
bite me gently

It’s already been a year after all the surprising events happened in his life and Jungkook has no more trouble adapting to them, hasn’t had any for a long time now since his new life kind of trickles away in an extraordinarily slow pace, a lot slower than his past life.


Yes, he still has conflicted feelings about someone else’s blood - Yoongi’s patient’s blood, to be more specific - and he hasn’t gotten used to it yet, although he doesn’t have any problems doing it with Jimin.


He doesn’t mind it at all, not one bit. He does it gladly, actually.


Doing it with Jimin never once gives him a bad impression. Even the first time he had planted his fangs into Jimin’s soft, sensitive skin it has shot him with a vibrant, fascinating and tingling feeling. Every time he bites Jimin, even now, he always feels dizzy and lightheaded but not in the bad way, not in the slightest. It’s completely the opposite.


Honestly, somehow he really likes the feeling.


Of course, Jungkook can easily choose to feed of those patient’s blood whenever he starts to get thirsty, still does that once in a while when he’s at the clinic and it’s urgent — he just couldn’t forget to tell Yoongi beforehand or else the pale man would grumble for an hour or two, “Would it kill you to just tell me first instead of just barge in like that with red eyes? Kids these days…’’— but he chooses the other choice, the only option he willingly and happily always chooses.


Right now his eyes have a tinge of red in them even though he’s not that thirsty yet, but Jungkook immediately flies away and leaves poor Seokjin alone with all the chores they had been doing since morning without telling him and searches for Jimin.


He can say he’s totally fine with everything right now, with how things are, however there is one thing he still finds hard to just let it slide like it’s nothing.


In fact, it’s really nothing, but somewhere deep down inside him, the darker, ugly, possessive side of Jungkook thinks otherwise.


Jungkook finally finds Jimin, as he always does, in the living room with Hoseok and Taehyung. The The trio is playing a game when he pokes his head inside the room, much too focused to notice that he is there. Hoseok sits on the floor, leaning his back to the sofa, while Taehyung and Jimin are sitting on said sofa together.


Taehyung’s playing against Hoseok while Jimin keeps cheering for either of them, comfortably half snuggling and half leaning on Taehyung.


That’s what makes Jungkook narrow his eyes.


He knows, hell, everyone in the coven knows, that Taehyung and Jimin are best friends. It’s an obvious unspoken fact that they are each other’s dearest and closest friend and they would always be. No one can destroy or ruin their relationship. No one.


Jungkook has nothing against Taehyung - oh come on, nobody can dislike Taehyung even if they tried - he just doesn’t like the way these two pleasantly gravitate toward each other like it’s the most normal and natural thing to do. (Though Hoseok is with them most of the time, Jungkook’s mind automatically cuts him out of the picture)


Sometimes he just really can’t help it, can’t control his train of thought from wandering back and forth when he’s wasn’t with them yet, to when Jungkook was just nobody, still just a normal teenager and not a part of Jimin’s life. How close had the two of them been when he had not been around?


He can’t help himself but wonder and doesn’t like it at all.


Okay, he knows he’s overthinking. They’re just friends. Best friends. Nothing more than that, while he and Jimin are more than that. So he should just stop thinking about these nonsensical things already.


But the truth is it’s easier said than done and he’s still struggling with his feelings.

He really likes Taehyung a lot and things of the older guy as his real hyung —just like he did the other elder members of the coven minus Jimin, because he hadn’t really seen him as his hyung since the beginning— so he hates to feel like this. His brows furrow, fists tighten, and he tries to banish those thoughts away.


Damn, just stop, Jungkook, stop.


As if sensing his intense gaze on him, Jimin finally turns to look his way and smiles brightly when he spots Jungkook awkwardly standing there, eyes and nose scrunching in a ridiculously adorable way. Jungkook melts a little.


“Hey,” Jimin greets with a smile.


Jungkook greets back, his eyes softening, “Hey.”


Jimin’s about to ask him something when he sees the red glint in Jungkook’s eyes and realization hits him. He gasps and practically leaps to him in the blink of an eye.


 “You okay?” He takes Jungkook’s hand into his much smaller one and leads them away. Jungkook sees Taehyung glance their way for a second before returning his focus to the TV, not needing to ask to know where they are going.


Only by his touch, skin on skin, Jungkook already calms down. He has no idea why, it just happens, and those unnecessary thoughts finally disappear, for now.


“Sorry hyung. Am I bothering you?” He asks when they’re inside Jimin’s room with a squeeze of his hand, brushing his thumb across the back of his hand lovingly.


Jimin snorts. “Are you bothering me? Hardly. I was just sitting there and cheering for whoever had the best score. Taehyung wouldn’t let me play and because he says I at the game.”


Jungkook snickers as Jimin grumbled on. How can this guy be older than him when he’s this cute? “He’s right though, you basically at every game you play.”


His words earn him a combination of an unamused glare and a pout and, damn, Jungkook doesn’t have to think twice as he leans down to peck his lips softly.


 “I will show you later that I’m not that bad and will definitely kick both your asses!”


