
Will You Be Mine?

Baekhyun woke up to his doorbell ringing incessantly.


He got up from bed groggily and when he answered he was met by the big smile of his tall boyfriend.


“What? What are you doing here?”

“You said to surprise you.”


That was the only explanation that Chanyeol gave him before passing by him and entering his apartment without an invitation.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun were polar opposites in some aspects. While Chanyeol’s apartment was pristine and impeccable, Baekhyun’s was, well let’s just call it cosy.


Baekhyun started picking up clothes that he had left on top of the sofa and old newspapers that were all over the kitchen counter. To Chanyeol’s horror he just opened a door and tossed it all in.


“If I knew you would come, I would have cleaned before hand.”

“If you knew I would come, you wouldn’t have let me. Is that why you didn’t invite me before, because you didn’t wanted to clean?”


Chanyeol asked but Baekhyun just gave him a dirty look.


“Go wash your face, I’m going to make you breakfast.”


Baekhyun obeyed. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and was met with the delicious aroma of eggs, bacon and coffee.


He went back to the kitchen and notice that not only breakfast was done but also his apartment looked less crowded. Baekhyun rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything else. Before he could sit down to eat he was wrapped around Chanyeol’s arms and a kiss was planted on his lips. Suddenly Baekhyun feared to be forgetting something. Perhaps it was their 100 days or something like that?


“What’s the special occasion?”  

“Nothing, just that I love you and that I get to see your place for the first time.”


Well, at least he didn’t forget anything.




Baekhyun started eating and to his surprise everything was delicious.


“So what are we doing today?”


Baekhyun asked, since his boyfriend was set on ‘surprising’ him.


“How about we stay in?”


“Well, yeah. We could cook or order in and just stay cuddling all day.”


“Yeah just that, unless you want to do something else of course.”

“Park Chanyeol.”


His tone was warning but not menacing.


“It was worth the try…”

“Well, there’s nothing in my fridge anyways, I don’t think we can stay in.”

“We can go to the supermarket and you can show me your neighbourhood.”

“Why are you so intent on it? Are you trying to make a background check on me Mr. Park?”

“Well, sort of. I just want to know everything about you and also to know if there’s some ex-boyfriend that I need to take care of.”


Baekhyun just laughed at how incredibly cute Chanyeol was acting.


“Alright, but careful with your hands Mr. Park.”


Baekhyun showed Chanyeol around and they bought some groceries. He wasn’t kidding when he said he had nothing on his fridge.


They sat down to see a movie on TV.


Baekhyun felt himself being wrapped up by the long arms as he was pulled against Chanyeol while they sat on the couch.


“Um, Chanyeol, it’s kind of too hot for this.”

“It feels just perfect.”


Baekhyun let himself relax and be cuddled and Chanyeol was right after all, it felt just perfect.



Baekhyun and Chanyeol started visiting each other more. You could see the process at how Chanyeol’s place grew messier, while Baekhyun’s grew tidier. Every time after Baekhyun visited Chanyeol, he would clean up and re arrange things but Baek was like a force of nature and things never lasted.


One afternoon after work, they decided to buy some food to go and eat it at Chanyeol’s place were they would be more comfortable. Chanyeol was paying for their food when he heard it.


“Baekhyun? Is that you?”


A man’s voice was calling out for his boyfriend.


“Yifan? It’s been so long!”


Chanyeol saw how Baekhyun ran straight to some other man and embrace him with a big smile on his face.


What it made it all worst was that the man in question was tall, very tall, even taller than him. He was blonde, extremely good looking and with a very confident glint in his eyes.


“Baek, I’ve missed you. How have you been?”

“I’m doing great. How about you? I didn’t know you were back here, I thought you were in China.”

“I’m on a business trip.”


Chanyeol walked closer to them feeling left behind.


“Oh Yifan, this is Park Chanyeol he is…”

“His boyfriend.”


