Chapter 2

You're My Honey


Chapter 2


I was really excited when I walked inside the store. For an otaku, like me, Comic Alley is heaven! I looked around at all the items at the store, eyeing each and every item that caught my interest.

Just then, my eyes landed on something. It was something that I’ve always wanted..

A light pink vongola ring!!!

I’ve been waiting for this to be available in this store for a very long time and I’ve been patiently saving my lunch money for it. Now, its here!!

I quickly made my way towards the counter, not tearing my eyes away from the precious ring.

“Unnie!” I called for the sales lady incharge. “I’m buying this!” I held out the ring in my hand.

“No you wont..” A voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to see a tall guy looking down on me.

A giant?

“And why not?” I raised my brow.

“Because it’s mine.” He said.

“What are you talking about? I saw it first!”

“No, You didn’t! I did!” He retorted.

“Yes, I did!” I emphasized the ‘I’.

“No, You didn’t!” He forcefully grabbed the ring from my grasp and placed it on the counter.


I clenched my fists.

“Yah!” I screamed, not caring about the people looking at us.

“What?” He asked.

“I said I saw it first! I want it!” I tried to control my temper. As much as possible, I don’t want to hit anyone. “Miss, I’m gonna buy it!”I placed money on the counter.

“Don’t take her money. I already paid for it and I’m just about to take it.”

“B-but it’s still on display!” I reasoned.

“Err. Sorry miss but he really did bought it already.” The sales lady showed me a sales invoice. The freakin’ guy smirked as he waved his copy of the sales invoice in my face.

How I wanted to wipe that smirk off his ugly face!

“Sorry ajumma, But you see, I already bought it and I have an evidence. It’s mine.” He grinned widely.

Are my ears deceiving me? or he just called me an ajumma..?

I crossed my arms and glared at him.

“Whatever! I don’t want it anymore! You can have it for yourself and you can gulp it down your throat!”

“Ooh! Someone’s been moody.” He scoffed. “ Are you on your period today ajumma? Or you’re already on the point of losing it?” He laughed.

That does it!

I advanced towards him and stomped on his foot hard. He groaned in pain.

“That’s what you get stupid selfish jerk!” I spat at him. I immediately walked out of the store, leaving the jerk whimpering because of his sore foot.

Hmph! Serves you right!


 -------------------------------------------------END of CHAPTER -------------------------------------------------


Double update!

Someone said that the first chapter was short,

so I decided to post the second chapter up since im done with it.

Do leave comments my dear subscribers and readers.


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o.O Next chapppiie <3
J-cryptic #2
hahahaha!~ banzai fer ze update! what happened next? :I<br />
its awfully short! make it longer! yay! :3<br />
<br />
hmmmm i wonder who is YohL9191 XD
jiae97 #4
please update soon.. :)<br />
jiae97 #5
please update soon.. :)<br />
guitarboy09 #7
so nice nyhaha<br />
aerokinesis #8
hahah "A giant?" No baby, that's called a Sungyeol.