Chapter 12- Drunk Semin

The Telescope Boy

“What the f**k”


Sehun was appalled when he saw a figure-Semin to be more specific-playing beer pong with a bunch of other boys. She was clearly winning as she tossed the ping pong ball from upstairs into the plastic red cup, which was 5 meters away from her. Oh did he mention how the crowd was forming around her? Oh yeah, they were cheering for Semin, louder than the music which was already loud that the neighbours had complained numerous times already. As she won the game for the 10th time for the night, she grabbed the red plastic cup and drank the whole spiked drink with one big gulp.


Sehun ran towards her but stumbles as he passed through the crowd. He spun her around with one gesture and faced her, “Semin! Are you okay?”


“Better than ever!” Semin swayed a little.


“Are you..drunk?” There was a line forming on Sehun’s forehead as he questions her.


Semin frowned at him, “Drunk? I’m not drunk! I’m still soberrr,” She was about to fall when Sehun catches her.


“Okay Semin, you’re not drunk,” Sehun rolled his eyes, “Never start a fight with adrunk person.” He muttered the last sentence.


“I’m…..thirsty,” Semin’s eyes was now red in colour as she looks at Sehun right in the eye, “Get me water.” She ordered.


“Wow, am I your servant now? Okay, let’s get out of this place first.” He said as he picks Semin up in bridal style as she can’t walk straight out of the venue. Sehun had a hard time opening the door of his car while carrying Semin on his arms but successfully did both at the same time. “You’re so heavy…” He heaved but froze when he felt a hand hitting his stomach.


“I’m not heavy!” Semin glared at him, “I’m light as a featherrrr” She said as she fell back to sleep. Sehun lips formed a smirk as he starts the car.



After minutes of driving on the road, Sehun finally stops at a diner which opens 24 hours. There were only 3 people in the restaurant since it was way past bed time. Sehun was glad Semin can walk or he’ll end up standing for hours waiting for Semin to sober up. Both of them took a seat at the corner which was a secluded area.


A lady looking like her mid-50s with a messy grey bun walked toward their table and welcomed them with a wide grin. “Can I get you guys anything?” She said as she puts her wrinkled hands on the counter.


Sehun looked up to the lady, “Yes, we would like plain water and-“


“N-no! I want a…” Semin studied the menu carefully, “banana milkshake and…waffles! And for the boy...”


Sehun cleared his throat and say, “Just coke, thank you.” The lady smiled at both of them before going back to the kitchen.


“Semin, I can’t believe you made the crowd wild. When I said have confident and loose up a bit, I didn’t realize you would lose it all! But you’re amazing you know?” Sehun said as a smile formed on his lips.


“Yeah….I was amazeballs like amayyyyzinng hahahaha,” Semin burst out laughing while doing a pose like the amazing spiderman.


“Semin, are you still drunk?” Sehun eyed her worriedly.


“I was never drunk-“


“Yep, you’re still are.” He muttered alone as he watches Semin dropped her head and snoozed. After couple of minutes, she shot up and massaged her temples, “My head hurts…what time is it?” She squinted her eyes to look at Sehun but he still came out blurry.


Sehun glance at his watch and his eyes went wide, “Um..Semin, you might have to call your parents now…”


“But my mum can’t see me like this,” Semin dropped her head on the counter, “What am I going to do now?!” She panicked.


“Tell her you’re going to have a sleepover at Nara’s house.” Sehun suggested. Semin quickly took out her phone from her purse and dialed her mother’s number. After a couple of rings, her mother picked up, “Ma..,” she looked at Sehun and he gave her an assuring smile, “I-I’m going to have a sleepover at Nara’s house. I’ll be back by noon tomorrow, I promise.” Semin blinked her eyes before saying, “Really?! Thanks, madam! Goodnight,” She shoved her phone back into her purse.