Chanyeol finished whatever introduction Baekhyun was making and stretch his hand towards Yifan without taking his eyes off.


Yifan gave him a side smile and shook his hand.


“You are a lucky man.”


Yifan said to Chanyeol and turned again towards Baekhyun.


“Ah, I shouldn’t have let you go back then.”


Baekhyun just smiled at him.


“Well, we should be going. Enjoy your meal.”


Chanyeol said before anything else could happen or he could be even more tempted to punch this guy right in the face.


“Wait, Baek here is my contact. Call me sometime so we can catch up!”


He handed Baekhyun his card and they hugged goodbye. Chanyeol quickly took Baekhyun’s hand and dragged him away. They were silent on their walk home.


“So, are you going to keep that card?”


Chanyeol asked once they were in the apartment.


“What are you talking about?”

“The card that guy gave you, with his contact.”

“Yifan? Well, yes, why wouldn’t I?”


Chanyeol scoffed.


“Well, because I don’t want my boyfriend calling some other guy. Who is he anyway?”


Chanyeol’s tone took a quick turn into anger and Baekhyun’s was going from defensive to anger as well.


“He is an old friend of mine. I am allowed to have friends you know.”

“Exactly how old and exactly how friends?”

“He was my boyfriend many years ago, but there’s nothing and there won’t be anything between us anymore.”

“What?! And tell me, will there be many more encounters like this?”

“What do you mean Chanyeol? What are you implying?”

“Well you can be sure I’m not going to run into my ex’s arms, even less in front of my current boyfriend!”

“I’m not having this conversation Chanyeol.”

“Why? Something to hide?”

“No, because it’s stupid. You are being stupid and I can’t believe you are acting this way.”


Baekhyun stood up and made his way towards the door.


“Where are you going?!”

“Home. I don’t want to talk to you anymore for today. You are just going to make everything worst.”


Baekhyun left and Chanyeol stood there looking as if he just got a slap on the face.



The following day Chanyeol entered his office a bit late dragging his feet.


“What the hell happened to you? I was about to call the police! Why are you late? Are you ok?”


Kyungsoo bombarded Chanyeol with questions. Chanyeol was never late and today he looked closer to a zombie than a human being.


“Kyungsoo, please cancel all my appointments. I don’t feel like seeing anybody today. I’m just going to make some paper work. You can go home if you like.”


Kyungsoo stood there perplexed.


“Did something happen with Baekhyun?”

“I met his ex boyfriend yesterday and now Baekhyun doesn’t want to see me.”

“Ex boyfriend?”

“Yes, tall, blonde, handsome.”


“What? Even you know him?”

“Well, yeah they were a couple back in school. Wow, I can’t believe Yifan is back!”

“Could you be a little more sympathetic? I’m suffering here!”

“Don’t be overly dramatic. But what did you say, Baekhyun doesn’t want to see you?”

“We had a fight yesterday and today he wasn’t at the café. Do you think he ran away with that guy?”

“Oh gosh Chanyeol, you should have been a fiction writer instead. Baekhyun must still be mad, just let him be.”


Chanyeol went to his office. Kyungsoo brought him some coffee and later on he said goodbye as he took Chanyeol’s offer for a day off.


Ten minutes later he heard the front door open. Kyungsoo must have forgotten something. His office door opened and even when Chanyeol’s head was on top of his desk he felt the air shift and knew that Baekhyun was here.


He felt as Baekhyun’s hand landed on his shoulders and rubbed his arms.


“I’m sorry.”


He heard Baekhyun say before feeling a light peck on his neck. Chanyeol raised his head to look at Baekhyun who was sitting down on the desk.


“I’m sorry about yesterday. I said some things I didn’t mean. I guess I should have put myself in your shoes first. I wouldn’t like seeing your ex either.”


Baekhyun said. It took Chanyeol by surprise that he was apologizing first, when it was Chanyeol the one who made many insinuations and other hurtful remarks.


