New Beginnings

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This is it. The time has finally come. It's finally the time for you to start your journey at the prestigious school: SMent High; who knows what events will unveil themselves and who you will come to know.


All you could hear was your brothers loud booming voice echo and reverberate off your bedroom walls as he shouted at you in a futile attempt to you wake you up for your first day of school.

You rolled out of your bed with a large thud and huddled your duvets closer to your body to help insulate the heat.

Out of no where you felt freezing water be poured onto your head; as you looked up you saw your brother teasingly glance down at you before he scampered away as fast as he could.




Hi Readers!

So, this is my first story on here as after reading so many amazing fanfictions I decided to have a go at creating my own. I have a rough story line in my head but it's not set in stone so if you have any ideas you suggestions that you'd like to be implemented in, let me know!

Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading.

~Tulaie x





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