The start of His Doom

Cursed in The Next Life
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“Lee Donghae!” the shout heard calling for the son.

“I swear she hates me…” the boy grumbled, throwing a dejected look to his brother.

“Just go, you must done something again to make her sound like that,” his brother chuckled light, giving an encouraging pat on his back.

And so he made his way to down, to where the thundering voice came from, founding his mother grabbing a white shirt which without doubt is his, with an accusing look.

“Yes?” he hesitantly replied, already feeling himself getting smaller even before his mother start the lecture.

“Lee Donghae,” she emphasize the name with a hard glare. “If I didn’t know any better I would have thought I still have a five years old son in this house. So what is this?” she held high the white shirt which doesn’t look that much white, in fact it looked brown and covered in thick dirt.

“I… can explain that…”

“Well then explain it to me!” the woman deadpanned with a high voice. “What were you doing for your uniform to be this dirty?! Were you bathing yourself in a mud?! Or are you just trying to make me mad?!”

The boy lowered his head even more, gulping nervously under the harsh glare. “I-I… It was those girls… They were throwing things to me… A-and they threw muds on me too…”

“What have you done for those girl to do this to you?! And before it was this group of boys shredding your bag and books to bits, what in the world is happening with you?!”

“I-I…I don’t know… I never done a thing to them, they just… bullied me…” he muttered lowly with shame. And right before his mother say another word, his father interrupted.

“Go back to your room Donghae,” he said gently, his hand pulling on his wife. “It’s okay, your mother is just a bit stressed, it’s not your fault,” he added the lines which he didn’t know had said for how many times in those years.

When Donghae had left to his room, the father turned to his wife, giving her a confused look.

“I-I don’t know…” she said miserably, tears in her eyes as she clutched her hair in desperate. “I was only wanted to ask him what happen with his shirt… A-and when I saw his face… I just lost it.”

The male sighed deeply, her back soothingly knowing it always happened whenever his wife came in contact with his youngest son. Thought they’re clueless as to why she always lost her temper only to Donghae.




“Oops,” the waitress said with a blank face as she apologize with an obvious fake smile. “Sorry.”

If he didn’t know any better, he would get angry when the waitress poured him coffee to his lap instead to his cup. He could only nod with a dejected smile, gritting his teeth behind it. All the years he had lived tell him that it would be useless to say anything to any women.

“Oh that’s okay, he’s fine,” the woman who’s sitting across the table said to the waitress with a bright happy smile, which is replied with a concern smile from the waitress as if saying ‘are you okay sitting at the same table as this loser?’

Donghae lift up an eyebrow gaining a teasing satisfied smirk from the woman.

“Be thankful she didn’t pour that to your face,” she then took a glance to the counter. “And that he didn’t see all that or even your face here.”

“So what if he see my face?”

“After the stunt you pulled last time, I don’t think he would hesitant to throw another punch to your face,” she laughed.

Donghae scowling at the memory, “you just love to make my life miserable.”

“Well, how wonderful that you finally know that,” she said sarcastically.

“Actually, this is my first time that I’m able to talk decently with a woman… It’s kind of strange.”

Ga In smiled proudly, “how does it feel Donghae? It’s nice knowing you didn’t break anymore heart.”

“I always thought I’m cursed that even my mother doesn’t love me, never would have thought it was for real… In fact I’m pretty much a to any love related matter.”

“She does love you, but she couldn’t control her emotions towards you,” she comforted the guy feeling that Donghae deserve it at least. “You never thought of trying with a guy?”

“Well… I guess I did, but I didn’t have the pull to be attracted to a guy. I mean I could physically, but it was so… bland, so I kinda stopped trying after the third guy.”

“Wow, who would have thought you’re still the same jerk Donghae. Was they’re only your boy toy to satisfy your lust?” she winced.

“Hey, I was trying to feel something, anything! I thought I was some sort of aual or something, but I did feel the drive. And so… Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I treated them bad!” he quickly defended.

“The fact that you used them didn’t change though,” she deadpanned. “You said that you thought you’re aual, don’t you feel something towards women?”

“How could I when they practically made my life a living hell?” he scowled, but then added with low voice, “I am when they didn’t put me into misery…”

Ga In laughed madly as she knew her magic won’t let any single women be kind to the male. “As in females on the screen and papers? Or maybe the animated ones?!”

The poor guy scowling even more, causing Ga In to laugh

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Author nim, please update this again... Please continue on the story...
jaezetta #2
Chapter 2: Poor hae, gain is sure too much tsktsktsk...
Looking forward
Chapter 2: Poor Donghae.. :(
But this is the fun.. :D
Chapter 2: I'm so pity on Hae, he did not do anything bad but what he get only hate, from women and now hyuk oso don't like him... Well, who will like a ert that being rude to him... I guess Hae will still a playboy if he didn't get cursed, so maybe he deserve this... I'm curious what will happen next... Thanks for the update and can't wait for the next update... Please update soon...
Chapter 2: hahhaa donghae such a ert man but also pity boy in other side. But totally i love him XD
i hope it'll be haehyuk...
Chapter 1: This sound interesting... please update again soon...
Lonlytear #8
Chapter 1: Intersting so far
I love the witch ..i dont like hae to be a playboy hehe
And your poster is nice really
Thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 1: this is interest but im still a bit confius the conflict. Lol hhahaha need more chap to make me adaptation and understand clearly XD

good luck !!
kina_kirana #10
Chapter 1: I'm so gonna have fun too...hehehehe