“To show you how sorry I am, I’m calling it even. You are done with re-paying your debt.”


Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile now.


“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have said any of those things. Your ex just threw me off guard.”

“Yes, I know. I didn’t call him by the way. Here…”


Baekhyun took out Yifan’s card and placed it on Chanyeol’s hand.


“You can call him and ask him yourself.”

“Kyungsoo told me you were a school couple.”

“Yeah, we were young back then and we liked each other but then he left to study and later work at China so we just drifted apart.”

“So you didn’t have a bad break up? You just stopped seeing each other?”

“If you are implying that I might still have feeling for him you are wrong. I liked him back then but we weren’t in love. I never felt for him what I feel for you.”


Chanyeol smiled shyly at Baekhyun.


“Do you still have pictures of him?”

“Yes, and I’m going to give them all to you so you can burn them, throw darts at them or do whatever you want.”



Chanyeol was fully smiling right now.


“You need to trust me ok? I trust you.”

“Ok, just don’t disappear again. I can’t stand it when you do that.”


Chanyeol embraced Baekhyun holding him tight, needing to fill all those hours that they spent away.



Baekhyun was expecting Chanyeol at his apartment today. They were going to spend another day in. He loved those times more now. They usually cooked and cuddle and Baekhyun had grown really fond of that. He loved how Chanyeol’s tall frame fit against him.


The doorbell rang and when he opened the door he could barely see his boyfriend. Chanyeol was carrying so many things at once.


He dropped everything that he was carrying.


“Look, I bought meat for dinner.”


Baekhyun saw the box and his eyes grew open. Chanyeol bought the most expensive thing in the market. And there was so much of it that he didn’t know how they could eat it all.


“I also brought some things for your place.”

“What things?”

“Look I got you a humidifier for the room. It even has a remote control.”


It was silver, and tall and expensive looking.

“I also got you this robot cleaner. Its like a dog, so you can basically call it and it will come to you. So, you won’t feel lonely when I’m not here.”


Chanyeol gave him a kiss and he looked so happy that Baekhyun couldn’t dare reject his gifts even when they were expensive things he really didn’t needed.


Dinner was delicious and they had already seen several movies on TV and kissed for a very long time but Chanyeol seemed to be evading something.


“It’s getting a bit late and it looks like is going to rain.”


Baekhyun said but Chanyeol looked the other way.


“Yeah, I want to see your clothes. Show me your closet.”

“Why would you want to see my closet?”

“Just because.”


Baekhyun showed him his closet, which it didn’t take much time but Chanyeol made it longer by pulling out nearly every piece of clothing, also by looking at every single pair of shoes from every angle.


“I know! Gosh, how could I forget?! I should set the things I bought for you!”


Chanyeol proceeded to set the humidifier, which it wasn’t so difficult but he made a whole scene of moving it all over the room to find the best place. It ended up in the very first spot by the bed. Same thing happened with the robot cleaner.


Nearly two and a half hours later Chanyeol looked out the window.


“Oh wow, it’s raining so much. I’m not sure if it safe to drive like this…”


He looked at Baekhyun who instead was looking back at him with an eyebrow raised.


“So maybe it would be better for me to spend the night, you know since is so late and the visibility is so poor…”


Baekhyun laughed.


“Wow. You are incredible. I should force you out in the street right now.”


Chanyeol was giving him his puppy eyes and that expecting glance was too much for Baekhyun.


“Alright, you will sleep in the couch.”


Chanyeol smiled but he dared press his luck.


“But I want to sleep with you. Don’t worry I won’t do anything to you, and believe me, it’s killing me not to do anything to you but I will behave, I promise.”

“Don’t push your luck Mr. Park. If you want to shower I can look for something you might be able to wear.”

“It’s ok I have some clothes down in my car.”


“I’ll be right back.”


Chanyeol returned all wet from the rain carrying a small bag with him. He had thoroughly planed this ordeal.


