08| both i guess

fear & love [ editing in process! ]

Chapter 8 : just kiss already


Taejoo sat on youngjae's bed, swingging her legs back and fourth. A white box laid on her lap and she stared at it. She was waiting for youngjae who was washing his face in the toilet.

Earlier when they just arrived at youngjae's apartment he immedietly gave her pills, she was surpised ofcourse like what is he doing? She learned after that it's anxiety pills. She also learned that youngjae knew about her.. anxiety . He didnt tell her but even the dumbess person would knew he knew. She did ate it incase, just incase

and now, she didnt even know why she wanted to help him fix his face. He didnt even asked her, her own legs walked to find the box and her own hands that brought it to his room, now her own mind was willingly wanted to help him .

" you look like a kid sitting there " he joked

youngjae looks fresh though his face was full of bruises and cuts , he was holding a towel and his hair was slightly wet. She stared at him for a breif moment and then she scoffed

" yah " she tapped the seat next to her and youngjae looked at her confused, then his eyes landed at her lap, a first aid kit

" your gonna treat me? " he asked , pointing at himself

She nodded " unless you want me to throw you out from that window i could do that too " she said it like its the most normal thing to do

he tsked but obeyed her, her eyes was focused on the cuts but was interupted when he started talking

" will you be fine? "

her eyes traveled up to his eyes, staring into it deeply

" i will since i took the pills i guess "

she broke of the stare and opened the box, the first thing she did was took out a cotton and medicine . And applied it gently on his face, everytime he hissed she also flinched,bitting her lip. She was so into it she didnt even realise himchan was standing right on the door

" omg my innocent eyes! " himchan oretended to cry, but his lips was smiling, amused " sorry~ i'll just take my clothes and you guys do your buissness " 

she blinked rapidly at him, after one last glance he ran to his room and went out with a black cloth . 

" whats he talking about? " 

she turned her attention to youngjae, she didnt even realise her position, their face was inches apart and her hand. Her hand was resting on his cheek , her eyes wident in realisation and she inmedietly back off and wipe her hands on her shirt .

Youngjae was speechless and his body fell on his bed, his eyes shut and a smile plastered on his face . 

" yah , what's gotten into you? " 

she looked at him amused, he looks like his flying right now , like an happy angel

" i feel like flying!! " he yelled, both hands landed on his face and he screamt like a teenage girl being noticed by her crush 

" yea you go girl~ " she said jockingly, a hand on preventing her from laughing  

His eyes finally flutter open and he glanced at her , his expression was serious, realising that her smile also fade, now both of them are serious

" about before, im sorry. Looking at you kept making me remember the scene " he took a deep breath " will you be able to clean it yourself? " 

she blinked at him, " what do you mean? " 

he smilled bitterly as he sat straight and walked to his bathroom , soon after coming out with a bucket of water and a damp towel 

This time, youngjae was looking sternly at her , wiping the area around , his eyes focused on her lips , wiping it gently

how could i forget? 

now his hand is now resting on her cheek, her body was frozen at his touch, it felt like hours sitting there then he finally finished

" that must be disgusting " he smiled sheepishly 

She just sat there silently staring at him, youngjae noticed the cold athmosphere and he too went silent, staring into her soul. Both of then were neather happy nor sad, just blank. Noone dare break the contact and noone dare move. Like the universe stop for them they sat there staring at each other, frozen . Their mind was blank, only occupied by their own selves and each other 




SURPRISE SURPRISE! Double update~ also can anyone give me tips how to inprove my writting? Because i feel like im lacking something when i re-read my chapters ( ignoring the constant typos sorry about that i will fix that soon ) anyone please help me! :) 



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Editing process starting tonight! :)  Sorry if your guys are pissed because i left you with curiousity  And thankyou if you guys decuded to stay!!  Xoxo


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hellobts1003 #1
Chapter 8: Just throw him out of the window Taejoo XD lol and.. WHAT THE HECK?! AM I JUST READ THAT WORDS?! "JUST KISS IT ALR!!" Hell yeah man!! Kiss her! Author-nim just make them kissing alr lol haha
hellobts1003 #2
Chapter 7: Wohohoho fighting huh~ Srsly theyre just like collaboration fighters lol hahaha XD Science again.. aigoo~ Youngjae~! You are sooo Idek what to say to you but yeah haha
KidFromPluto #3
Editing process starting tonight! :)

Sorry if your guys are pissed because i left you with curiousity

And thankyou if you guys decuded to stay!!

ReenRieX #4
Chapter 6: Hahhh ?? What the hell happen ?!?! Why is youngjae being a stalker anyway ?? What wrong with her memories ?? Wahh !! I am so curious right now .. Updates
hellobts1003 #5
Chapter 6: Woaahhhh Youngjae?? Why?? hahaha mong~
KidFromPluto #6
Chapter 6: Woa i can comment too? OHOHOHO
hellobts1003 #7
Chapter 5: WHALECUM BAEKII AND YEOLLIEEEE!! LOL XD Okay.. that kid was Junhong.. hmm but why hes too sad? pretty weird but its okay.. And whut? Babies thingy! XD puahahaha okay stop.
Update soon author-nim! (I know 2016.. is a pretty tough.. Well, just keep the faith.. Whut-?)
hellobts1003 #8
Chapter 4: Wooooaahhh Daehyun you better watch your manner to Taejoo hohoho *.* Another cliffhanger here~ Whos that kid that called her 'noona'?? ...and weird Taejoo muahahaha XD anyway, update again author-nim cuz we love you too! ♥

Q. What is dufus supposed to mean? XD
hellobts1003 #9
Chapter 3: Ahhh you successfully made me suspended to death to know that mysterious person XD hahaha and aww youngjae and taejoo slept together hehe lol so far so good and have the comedies in it.. Goodjob author-nim! *thumbs up* Jjang!! I really hoping that you will update soon! And double update sounds better! ♥
hellobts1003 #10