03| fear

fear & love [ editing in process! ]

Capter 3: 2nd person view          


They all froze at the pale figure that is now unconsious on their livingroom floor. Even the leader bang does not know what to do . 

beep bop beep ( door sounds ) 

" aghh guys i'm- what the happened here, guys did you just ed a girl to death!? Wait your not those kind of people my bad. "

They all looked at daehyun with a are you serious look and he just smiled innocently 

" hyung seriously you should've- "

he dropped the bags full with groceries and ran to the unconsious body , checking her pulse rate. He panicked at the scene. When he confirmed that she's still alive he tried to calmed down a bit . tried 

" how long was she unconsious? " youngjae asked them , will all of his seriousness he never have been that serious, even in life threatening times 

" a-around 10? Minutes " yongguk shuttered, he bit his lip, nervous at the sudden scene that taejoo cause

" you two, clear the table , himchan hyung carry her on the table  , hyung, you get my stuff ready, daehyun hyung, stop smiling like an idiot " 

he comanded them , even before youngjae comanded them himchan instinctively carry her and they rushed completing youngjae's orders , he tossed his jacket away and pulled his sleeve up . He looked at the leader bringing in some needles and medicine, after swallowing hard he finally attach the iv drip on her vein. 

Youngjae was worried she looked pale way to pale. thankfully, she's breathing normally . But how she fainted is still a mystery, let's say her skin is naturally pale, doubt it. She looks like a chinese ghost i tell ya.

After 30 mins of checking he looked at them, the boys who are waiting for the results. Yongguk looked at him with raised eyebrows, zelo is already bitting his nails , the other three are eather pretending to not care or really don't care i dont know but comon their not heartless people. But what cought his attention is himchan's worried face. what happened to the expressionless hyung? 

He sighed " she's fine, she just fainted because she over worked herself, and her blood sugar levels are way to low, she needs to eat. She looks like she starved. No broken bones just bruises and she have a minor fever " 

He looked at the pale taejoo and sigh once more,  examined her body, then frowned when he saw her weird looking ankel . He walked to the other end of the body and checked her ankels. He instinctively looked at the two humans that were sitting in front of him

" This could be the reason of her over-working. Her bone is probably dislocated , or she sprained her ankel leading to a ripped tissue , could she walk? And about her body , i don't know if it's abusing but the wounds aren't that bad, though it'll take time to heal, other than that she just have a slight fever " he took a deep breath " yongguk hyung, thanks " 

yongguk was taken back by his words, if it wasnt for youngjae too she would've been badly injured. 

he smiled at him and looked at her ankel once more. True, he isn't a professional doctor, but he did his best to examined and try to let her wounds heal better, that's what he hoped.

With the help of yongguk  , they succesfully wrapped her ankel with a white bandage and even put her dislocated bone to it's original place. Which made yongguk flinch. It was intense.. way to intense for a soft scary looking guy. 

" hyung, you have buisness tomorrow morning right? Why don't you have a rest, you havent slept the whole night  " youngjae smiled at his responsible leader and yongguk looked at him reasurely

" hyung i have daehyun hyung , jongup , zelo and even himchan hyung " youngjae begged the leader and with a smile the leader went off

" you guys too, you have to rest " youngjae leaned at the on the sofa and crossed his arms. Talking to s that stayed to help or may i say tease youngjae

" woooo , after lying to the bang yongguk and your shooing us off? Ok fine go play with you half dead girlfriend " daehyun " comon guys " he pulled all of the kids out and shut the door

youngjae shook his head and smiled he turned around and looked at her figure one last time " ahh i forgot, your laying on a table " he scratched his head and sighed " guess your sleeping with me tonight " 


The next morning himchan and daehyun surprisingly woke up early and went straight to the livingroom . The duo was surprised when it's empty

" did she run away? " daehyun asked thinking hard of where she went

" do you expect the soft hearted youngjae to leave a girl sleeping on a table? No! Than probably his room , LETS GO! " himchan pointed his arm out like a superman and daehyun and jongup followed himchan to youngjae's room . As soon as they arrive they saw youngjae was sitting beside her. When youngjae  realised their presense he immedietly stood up . And with a smirk daehyun walked to taejoo

" she dead " daehyun poked her sides  " i think she's dead. Look at that face, it's literally transparent "  daehyun stated while crossing his arms

Himchan air from his teeth and tilted his head  " i dunno i think it's translucent " 

" hyung~, i know your older but for once please i'm right here, your hurting me " youngjae crossed his arms and whined at his two older brothers 

Himchan and daehyun looked at each other then both laugh their off making youngjae snort

youngjae placed his palm on her forehead, " her fever surprisingly went down " he stated " i need to get her medicine " he walk out leaving daehyun and himchan behind .

