
try to read between the lines
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"You are seriously 100% freaking me out right now."

Momo stared incredulously at the girl bouncing in her seat in front of her, a girl who was usually so stoic and calm and mature all of this just seemed... unbelievable? Did she have some sort of magic mushrooms for breakfast earlier? Did Sana do something to her girlfriend - Myoui Mina, the girl in question who was bouncing in her seat - and her breakfast meal to make her so... un-Minalike? Or maybe all the pressure from the first semester had cracked. Ah, that was probably it. 

"What?" Mina giggled, and shook her head with an exaggerated motion, swishing her red hair everywhere. Momo tried to avoid her eyes from being hit by the strands of hair.

"Sana!" Momo mock whispered at the other Japanese girl sitting next to her, who was staring dreamily at Mina (as usual). The girl with the chipmunk-like features snapped out of her trance and tilted her head at Momo, staring at her questioningly.

"What's wrong, Momo?" She asked, her voice high and girlish but also adorable. Or maybe her voice wasn't adorable, it was just that Sana as a whole was... adorable.

"What's going on with Mina?" Momo asked, raising an incredulous eyebrow at the younger. Sana blinked, took another look at Mina's hyper and unusual self, before widening her eyes in recognition. A few moments later, she was bursting with laughter and fits of giggles. "What's so funny?"

Sana giggled for a few more moments before her giggles slowly dissolved into snorts, and the girl leaned back in her seat, inhaling a deep breath before grinning at the older girl. "I don't think she's had her morning coffee yet, Mina's never really sane before she has her morning coffee. Or maybe she ate too much ketchup for breakfast." Sana scrunched her nose, and Mina grinned at the sight of her girlfriend's cute expression. Momo felt like telling the two of them to get a room, but she felt like she'd been saying that for too much in the past ninety-six hours where she had to spend most of her time in their dorm, as a result of hers being boarded by her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend.

"Right, I'm just going to... buy her some coffee then?" Momo offered, and Sana nodded, her grin showing her gratefulness.

"Thanks, Momo. You're the best friend ever!" The girl did a little bit of aegyo for the other Japanese, and Momo snorted, but smiled anyway. "Oh! You don't have to go to the mall to buy the coffee, by the way. They just opened a Starbucks in the campus, just right around the corner of the main building!" 

Momo's eyes widened in surprise, but then again, it wasn't an unpleasant surprise. Lord knows how many students had been complaining about their lack of a cafe to the dean. "Have you tried the coffee there?"

Sana nodded enthusiastically, her her hair bouncing along with her head as her eyes sparkled at the excitement of... well, everything. That was just Sana for you. "One of their baristas serve the best coffee ever! I forgot what his name was, though. But, you'll know it when you taste his coffee."

"You've just set my expectations really high, you know."

Sana grinned sheepishly.

/ / /

As per Sana's instructions, the Starbucks is just right around the corner of the campus' main building, and Momo soon faced a tall, brand new building just for the coffee shop. It was the hour where most students had their classes, but since Momo's professor was vacationing somewhere in the Bahamas, she was free enough to go to the cafe. The Starbucks sign was still new, no smudges and everything was just... neat. When she stepped in, even the wooden and urban interior was new, no coffee stains staining any of the walls. All in all, it was nice, and the place screamed 'new'. Momo didn't really mind, though. 

The line wasn't too long, and the baristas shuffled along behind the counter, working their shifts seriously. She noticed there were three baristas working shift, two of them boys along with one girl. One of the boys was the tallest of the group, looming over the others. He was handsome, Momo thought offhandedly, with his hair dyed blonde (just like hers, which was just a coincidence), and his aura giving off a cold city boy feel. Then, there was the second boy, with lips that made it look like he grinned all the time with his small, but smile-like eyes. And that jawline and those cheekbones. She felt like she could cut her hand just by looking at them. The girl working with them was a girl Momo was familiar with, and as soon as she saw her, a small smile tugged on Momo's face.

"Nayeon!" She called, and the barista tilted her head to look at who called her name. The barista, Nayeon, grinned as soon as she saw her friend.

"Momo, hi!" Nayeon replied, her eyes lighting up and forming small crescents as she smiled. As soon as she noticed Momo was in line with no one tending to her, she shot a quick glare at the second boy, the one with the sharp cheekbones. "Bobby, you've got a customer."

Bobby looked up from his phone and glanced at Momo for a second before walking over to her, Starbucks apron worn messily and hair still unruly. Momo idly wondered if he just got out of bed before hurrying to his shift, because it sure looked like it. "So," He started, dragging the word and flashing a charming smile. "What can I get you today? I'd offer you our promos, but most people tend to cut me off in the middle with their orders."

