraid of me.”
“I am, right? I am the cool hyung.” Dongwoo said smiling.
“You are.” Sunggyu laughed.
“Hyung, do you think we can actually rest for today? I mean, after we finished the interview?”
Sunggyu looked at DongWoo apologetically. “Last night we were allowed to go back home early; I doubt they will give us free time for today. Didn’t you sleep well last night?”
“I did.”
“Then I believe you have the energy to work real hard today. We have to prepare for the concert and the recording for the new album.” Sunggyu told his friend with a bright smile plastered on his face, trying to encourage him. “Be strong. I’ve always admired your spirit Jang Dongwoo.”
Woohyun who sat between the oldest members of Infinite fought the urge to squirm as Sunggyu leaned closer to him while having his talk with Dongwoo. Sunggyu had an arm around Woohyun’s shoulder and his other hand on Woohyun’s thigh. He had been making an extra effort to stay as far as he could from the leader today but failed every time. Sunggyu always found his way to be near to him.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sunggyu asked Woohyun.
Woohyun crossed his arms and tried to ignore Sunggyu's hand that was rubbing his thigh slowly. “Nothing. I was just thinking.”
“Thinking again? It isn't good to think so much.” Sunggyu said, while continuing to rub Woohyun’s thigh innocently.
“True.” Dongwoo said, looking at Woohyun with concern. “My mom told me the same thing ‘Jang Dongwoo, thinking too much is not good for you. You know, when you think too much you get stressed out. When we are stressed we cannot focus on our jobs. Stressing out does not help make things better. Bla, bla, bla.’”
Woohyun and Sunggyu both laughed at Dongwoo who was trying to mimick the way his own mother spoke. Sunggyu reached over and smacked Dongwoo hard on the head. “Do not make fun of your mother.”
“Excuse me; can I get my seat back?” Sungyeol came and squeezed between Sunggyu and Woohyun, much to Woohyun’s relief. “You should grab some of the snacks they prepared. It's delicious.”
Sunggyu groaned and stood back up on his feet, letting Sungyeol sit back on his seat. “Aren’t you a happy kid today?”
“I am.” Sungyeol said, grinning up at Sunggyu. He was in a very good mood because the interviewer had focused on him the most as compared to the other members. “I think she likes me. She’s been giving me ‘the look’. You know?” Sungyeol added while nodding his head towards the interviewer who was talking to L and Sungjong at the very corner of the room.
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Woohyun spat out to the choding.
“You are jealous right now aren’t you? Are you always this jealous when girls pay more attention to us than you?”
Woohyun raised his eyebrows, giving Sungyeol a questioning look.
“I mean, you got so upset when you had known that Bomi asked Sunggyu hyung out.”
Woohyun gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to hit the younger boy, but he could feel Sunggyu's eyes were on him and that made him calm down instantly and forget his anger towards the choding's remarks. Woohyun leaned back in his chair and said. “I don’t give a damn.”
“Sure?” Sungyeol teased.
Sunggyu who noticed Woohyun’s discomfort at Sungyeol's continuous teasing quickly interrupted. “Yeol ah, stop it.”
“Alright alright.” Sungyeol replied. He didn't want an angry Kim Sunggyu, especially since the hamster would be at his scariest whenever it was something concerning Woohyun. Their joke could turn out bad sometimes if the leader didn’t like it.
Sunggyu went to stand behind Woohyun and placed his hands on Woohyun's shoulders. Sunggyu leaned down and whispered into Woohyun’s ear. “Don’t mind him. You are doing great today, you won’t allow his teasing to affect your mood, no?”
Woohyun hated it when Sunggyu could sense it every time he got tensed up. He could sense some tension leaving him at Sunggyu's touch. “I won’t.” Woohyun said.
“Good.” Sunggyu said and took his hands off Woohyun’s shoulder. “Dongwoo, you can come and sit next to me. Hoya will take your place.” Sunggyu said as he saw Hoya and L walking towards them.
“Yes!” Dongwoo yelled, immediately leaping onto his feet. He felt extremely relieved. Hoya who heard the leader raised his eyebrows but said nothing. He took Dongwoo’s seat and casted a look at Woohyun who had his eyes fixed on the table.
“Sunggyu hyung! Guess who asked for your number?” Sungjong ecstatically appeared from behind SungGyu, startling him.