" hyung, look at him trying to be all mature and stuff " daehyun giggled to the older himchan, himchan nudged him 

" your so- "


their eyes wident , they did'nt expect her to move,  her eyes are closed but she did move . And moaned . seriously

they looked at each other with wide eyes " hyung " daehyun gripped his brother's shirt 

Taejoo suddenly opened her eyes, after a sigh she shut her eyes once more 

" stop staring unless you want me to cut your eyeballs off" she said sternly, even though she just woke up she is still scary. She glared at them and they both flinched. 

Expecting for daehyun to cling on himchan's arm. Instead it's the other way around . Himchan is clinging on his younger brother's arm . 

The door auddenly opened , and the duo looked at youngjae with fear

" i need to replace her- "

He stopped when he saw taejoo . His hands clearly gripped on the doorknob tighter, at this point he could break it . 

" liquid " he finished his sentence

Youngjae was shocked at seeing her awake, he did'nt expect at all that she would be awake at this time, they both had a staring contest so intense even the viewers that are witnessing the scene right now can't help but to hold each other tightly 

your awake 


[ 11|9 ]

HOHO so he was youngjae eh? Hmm. Ah btw taejoo slept with youngjae ! And hoho taejoo's fierce side is back! ^^ also... How about a double update today~? 


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Editing process starting tonight! :)  Sorry if your guys are pissed because i left you with curiousity  And thankyou if you guys decuded to stay!!  Xoxo


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hellobts1003 #1
Chapter 8: Just throw him out of the window Taejoo XD lol and.. WHAT THE HECK?! AM I JUST READ THAT WORDS?! "JUST KISS IT ALR!!" Hell yeah man!! Kiss her! Author-nim just make them kissing alr lol haha
hellobts1003 #2
Chapter 7: Wohohoho fighting huh~ Srsly theyre just like collaboration fighters lol hahaha XD Science again.. aigoo~ Youngjae~! You are sooo Idek what to say to you but yeah haha
KidFromPluto #3
Editing process starting tonight! :)

Sorry if your guys are pissed because i left you with curiousity

And thankyou if you guys decuded to stay!!

ReenRieX #4
Chapter 6: Hahhh ?? What the hell happen ?!?! Why is youngjae being a stalker anyway ?? What wrong with her memories ?? Wahh !! I am so curious right now .. Updates
hellobts1003 #5
Chapter 6: Woaahhhh Youngjae?? Why?? hahaha mong~
KidFromPluto #6
Chapter 6: Woa i can comment too? OHOHOHO
hellobts1003 #7
Chapter 5: WHALECUM BAEKII AND YEOLLIEEEE!! LOL XD Okay.. that kid was Junhong.. hmm but why hes too sad? pretty weird but its okay.. And whut? Babies thingy! XD puahahaha okay stop.
Update soon author-nim! (I know 2016.. is a pretty tough.. Well, just keep the faith.. Whut-?)
hellobts1003 #8
Chapter 4: Wooooaahhh Daehyun you better watch your manner to Taejoo hohoho *.* Another cliffhanger here~ Whos that kid that called her 'noona'?? ...and weird Taejoo muahahaha XD anyway, update again author-nim cuz we love you too! ♥

Q. What is dufus supposed to mean? XD
hellobts1003 #9
Chapter 3: Ahhh you successfully made me suspended to death to know that mysterious person XD hahaha and aww youngjae and taejoo slept together hehe lol so far so good and have the comedies in it.. Goodjob author-nim! *thumbs up* Jjang!! I really hoping that you will update soon! And double update sounds better! ♥
hellobts1003 #10