Momo laughed quietly, and shrugged. "Hit me with your best promos."

Bobby raised a brow, but a lazy smirk formed on his features. He wasn't conventionally handsome, Momo thought, but he just had a certain pull to him that made him attractive. Not that she was attracted to him or anything. "Buy one caramel macchiato and you can get a 10% off on your next caramel macchiato."

"That's not a very good deal though? It doesn't make much difference."

"I just get paid to say these things, I don't make them up," Bobby answered, and Momo chuckled. He was cheeky, she noticed.

"I'll just have one short caramel macchiato, one venti cotton candy frappucino, and one venti americano, please," She ordered, reviewing Mina and Sana's orders as well as hers. The americano was for Mina, the cotton candy for Sana, and the macchiato for herself. Momo rarely drank Starbucks, often preferring to brew her own coffee because it was cheaper and she had limited budget as a university student, but after hearing the past orders from the people who were standing in front of her in the line, she decided to give it a try. Life was all about trying new things, after all.

"To whom am I making this for?" Bobby asked as he wrote down the order details on the cups, barely glancing at the blonde. 

"Caramel macchiato's for Momo, frappucino is for Sana, and the americano is for Mina. Thanks."

"My pleasure." Bobby glanced up from the cups to give her a quick grin, and Momo couldn't help but return it - his grin was contagious, even if her grin wasn't quite as full-hearted as his. She paid for her drink and waited near the pick-up counter for her orders, occasionally making small conversation with Nayeon, her high school friend (even if the other girl was technically a couple years older, but still) and glancing every few seconds or so at Bobby to see how her orders were going. 

A few minutes later, Bobby placed the three cups on the counter before leaving off to tend to another customer while Momo checked her orders. Mina, check. Sana, check. Mono..? Was that supposed to be her? 'Maybe he misheard my name,' she thought lightly, trying to ignore the feeling of wanting to smile after seeing the wink placed after her 'Have an awesome day!' message instead of the plain 'Have a good day' on Mina and Sana's cups. 

/ / /

The second time she went to Starbucks was during one of her study sessions with her study group, and the group, consisting of two boys and three girls (one of them her), gathered outside the building at the crack of dawn. It was a good thing the Starbucks opened at ungodly hours, Momo thought, as she observed the tired looks on her friends' faces. One of the boys, an ambitious but talented and intelligent guy who went by Hanbin, looked like he still had pillow marks on his face. It was kind of cute, but at the same time made her worry for how much (or little) her friends slept.

"Everyone here?" She asked as the unofficial leader of the group that morning (seeing as it constantly switched between her and Hanbin), and after doing a quick check, she pushed the doors open and was greeted by the smell of warm, gooey brownies and the familiar scent of strong caffeine - rich, dark, and tempting. Chanwoo, Jihyo, and Dahyun had gathered to one of the good seats (one of those seats everyone fights for - the one with the charger and good view, that one table everyone seemed to like), leaving Hanbin and Momo to order for the group.

"Boss man," Momo said teasingly at the older, trying to not laugh at the sight of his disheveled hair and messy sweatshirt. Hanbin literally looked like he just got out of bed and threw on some sneakers and slung over a random backpack, but she thought it was a better look than him trying to be impressionable just for the sake of being completel

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bandeenl #1
Chapter 1: THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!
Ta3ngoo #2
Not saying you copied or anything but I read something similar with the Seulrene couple
Hi i've started my first ever fanfic and it's about Momo and Mark and other members of the 2 groups. Please check it out and I would really appreciate your subscription and support!! thank you:DDDDDDD
SCREAMS BC TWICEKON. ugh this is so cute why. jiwon and momo - just. ;,;,
i was actually going to write a btsvelvet story with the same prompt / au as this (haha i saw it on tumblr) but now i'm intimidated. like. omg.
Chapter 1: omg i cant believe i just read this recently ;;;;;;;;;;
i nEED A SEQUEL nOOoOOoOOooOOw no lie
im gunna throw a tantrum i swr on me mum
lOl jk <3 i need more momo doe omg her chara is just mmmn
Chapter 1: How cute ><
I enjoyed your writing; so neat and detail. The fluff too, hahahaha.
See you on your next fanfic! ^^
Chapter 1: Ommggg I wish it was longer haha I wanted to see how they progressed it was too cute fjfbdkjdndkd
whatswrong #10
hey, i made a little edit for this story cuz i love it so much ^_^