“She said okay!” Semin looked at Sehun excitedly and heard him let out a heavy sigh. Before Sehun could react, the old lady came back with their order. Sehun swore he could see Semin’s eyes shines as the waffles was being served.




“You look like a pig, a pig which hasn’t eaten for days. No, a pig which hasn’t eaten food since birth. A pig whi-“


“Okay! Okay! I get it. I look like right now but this tastes like heaven,” her eyes glinters as she refers the waffle with crème on top with rasberries. “Open up,” she said as she took a small bit of waffle with her fork, “I said open your mouth, now.”


“Drunk Semin is so bossy” He muttered quietly while rolling his eyes before reluctantly opening his mouth.


A moan left his lips, “This is so delicious. Woah, you’re not even joking when you said this taste like heaven.” Sehun looked at Semin and took a napkin and wiped Semin’s mouth which looks like she went for lip suction but failed miserably. Semin muttered him thanks before sipping the last of her milkshake.


“How is your food?” The lady asked them and was surprised when both Semin and Sehun thumbs up to her.


“It tasted like heaven,” Sehun his fingers.


“It is so delicious, I’ll be here every morning for these babies-I mean waffles,” The lady giggled and thanked them.


“How sweet of you guys. My husband used to say the same before, well, he passed away…” She tried hiding the sadness in her voice. Sehun quickly pats her back and said, “I’m sorry for your lost, maam.”


“Aww, what a gentleman.” The lady said as Sehun pays for the late dinner, “You’re lucky to have a nice boy like him, I know boys these days have no manners.” She said before snickering.


Semin was shocked and tried explaining to the lady, “I’m sorry but he’s not my-“



“Well, look at the time! Let’s go, girlfriend.” Sehun winked at Semin before dragging Semin out.





“Where are we?” Semin asked suspiciously as she took a step backwards from Sehun.


“This is my apartment,” Sehun puts down his car keys on the coffee table, “Technically, it’s mine but long story short, I live here on the weekends, as a gift for my 18th birthday from my parents.”


Semin let out a gasp, “You are freaking rich, you know? Damn…”


 Sehun chuckled at her before going into his bedroom. After a couple of minutes he stood in front of Semin holding a pair of pajamas, “Here, you can wear these. It’s mine but I grew taller and didn’t fit into these anymore. The bathroom is just there.” He pointed towards the door beside the kitchen. Semin muttered a quick thank you before changing into the clothes in the bathroom.


After struggling to change her clothes in drunk situation, she left the bathroom to find Sehun resting his head on the kitchen counter with a glass of water beside it. “Took you long enough,” he said while standing up, “I know your head hurts, drink this.” He hands Semin the glass of water.


“Are you trying to drug me?” She eyed him suspiciously.


“As a matter of fact, I am. Oh wow oh wow can’t wait to sell your kidney to black market or sell you to one of those mafias, yeay…” He said in a boring voice before adding, “I’m just joking nit wit. It’s just medicine for your throbbing head.” He rolled his eyes.


Semin took the glass and studied it carefully before gulping them down, “Thanks a lot. My head do hurt like being hit by a truck, a truck full of pigs. I swear, I’m not going to ever drink alcohol.” She said as she crossed her fingers and puts it on her chest.

“I’ll make sure you fulfill that promise.” Sehun said before he walks towards his living room.




thank you for reading!!!!!! Please comment and subscribe~ Sorry for being hiatus kekekekeke lotsoflove.










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I've update it~~^^
Jade_Flower #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon
Chapter 8: What is Kai story. I really don't get him... Hmmm
kkh_8314 #4
Chapter 7: Kai? Why is he so weird?
Chapter 6: Aww..I felt sad for Sehun..haha
He got all laughed over by Semin~
So cutey~~
Chapter 1: Hii~~
This story is interesting so far.
I'll be sure to read it all ^^
Chapter 2: Wahhh. So Jong In secret is that he a bully? :(
Chapter 2: Lmaooo. I love group chat. Can't wait for more :3