Origins of a Playboy

Tamin' a Casanova

March 14th....Today has a very romance filled atmosphere in Yonsei University as it is "White Day" in South Korea. A young, short, but handsome man approaches a very beautiful woman with utmost confidence...

"Hey beautiful.." he said softly pecking his lips onto her.

"Hehe...Stoopp...You're coming with me to the party tonight right?" she asked.

"Of course..I wouldn't miss it for the world.." he said with a smile.

He presented his gift to her formally, which caused a delighted expression from the woman. They walked together endlessly around the huge campus, sharing laughters and memories together. The sunset arrived quickly and the couple went to get ready for the college party. Suddenly a phone call rang in the young man's cellphone..

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey let's get hella drunk tonight brah" a husky voice said.

"Wait.....lemme nail this chick real quick then we'll go" he whispered.

"Fasho! This fool, third one this week AND on White Day haha" he snickered.

"Haha you already know, aight later" he said.

The woman inquired who he talked to. He simply said it was his parents calling him out of the blue. She simply smiled and walked out with her partner. They arrived at the dorm and saw lots of people having fun with video games, socialing, and other events. The young couple decided to dance to the music in the background alongside other couples. As time passed, the man made the first move at intimacy and confronted his partner affectionately.

"Let's go upstairs real quick" he said sweetly.

"Um...ok" she said.

They went upstairs and entered one of the bedrooms. They started to make out passionately until the woman resisted after the man started to get a little out of hand. The man wondered why they stopped while the woman scolded him for advancing the relationship more than it should.

"Babe...I'm not ready. I hope you understand that" she said.

"You know what? Nah I don't understand. I guess you ain't down for sh-" he said viciously.

The man slammed the door hard, leaving the woman in tears. The seemingly nice man has lost an oppurtunity in having a meaningful relationship due to being a jerk who wants only pleasure. He decided to hang out with his friends who were smoking and drinking outside a stripping club.

"Yo this girl was whack brah. Damn what the heck is being "pure" gonna give you?" he asked.

"Obviously NOTHING hahaha" they laughed in unison.

"Dude forget that girl, whatsup with you getting with good girls anyway?" he asked.

"I dont know, I needed a challenge haha" he said.

Suddenly the man's phone rang.

"What it do baby boo?" he said.

"What the? Youngbae this is your father" he said.

"Oh my bad old man, Whattup?" he said impolitely.

"Your grandfather got into a car accident, he is at the hospital. Come quickly" he shouted.

"Wha?! Alright I'll be right there!!" he shouted in despair.

Youngbae quickly left his group with no explanation and rushed to the hospital. The man's relationship with his grandfather was strong and knowing the thought that his best friend was injured caused his heart to beat rapidly.

"Pops! Ma! How's grandpa?" he said frantically.

"He's in the emergency room.." they answered.

The doctor emerged and confronted the family with unpleasant news...

"I' sorry..but Mr. Dong Hyun at a critical condition with most his bones broken and his lungs are punctured..." he explained obviously hesistant.

"WHAT IS IT DOC IS HE GONNA BE OKAY???!!!!" Youngbae shouted.

"Youngbae ah....stop and li- listen" his father and mother breaking into tears. 

"He's..He's not gonna make it...I'm so sorry..." he said in monotone.

Youngbae broke down and collapsed into tears as his emotions poured out in the public waiting room in the hospital, while his parent cried silently...After a few hours the family calmed down and the young man stared out the window.

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BlackPearl_Goddess #1
Oh.. A player here? Hmmm... I'm already curious to know how are you going to spin the story... so please, author, please do update whenever you can... ^^
Dahnnisya #2
YeaY you updated :) <br />
Youngbae,, he's such a bad boy but soon or later he'll change :))
Khunpeeh #3
wow yulyang <3333 can't wait
Yay!! YangYul fic <3