“Who?” Dongwoo asked when Sunggyu didn't respond.
“Hanji noona.” Sungjong said, giggling.
“What?!” Sungyeol screamed, making L quickly cover Sungyeol's mouth with his hand.
“Shh.” L hissed.
Hanji was the name of their interviewer. Sungyeol pushed L’s hand of his mouth and complained. “I thought she liked me"
“Well, you were wrong then.” L quipped in.
“She wants my number?” Sunggyu asked the maknae, his small eyes becoming bigger. Sunggyu couldn’t hide his surprise because Hanji hardly questioned him.
Sungjong nodded his head. “Yes, should I give her your number hyung? I thought I should ask you first.”
Hoya was unusually quiet, not having said anything about the peculiar situation and this drew Sunggyu's attention to him. He noticed that Hoya seemed to be in deep thoughts and followed his gaze to find that Hoya was actually staring at Woohyun. Woohyun's face was darker than ever and his eyes had a murderous glint. Woohyun had his lips tightly pursed and he was sitting stiffly, fists clenched. Sunggyu shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“Should I give it to her hyung?” Sungjong asked again.
Sunggyu shook his head slowly, his eyes still on Woohyun, studying him intently. “No.”
Sungjong’s jaw dropped as well as Dongwoo’s. Sungyeol turned around immediately to gawk at the leader.
L scoffed. “You are a weird person Kim Sunggyu. First Bomi, now a hot interviewer.”
Sunggyu smacked the back of Sungyeol's head. “What have you told them Choding?”
Sungyeol rubbed the back of his head and said. “Nothing!”
“Nothing your . Look, Bomi asked me out for a reason. She doesn’t like me or what so ever, so stop thinking that I rejected her or anything.” Sunggyu explained to his group members. “You guys are a bunch of gossips!”
“Who cares about Bomi? I’m talking about Hanji noona. Why can’t you give her your number?” Sungjong couldn’t help but ask with an exaggerated incredulous expression. “I can see she really likes you.”
“Now look Jongie, we are here to talk about our current activities and the concert, and we should be professional. No more questions. Everyone, get back to your seats and let’s finish this quickly. We have a long day ahead of us. Who wants some chicken for lunch?” Sunggyu wanted to change the topic, especially since he knew that a certain someone was very not happy.
“Me!” chipped in L and Dongwoo cheerfully, as they followed the leader to their seats. Sunggyu chuckled at the two members who were acting like overexcited little kids.
Hoya shifted his eyes to Sunggyu who was still laughing, then to Woohyun, and back to Sunggyu, then Woohyun once again who had a small smile on his face now. Something stirred in him as he continued staring at Woohyun.
“What?” Woohyun asked when he caught Hoya staring at him.
Hoya rapidly shook his head and turned away from Woohyun. “Nothing. The interview is about to start.”
“I don’t like this girl.” Woohyun said which was absurd because Hoya saw how Woohyun was all nice and friendly with Hanji before.
Hoya sighed as he adjusted himself on the seat, preparing himself for another flood of questions, this time going to be about their concert in Japan, but his mind could not stay focused on that.
“I can tell.” Hoya replied while looking at Sunggyu who was sitting across the table, not caring much about Hanji but instead looking at Woohyun with his eyes laced in concern. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------Status: Editing is finished



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M-lebiram #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I'm dying for read this amazing fic ♡♡ Please written-nim
oggifishy #2
Chapter 6: Please update
Chapter 7: New reader here.. And i really really love this story omfg this plot actually been floating in my mind since forever and I'm so glad u spit it out into a very amazing fic..
I love how woohyun always so clingy and overly jealous and gyu who always attracted so many girls bcs heck let's admit gyu has a strong aura and he's so deadly handsome, he's totally man on top lol
Please update please please ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
tanwoonam #4
Please update soon, I really like your story!
ariira #5
Chapter 7: I thought its real!! I'm too scared to scroll down ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Please update more ^0^
cassie_greg #6
Chapter 7: ouh, im craving for the next chapter ^^
aozora7 #7
Chapter 7: Aaaccckkk this is getting more & more interesting!!!!!
njanys #8
Chapter 7: Ahhaha WooHyun cada ve es mas celoso con SungGyu jejjje
Chapter 7: THis chapter was amazing! Please update soon :)