Chanyeol came out of the shower smelling like Baekhyun’s minty freshness. Baekhyun took a shower as well.


They talked for a few more hours and when it was too late for them to keep their eyes open Baekhyun made his way to his room. Not even two minutes later Chanyeol opened the door and plopped down on his bed without his shirt.


“What are you doing? I told you to sleep on the couch.”

“Sorry, I can’t do that. The couch is too small for your tall boyfriend.”

“Then sleep on the floor.”


Baekhyun started pushing Chanyeol but Chanyeol was like an unmoving tree.


“Fine, I’ll sleep on the couch.”



Chanyeol moved fast and caught Baekhyun around his arms, hugging him as he would a giant teddy bear.


“Ah, not fair Chanyeol.”

“Can’t we just stay like this? I want to wake up with you.”


Baekhyun gave up fighting.


“Why do you always have to say the right thing?”


Chanyeol smiled.


“Because I love you.”

“Now you are just being cheesy.”


Despite his reply Baekhyun was smiling as well.



He was still sleeping, his hair dishevelled and Chanyeol had never seen anyone look so beautiful. Chanyeol silently got up from the bed and went looking for his mobile. He took at least 20 pictures of sleeping Baekhyun before the other woke up.



When Baekhyun opened his eyes he was met by his boyfriend beautiful smile. He was still shirtless so Baekhyun’s eyes strayed a bit. Chanyeol caressed Baekhyun’s hair, fixing it a bit.


“Good morning!”


Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t know he wanted to wake up next to Chanyeol so much.


“Good morning!”

“Are you hungry?”

“Not yet.”

“Good, then let’s stay in bed a bit longer.”


Like that they spent another day in each other’s arm until the night fell again.


“Agh, I should have brought more clothes.”


Chanyeol complained standing in the door.


Baekhyun smiled and gave him a hug. He was so grateful for Chanyeol. He felt cherished and happy. He really melted at the way Chanyeol looked at him and kissed him. At that moment, without thinking and without regrets, he said what he had been feeling for some time now.


“I love you.”


He felt Chanyeol tense and then as he hugged him tighter.


“I love you too.”


The smile in Chanyeol’s face couldn’t have been bigger.


“But why do you say that now? How am I supposed to leave after you tell me this?!”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he smiled.


“Just go Mr. Park. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Noooo… Let’s escape, or even better lets not go to work tomorrow so we can stay here like this.”


Baekhyun laughed.


“Trying to get me fired now? Go before I throw you out into the streets.”

“But, you love me.”

“Don’t make me regret saying it!”

“Alright, but say it again, please?”


“Oh come on Baekhyun!”

“Goodbye Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun had to push Chanyeol out of his apartment. Then he walked to his window where he could see his tall boyfriend’s car parked in the sidewalk. He opened the window and waited until he saw Chanyeol reach his car.




Baekhyun shouted and Chanyeol looked up.


“I love you!”


Chanyeol’s smile was back in place and he looked extremely happy as he got into his car and drove away. 

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174 streak #1
Chapter 3: Arrrgh... i love this
1106 streak #2
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!
you weren't kidding when you mentioned that the characters in this sequel would change a bit. I love how Baekhyun turned Chanyeol into such a sappy romantic xD
Thank you for writing this Beautiful fic <3
1106 streak #3
Chapter 1: "show me what you got" WHOA Chanyeol xD
byunsbunny #4
Chapter 3: ahh im soo in love with this~~ too cute and cheesy and i really love it!
110 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oohh too many cheesee. I actually love it! Compared to the first story Chanyeol seems really bearable here thanks to Baek! Baek is so cute and possessive Yeol is cute too. Ahh nice story!
Luc4sLuke #6
really cute story
Chapter 3: Chanbaek n you r amazing
Exofanland #8
Chapter 3: Cheese everywhere............I need to cut back on my cheese.
bubblethea #9
Chapter 3: This is so....... Cheesy! But i love it hahahaha you did great authornim