handsome RUDE boy.

Woollim, Cube, INFINITE, EFJay, B2ST, the Han family, the Yang family and all. ^^

Han Jaemi/EFJay’s P.O.V :

I was on my way to dad’s office, rushing. I’m late, AGAIN. I don’t want daddy to be mad at me. I ran towards the elevator and waited for my turn to get in. then I saw a boy beside me. He’s… quite handsome? Maybe he worked here. Then, I started to start a conversation with him, “Annyeonghaseyo.” I bowed and smiled to him. “Ah. Annyeonghaseyo.” He replied with a smile, not bowing to me. HELLO! I’m the CEO’s daughter, okay? At least he can respect me. -,-

The door of the elevator slides, “y-you should go first.” I mumbled. “No. you go first. Ladies first.” He smiled. Wait, he’s faking a smile to me?! “Hey, look. Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you know how to respect people? And, stop your fake manners. They’ll just make me VOMIT.” I blurted out. Wait, no!!! Did I just say that to him? To the… handsome boy?! No way.

“Like I know who you are.” He rolled his eyes. “You’re just a girl who rushed out of nowhere.” He continued. OMAIGOSH. This guy… he’s making me hate him. Hmmmm, should I tell Eunmi? He’ll be dead after that. But, what if he’s one of daddy’s secretaries? Grrrr. I gave him a death glare.

Oh! I almost forgot! I’m late, I’m late! The elevator opened its door and I got in first without saying goodbye to that rude boy. Well, like I care. I’m dead. Dad’s gonna be angry. Arghh. Just because of that boy… I’ll get him next time. I clenched my fist tightly.

_dad’s office_

As usual, dad’s sitting on his ‘boss chair’. He smiled to me. So, I’m late and he’s not angry? That’s weird.

“D-dad, is there something really important that I need to know?” I said nervously. I gulped and waited for dad to answer my question. “I’m going to UK next three days.” He explained. “What?! So, you’re gonna leave us?” I asked in my sad tone. “You all are gonna be protected. Don’t worry.” Wait, did I hear something wrong? “By who? Mom? She’s not here anyway…” I just stared on the floor. “By infinite.” Dad said. “What?! I don’t even know them.” “You will. Do come, Ryufint’s café. 8, this night.” Dad winked. I just rolled my eyes and looked back down on the floor. “Okay, you can go now. That’s all. Oh! Anyway, Namin wanted you to accompany her to buy some things. Is that okay with you? Since you’re her sister, it’ll be okay, right?”

Dad, I’m not a baby anymore. Don’t look at me like that. Oh, please…

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. I walked out of the office and thought, When I got home and found Eunmi unnie, I’ll definitely tell her to beat that rude handsome boy up. *evil smile*




how's that eh? i'd like to know your comment. so, can you please comment? ;33


i'm sooooooooooooo busy with school. so, i'm sorry, readers! x[

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this_EunMi #1
oh,i thought Jaemi gonna tell about that rude guy.well,thanks 4 update. :)
imme_myunghyeon #2
unnie-ah, thanks~ ^^ yeah, you know who that boy is. :P miss u too! XD
this_EunMi #3
omo.who's that rude guy!?well,actually,i know him.but i dare to myself 4 not spoil it!anyway,nice story update,saeng-ah!miss u~ :3
imme_myunghyeon #4
this_EunMi - of course, unnie! ^^<br />
this_EunMi #5
oho,update soon,donsaeng-ah! xD