Chapter 1: First Encounter.

That Winter

  A few light taps upon the pane made me turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. I watched the large flakes fell from Heaven as if the angels were having a pillow fight and the goose down fell to our humble homes, transforming the landscape making Seoul a magical land full of wonder and undiscovered mysterious. 

  As of today, it marks the 136th days that I had survived from the illness that plagued my entire life. I'd always thought I would never make it out alive to experience another winter in Seoul again. My hand involuntarily moved towards my chest, where the scar lies beneath my thin fabric shirt. I'd remember the days where I spent in the ward hoping for miracles, constantly feared of death. 

  But I believed in miracle, and today, I survived. 

  I turn again to stare at the flash of diamonds across the wide landscape of Seoul and a smile begin to plaster on my features. I sprang out of my bed as I hastily grabbed my scarf and winter coat and make it downstair towards my door.

  Slipping my feet into my thick and heavy winter boots I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the cold winter of Seoul. Like a wolf the snow bit at my skin with its sharp icy teeth. 

  I took in the moment to process the scene in front of me - kids around the neighbourhood were having snowball fight, adults were begining their preparation for arrival of Christmas accompanied by the magical snowflakes that float down from the sky, twirling and swirling with such beauty I can't help but to be captivated by the scene. 

  At this moment, the little things I once neglected seems so precious and valuable to me. I tilted my head to the sky, silently showing my gratitude towards God for giving me the second chance to live. 

  I walked along the pavement as I continue to enjoy the winter in Seoul...until I slipped down the pavement. I was about to fall into a pile of snow but a pair of warm hands encircled around my waist and pull me to him. My back hit a wall of muscular chest and I quickly turned my head towards my saviour and my breathe hitched. 

  My heart gave a beat and a weird sensation coarses through my veins as I stared at what looks like an Angel in front of me. His big doe eyes staring right into my eyes. His features was crafted so perfectly. I had never seen him before but yet it feels like I have known him for a very long period of time. Every fibre in my body is giving me some sort of weird signals about the man in front of me. My heart was beating very fast, as if he was my lover. 

  "Do I know you?" I said. 

  The latter raised his brow and was followed by a low chuckle, "I expected a "thanks", but I guess its fine. And to answer your question - No, we had not met before." He said.

  "Oh," I murmured. "I am sorry about that. Thanks for saving me, I would have been buried by the pile of snow if it wasn't for you." I laughed and he laughed as well. And its very mesmerizing how his laughter could sound like a melody that brings music to my ears. 

  "My name is Jihyun, Song Jihyun. Pleasure to meet you." I held out my hands. 

  He returned the handshake and again a series of weird sensations came to me again. His touch felt so familiar. "Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. I just lived the down the street. Its my pleasure too." 




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Oohh...sounds very interesting!!! (: nice poster by the way! Fighting!