Jungkook’s raises his brows playfully, saying nothing, and Jimin groans and punches his chest not so lightly. “Sometimes I sincerely hate you, but for now I need to take care of your thirst first.” Then he tilts his head a little and pulls down his already wide shirt collar to expose his neck.


So Jungkook wastes no more time, bends his head down to nuzzle his nose to that exposed and ravishing skin, at the junction between his neck and shoulder—Jimin had once asked him, laughing, “What are you, a puppy?”— and feels the vibration when Jimin hums softly. Inhales the familiar intoxicated sweet scent, Jungkook’s favorite scent - Jimin’s, with a mix of that Jo Malone Wood sage and sea salt fragrance, the one Jungkook gave him as a present for his last birthday.


Jungkook personally thinks that Jimin always smells nice, with or without the perfume. Sometimes he smells like a lavender field in the spring, others  like the fresh summer morning, like the warm burning autumn leaves, or like cold winter nights. But most of the time he just smells like home, like where Jungkook belongs.


He can just stand like this forever because it feels so incredibly good.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jimin suddenly asks.


Jungkook just hums in response, snaking his arms casually around Jimin’s slim waist to hold him and pull him closer.


“You eyes…” He pauses when Jungkook presses his lips to the pulse point on his neck and lingers there, warm breath fanning at his skin, before he continues to talk, voice shaky. “There was a little… Threatening, dangerous glint in your eyes when you looked at Taehyung and me before. What were you thinking about?”


So he noticed.


“Nothing.” Jungkook lies. Doesn’t feel like talking about it right now.


 “You big liar. I know there was something going on in your head, just spill it out.” Jimin knocks their heads together weakly. “Or else I’m gonna make you go straight to Yoongi hyung’s clinic instead. Your choice.”


Jungkook sighs. There’s no way in hell he would choose that. He allows himself to be pushed back, walks slowly backwards until he feels the back of his legs hit the bed and plops down on the mattress. Jimin follows him closely, dropping himself comfortably on his lap, amazing thick thighs pressing down on both sides of his own.


“Talk.” He half says, half demands. Although their position right now is making it hard for Jungkook to focus and think properly, let alone talk, who is he to deny Jimin?


He looks into the older’s eyes and what he sees are concern, affection, adoration and love and it makes Jungkook want to curl into a ball in Jimin’s safe arms and cry like a baby. Makes him want to be held like that forever.


“I… I just don’t like the way you two are so close, even though you’re just friends. Best friends.” Jungkook nervously looks away, feeling the tips of his ears burn.


Jimin laughs, a beautiful ringing sound full of vivid color and joy. There are bright sparkles in his twinkling eyes and he seems very amused with this.


 “Aw, Jungkookie is jealous. How cute.” He pinches both of Jungkook’s cheeks, eyes practically disappearing and being replaced with two pretty crescent moons.


Jungkooks huffs, feigns annoyance but doesn’t tell him to stop squeezing his abused cheeks. “I’m serious here, hyung!”


Jimin grins apologetically. “Sorry, you’re just too cute that I couldn’t help it. But you’re not even denying it, so you’re really jealous, huh?”


“I’m not.”


 “I see.” He chuckles before pressing his full lips on Jungkook’s forehead softly. “You already know how I feel about you, right?” Then moves to kiss his cheek. “And you know you definitely hold a very special place in my heart that even Taehyung, who’s my partner in crime…” His lips travel to his nose. “Robin to my Batman,” and then to the corner of his lips. “... doesn’t have that privilege.” Both corners of his lip, then winks playfully his way. “Right?”


Jungkook lets out a breath that he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding as Jimin showered his face with kisses.


He does know, he feels it every moment he spends with Jimin. Every fiber of Jimin’s being—down to the last bone—is screaming ‘I love you’ to Jungkook, and—not as obviously—his does as well. So you should go away now, he tells the ugly side of himself. Go.


Jungkook closes his eyes and whispers, “Yeah, I know,” and I love you too.


He feels Jimin shift on his lap and then his lips are brushing against Jungkook’s, so soft, loving, affectionate. Like the touch of a feather.


And then all of those ugly thoughts disappear, just like that.


Jungkook laughs to himself, both pleased and amused.


“What? What’s funny?” He opens his eyes to see his very confused Jiminie hyung looking with way with his brows furrowed.


“Nothing.” He smiles that smile Jimin always finds adorable and secretly calls bunny smile. “Hyung, can we finish what we started? I’m really thirsty now. Before this it was just an excuse to steal you away from Taehyung hyung.”


Jimin rolls his eyes but tilts his head back anyway. “Brat.”


Jungkook smiles at the fondness in Jimin’s voice and kisses his throat, nibbling softly at the side of his neck, bares his fangs and whispers, “먹겠습니다*,” before he sinks his fangs into the soft flesh and lets himself be enveloped in the bliss and sweet sensation.





*잘 먹겠습니다 = Thank you for the meal/I will eat well

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Chapter 1: Ah amazing <3
Chapter 1: there's no such bite called gentle~!!!! but its okay~ I can feel the gentleness in this~